I posted this on the "other site" and thought it was worth posting here:
"Here is a link to the FBI's official website: You are not allowed to view links.
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Login The FBI states on their website "Cooper was no expert skydiver" and "The hijacker had no help on the ground, either" and "As many agents before him, Carr thinks it highly unlikely that Cooper survived the jump."
Now unfortunately, my mind is bound by common sense and reason, so I find myself asking this question: "What if the FBI is right?" And if the FBI is correct, wouldn't we be looking for a missing person who flew under the radar for many years and has some physical features which resemble the FBI Cooper sketches, but looks just enough off to remain hidden? Wouldn't we be looking for a "Dick Lepsy" or another missing person just like him?
As for the FBI, maybe they're sick and tired of,


telling them how wrong they are. I agree with Robert, Marla devastated the chances of ever resolving this case, but many others have joined her in souring the milk of the FBI's investigation.
Because of the the


shenanigans of the past, the FBI will more than likely never investigate Dick Lepsy. And sadly, there is no known connection between Lepsy and the Cooper suspect, but of course, there wouldn't be, would there? Otherwise he would have been looked at already.
If you read this forum, I'm kindly asking for your help. I can't do this on my own, I need your help. I want to add Dick Lepsy to the list of people that have been officially eliminated by the FBI as Cooper suspects (see attached).
This is not a personal attack against anyone, or their beliefs. I believe that if we were all in the same room together enjoying a beer or coffee, we would all get along smashingly and would have quite a conversation. Maybe someday this will happen, and who knows, we may even solve a few missing person cases between now and then.