Author Topic: Dick Lepsy (missing person)  (Read 417251 times)

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Re: Dick Lepsy (missing person)
« Reply #15 on: November 18, 2014, 12:22:11 PM »
My understanding is that the FBI has never ruled Mel Wilson out. Vicki can correct me if I am wrong.


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Re: Dick Lepsy (missing person)
« Reply #16 on: November 18, 2014, 05:31:55 PM »
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My understanding is that the FBI has never ruled Mel Wilson out. Vicki can correct me if I am wrong.

I don't think they actually rule anyone out. I think a couple terms that would fit better for some suspects would be. "not a person of interest, or not a viable suspect." they leave the door cracked, so to speak.

I'm still game for exploring Lespy. I just don't see anything at this point and I have problems with his age.

Offline EVickiW

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    • NamUs:  (National Missing and Unidentified Persons System) Missing since September 1971 - Melvin Wilson
Re: Dick Lepsy (missing person)
« Reply #17 on: November 19, 2014, 04:24:00 PM »
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My understanding is that the FBI has never ruled Mel Wilson out. Vicki can correct me if I am wrong.

As far as I know he has not been investigated. Only briefly looked at.

Originally, I spoke with SA Curtis Eng in January 2011. He called after Jerry Thomas spoke with him about my father. Eng's first introduced himself. He told me had spoke with Jerry Thomas  then....with a sigh/breath asked "So...Why do YOU think YOUR dad was Dan Cooper?"

We spoke for a few minutes. I gave Eng my father's FBI #144034A. I could hear him typing it into the computer. He hemmed and hawed for a few seconds, then asked me to email him a short followup of our conversation and he would contact me with further questions.

About three weeks went by and I did not hear from him. I called JT and, in return he called Eng. Jerry related to me what Eng told him. Eng did not pursue looking into it further as he thought my dad did not look like the sketch.

So...I do not know the extent of anything the FBI did ...or did not do. I do know that I have never been contacted telling me they ruled him out on DNA or fingerprint comparison.
« Last Edit: November 19, 2014, 04:24:48 PM by EVickiW »
You are entitled to your own opinion, but not your own facts.

Offline Bruce A. Smith

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Re: Dick Lepsy (missing person)
« Reply #18 on: November 20, 2014, 12:03:49 AM »
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I noticed on the description page they didn't have a verified height for him. any reason why they don't know his actual height?
Great question.  His daughter posted the information on those websites as best she knew, considering she last saw him when she was 12 years old.  Interviews with a co-worker and his sister put him at about 6' or 6'1".  I have not found anything more that would give us a more precise height.

No record of his last known drivers license?

Not that I'm aware of.  There's very little left of what he left behind.  A musical instrument, a set of his favorite books, and a wooden table he made.  The daughter (Lisa) convinced the mother to donate all his clothes a short time after appearing on the SJR Show in 1986 and receiving no tips on his whereabouts.  She told her mom, "Even if he came back, those clothes would be out of style!"  Jackie kept all of Dick's clothing for 17 years after he disappeared.

Ross, I get the sense that you are taking the FBI at their word. There is another perspective to examine and that is that the FBI doesn't want the case solved and are throwing lots of disinformation out there.

What do you think of all the discrepancies in the case, lost evidence, and the lack of effective record keeping by the FBI?

Any thoughts on the Cossey murder and the apparent lack of a suspect, or any public release of evidence since April 2013?

I see that you have an e-book for sale at Amazon.  I'm preparing my book for sale in teh same manner. I'd love to chat with you and find out your experience with the Bozos folks.

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Re: Dick Lepsy (missing person)
« Reply #19 on: November 21, 2014, 04:30:03 PM »
Bruce, what's your take on the Lepsy?
« Last Edit: November 21, 2014, 04:54:13 PM by shutter »

Offline Bruce A. Smith

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Re: Dick Lepsy (missing person)
« Reply #20 on: November 21, 2014, 08:50:20 PM »
Long shot.  But I'm about to call Ross and chat about R-Lep.

Offline nmiwrecks

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Re: Dick Lepsy (missing person)
« Reply #21 on: November 21, 2014, 09:16:15 PM »
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There will never be a suspect with links to the hijacking

I have to disagree. Skydiving, aviation, military, criminal etc. are all links to this crime. If someone has any of those subjects mentioned, they can link the suspect to the crime. every crime story you read, or watch will tell of something linking them to the crime. Cooper doesn't need all of them, or any of them, but most likely posses one or two of the links.

Robert Blevins has a huge hurdle to get over with Tina having to look up at Cooper. Kenny was the same height as Tina. he possessed several links. skydiving, and knowledge of aviation, but his description is a problem. you can't part a bald head to the left. I believe in that period he was under weight, and of course the height is a problem coming in a 5' 8".

I still stand firm on the age issue with Lepsy. you would think Tina would say they guy wasn't much older than herself, and not 20+ years older. how much can we really match to the sketch? it could be way off, or spot on. where do we go respectively on age limits. while he was still on the plane they quoted in his 50's. the George Harrison notes claim 50-60. do we spread this out to 30-60 years of age? most descriptions are off due to the time frames of seeing the suspect. it ranges from seconds to minutes on the average crime. Tina spent hours with him, and the others had time to look him over as well.

Hopefully you will be able to shed more light on Lepsy's background.

Dick Lepsy disappeared two years before the Cooper incident, so it is possible he learned the information that was used during the skyjacking during that time, but this is another "unkown".  Lepsy was considered to have above average intelligence and was a voracious reader, so he could have learned those skills mentioned above, though he did not seem to possess that information before he disappeared.

Again, age is a subjective thing.  It's not like eye color or hair color, it's a guess.
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Re: Dick Lepsy (missing person)
« Reply #22 on: November 21, 2014, 09:51:11 PM »
I have to disagree about the age statement.

I'm sorry but I can't see the FBI or anyone willing to drop the age limit to 30 years old, not just 35. this is not really a "guess' as much as it's a calculated number between several witnesses. if this was a normal robbery, or car jacking I could see a wide range of age differences much like the descriptions they give due to seeing the suspect from minutes, to seconds. that's typically why descriptions are often wrong. I would put more confidence in the description before I settled on the sketch. several have mentioned it doesn't look like him.

Tina spent a lot of time with him. I'm pretty darn sure she could tell if someone was in her age range. they all stayed well above 40 years of age. I don't believe any of them mentioned anything about crooked teeth? Lepsy had that problem as well. again, Tina talked with him face to face for several hours and failed to note any dental issue's? another poster brought that up to me. as well as the height problem on NamUs. they have Lepsy at 6' 6" - 7' ?? I'm guessing that is a typo that's needs corrected as soon as possible. 

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« Last Edit: November 22, 2014, 03:30:24 PM by shutter »

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Re: Dick Lepsy (missing person)
« Reply #23 on: November 21, 2014, 10:12:37 PM »
Ross, I get the sense that you are taking the FBI at their word. There is another perspective to examine and that is that the FBI doesn't want the case solved and are throwing lots of disinformation out there.

What do you think of all the discrepancies in the case, lost evidence, and the lack of effective record keeping by the FBI?

Any thoughts on the Cossey murder and the apparent lack of a suspect, or any public release of evidence since April 2013?

I see that you have an e-book for sale at Amazon.  I'm preparing my book for sale in teh same manner. I'd love to chat with you and find out your experience with the Bozos folks.

I like taking a different tact than most folks, so I'm approaching this with the supposition that the FBI is and has handled this case very well and that they are correct in their assumptions.  I'm not saying that's my opinion, just that I'm approaching this with that attitude.  If the Cooper suspect was someone like Dick Lepsy, it's a random event with nothing to tie to it. 

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Offline MarkBennett

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Re: Dick Lepsy (missing person)
« Reply #24 on: November 22, 2014, 01:36:34 PM »
What about the height?  NAMUS lists him as very tall -- 6'8" or taller.  If Lepsy were that tall, that would obviously exclude him as a possibility.

I have doubts about the NAMUS height description (84 inches is seven feet tall!), but I can't tell from the photos whether he is a tall man or not.  He's about a foot taller than his wife in a photo, but I have no way of knowing how tall he is.

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Re: Dick Lepsy (missing person)
« Reply #25 on: November 22, 2014, 09:00:58 PM »
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What about the height?  NAMUS lists him as very tall -- 6'8" or taller.  If Lepsy were that tall, that would obviously exclude him as a possibility.

I have doubts about the NAMUS height description (84 inches is seven feet tall!), but I can't tell from the photos whether he is a tall man or not.  He's about a foot taller than his wife in a photo, but I have no way of knowing how tall he is.

Didn't I mention he was a professional basketball player?  Just kidding.  The Namus site's height is an error.  Here is a link to another missing person's website:
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Offline nmiwrecks

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Re: Dick Lepsy (missing person)
« Reply #26 on: November 23, 2014, 09:29:23 PM »
I threw up, ah, I mean I threw this up over on Robert & Jo's site, so I thought I would post it here.  It's a photo of Dick Lepsy at age 32 sandwiched between the FBI sketches.  Lepsy would have been 35 when the skyjacking occurred.
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Offline Shutter

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Re: Dick Lepsy (missing person)
« Reply #27 on: November 23, 2014, 09:43:50 PM »
Robert & Jo's site

 ;D :D ;)

(Shutter singing) your gonna get in trouble. your gonna get in trouble  :D :D :D

No turning back now my friend  ;D

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Re: Dick Lepsy (missing person)
« Reply #28 on: November 23, 2014, 09:46:43 PM »
If you wish to keep something at the start of this thread just let me know and I can post something at the top that will stay at the top. pics, or the story behind Lepsy? just let me know....

Offline nmiwrecks

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Re: Dick Lepsy (missing person)
« Reply #29 on: November 25, 2014, 07:10:00 PM »
Attached is the image of a couple photos of Dick Lepsy sandwiching the FBI Cooper sketch B.  I'm not saying Lepsy is Cooper, nor am I saying there is any known connection between the two cases other than a possible resemblance of Lepsy and the FBI sketches.
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