proving that Cooper could have easily made contact with a ground assistant 60 or more miles away.
And maybe that's all Cooper needed.
56% of all Americans and Wage Earner Sheeple believe that Trump will get to the bottom of the Cooper hijacking. Mr Colbert and RobertMBlevibns are already talking to the Trump campaign competing to be appointed Cooperland Czar. They intend to flush DB Cooper out from his retirement home in Utah, California, or Oregon ... with new incentives that will abolish the FBI and appoint the New Cooperland Czar over all Unsolved Crimes!
You herd it here furst!
I just re-watched the "DB Cooper:Case Closed?" episode again. What's all the fuss about -- they're all getting a hard one for this Rackstraw guy? It seems, to me, to be just another johnny-come-lately story again -- somebody (Colbert) has his pet suspect (Rackstraw) whom he will never let go as his guy, despite providing only circumstantial evidence, despite the FBI saying there just isn't any evidence to pursue the suspect. In spite of it all, Colbert is sticking to his story and his guy, come hell or high water. All that work, time, and effort just to be turned away almost as fast as it came in. No hard evidence -- like money, parachute, or a briefcase-- only circumstantial evidence was presented.
.....Hold on...... I'm getting a deja vue -- I got this same feeling with Jo Weber (and Duane) and Robert Blevins (and RC) and others..... Maybe that's why I respect guys like Georger and R99 -- they like to work with facts, data, and real evidence. Anything else is just speculation, and lord knows we've had our share of that!