Author Topic: CooperCon 2021  (Read 575377 times)

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Re: CooperCon 2021
« Reply #120 on: April 10, 2021, 12:29:24 AM »
I like Bill a lot. He has been very generous with his time. His wife has had a few strokes over recent months which have been challenging. Bill told me early on that his wife's health could be an issue. When we last spoke Bill said he would have to cancel and that if anything changed he would let me know.

Anyone who attempts to leverage Bill's misfortune and that of his wife not only doesn't know what the f#.K they're talking about, they're also a world-class piece of shit. Enough said.
Some men see things as they are, and ask why? I dream of things that never were, and ask why not?

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Offline Shutter

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Re: CooperCon 2021
« Reply #121 on: April 10, 2021, 01:22:58 AM »
rereading his comment shows he did believe his wife is ill but adds in his own explanation of why he couldn't make it. he's taken advantage of the issue adding his reason for Bill backing out.

It would of been nice to have him at the conference but I fully understand his reasons and back what ever he does..

Offline DBfan57

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Re: CooperCon 2021
« Reply #122 on: April 13, 2021, 05:01:23 AM »
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CooperCon 2021 UPDATE:

Location: Kiggins Theatre, Vancouver, WA

Dates: Friday, November 19, 2021 - Sunday, November 21, 2021

Schedule (Overview):

Not sure where Mucklow  lives?  I know Shafner is in S Carolina somewhere no doubt with a new last name?  If Tina does not live close, its going to cost them money to fly there, money for a hotel, and really, its something they have tried to avoid over the years.  So getting them to come is a stretch.  Dont you think?  It would sure help if there were funds available to offer them the cost of the flight and hotel.  That way they might be motivated?  Just a thought.  Would it be worth the investment to get one of the two main stewardess's present that "knew him"?  They are after all the star witness's in this case.  The only two that have a  snowball in hell's chance of identifying his voice lets say?  The cigarettes are gone forever.  Stupid beyond words.   So I believe that Mucklow is the key to this entire thing.  Still alive and healthy as far as I know?

>>> Friday, November 19th, Evening Social at Portland, OR location yet to be determined.
>>> Saturday, November 20th, Conference from 10a - 4p at Kiggins. Evening Social at Vancouver, WA location yet to be determined.
>>> Sunday, November 21st, Conference from 10a - 4p at Kiggins. Evening Social at location yet to be determined.

Confirmed Guests and Speakers as of today:

Brian Ingram
Catherine Scott (Capt. Scott's daughter)
Mary Jean Fryar (former FBI)
Tom Kaye
Bruce Smith
Mark Meltzer (377)
Vern Jones
Eric Ulis
Darren Schaefer (Master of Ceremonies)

-My plan is to reach out to several other people who have a connection to the case. I'll post updates as required.
-Also, I'll be creating a website for CC21 which will be LIVE soon.
-Additionally I'm planning on a conference that has plenty of panel discussions about several topics while actively engaging the attendees.
-There will be some giveaways and fun activities too.
-I'm also working to have tables set-up featuring items from local businesses.
-Finally, I will have T-shirts available with the CC21 logo (below).

Feel free to post ideas or thoughts.

Offline Robert99

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Re: CooperCon 2021
« Reply #123 on: April 17, 2021, 03:36:04 PM »
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Should airline pilots be concerned about UFO's....interesting article. must be one of them there new smart flares...

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Don't get your hopes up about little green men from Mars flying UFOs in the Earth's atmosphere.  Little green men from Mars don't exist in the first place.  And there is no such thing as flying saucers either.

Bill Nye's explanation is the correct one.  Remember that Nye was an aeronautical engineer working for Boeing in his earlier life. 

Aircraft flying above 60,000 feet are all VFR and do not have to report to any air traffic control facility.  Such high flying aircraft will not be squawking anything that the air traffic control people can decipher.  However, they will be in constant contact with "home base", whatever and wherever that may be.  They will be using enciphered data links, satellites, etc., etc..

Douglass is a long time observer of what goes on visually and electronically in the skies of western Texas.  His photographs have frequently appeared in Aviation Week and revealed new designs including, a couple of years ago, what may be the new B-21 flying wing.

Aviation Week has also published pictures in the last few years of the unique contrails of an aircraft that is referred to as the "Pulser".  But the people who took those pictures did not see or hear the actual aircraft.  The term "pulse" refers to a pulse detonation engine.  Lockheed has publicly stated that they were working on such an engine that could be used from takeoff to the hypersonic flight regime.  If such an engine is successfully developed, and the project appears to be ongoing, then that would be a giant jump in high-speed engine technology.

Further to the above, the Navy has just released a new video of a UFO encounter that can be viewed on the CNN home page today.  This video is believable.  It shows a triangle-shaped aircraft that is maneuvering ahead of an F-18.  They are definitely not flying in formation so it is not a gremlin in any F-18 system.

The UFO appears to have at least low supersonic speed capability but definitely not hypersonic capability.  The video was described as being filmed off the east coast of the USA and over the Atlantic Ocean.

Fear not, it didn't come from Mars and wasn't being flown by little green men.  It gave every appearance of being designed, constructed, and operated (whether manned or un-manned) by Earthlings.

Who the UFO belongs to is open to question, but it apparently just got caught in the Navy's airspace which resulted in the video.

Offline DBfan57

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Re: CooperCon 2021
« Reply #124 on: April 18, 2021, 07:16:24 PM »
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Should airline pilots be concerned about UFO's....interesting article. must be one of them there new smart flares...

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Please do not act like you have all the answers on this matter.

Don't get your hopes up about little green men from Mars flying UFOs in the Earth's atmosphere.  Little green men from Mars don't exist in the first place.  And there is no such thing as flying saucers either.

Bill Nye's explanation is the correct one.  Remember that Nye was an aeronautical engineer working for Boeing in his earlier life. 

Aircraft flying above 60,000 feet are all VFR and do not have to report to any air traffic control facility.  Such high flying aircraft will not be squawking anything that the air traffic control people can decipher.  However, they will be in constant contact with "home base", whatever and wherever that may be.  They will be using enciphered data links, satellites, etc., etc..

Douglass is a long time observer of what goes on visually and electronically in the skies of western Texas.  His photographs have frequently appeared in Aviation Week and revealed new designs including, a couple of years ago, what may be the new B-21 flying wing.

Aviation Week has also published pictures in the last few years of the unique contrails of an aircraft that is referred to as the "Pulser".  But the people who took those pictures did not see or hear the actual aircraft.  The term "pulse" refers to a pulse detonation engine.  Lockheed has publicly stated that they were working on such an engine that could be used from takeoff to the hypersonic flight regime.  If such an engine is successfully developed, and the project appears to be ongoing, then that would be a giant jump in high-speed engine technology.

Further to the above, the Navy has just released a new video of a UFO encounter that can be viewed on the CNN home page today.  This video is believable.  It shows a triangle-shaped aircraft that is maneuvering ahead of an F-18.  They are definitely not flying in formation so it is not a gremlin in any F-18 system.

The UFO appears to have at least low supersonic speed capability but definitely not hypersonic capability.  The video was described as being filmed off the east coast of the USA and over the Atlantic Ocean.

Fear not, it didn't come from Mars and wasn't being flown by little green men.  It gave every appearance of being designed, constructed, and operated (whether manned or un-manned) by Earthlings.

Who the UFO belongs to is open to question, but it apparently just got caught in the Navy's airspace which resulted in the video.

Offline Lynn

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Re: CooperCon 2021
« Reply #125 on: May 08, 2021, 03:37:24 AM »
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She had her jump filmed. I did not film my jump.

That said, we jumped at the same time so I'm in part of her video before we jump and then in the background under a blue canopy. The video is viewable at the following link:

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You should plan a jump in November at CooperCon.

That's actually a pretty cool idea. I'm sure 377 would jump too.
You have to do it at night wearing only a business suit and loafers with $200,000 tied to your torso though or it doesn’t count.  :rofl:
Pfft, I'm a first-class chicken, but if someone wants to strap $200,000 to me, shag it, I'll pick up the suit and tie myself. Marty's book convinced me I'd have a better chance of surviving that than a trip downtown at this point. ;)
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Offline DBfan57

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Re: CooperCon 2021
« Reply #126 on: May 10, 2021, 03:25:36 PM »
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Should airline pilots be concerned about UFO's....interesting article. must be one of them there new smart flares...

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Don't get your hopes up about little green men from Mars flying UFOs in the Earth's atmosphere.  Little green men from Mars don't exist in the first place.  And there is no such thing as flying saucers either.

Bill Nye's explanation is the correct one.  Remember that Nye was an aeronautical engineer working for Boeing in his earlier life. 

Aircraft flying above 60,000 feet are all VFR and do not have to report to any air traffic control facility.  Such high flying aircraft will not be squawking anything that the air traffic control people can decipher.  However, they will be in constant contact with "home base", whatever and wherever that may be.  They will be using enciphered data links, satellites, etc., etc..

Douglass is a long time observer of what goes on visually and electronically in the skies of western Texas.  His photographs have frequently appeared in Aviation Week and revealed new designs including, a couple of years ago, what may be the new B-21 flying wing.

Aviation Week has also published pictures in the last few years of the unique contrails of an aircraft that is referred to as the "Pulser".  But the people who took those pictures did not see or hear the actual aircraft.  The term "pulse" refers to a pulse detonation engine.  Lockheed has publicly stated that they were working on such an engine that could be used from takeoff to the hypersonic flight regime.  If such an engine is successfully developed, and the project appears to be ongoing, then that would be a giant jump in high-speed engine technology.

Further to the above, the Navy has just released a new video of a UFO encounter that can be viewed on the CNN home page today.  This video is believable.  It shows a triangle-shaped aircraft that is maneuvering ahead of an F-18.  They are definitely not flying in formation so it is not a gremlin in any F-18 system.

The UFO appears to have at least low supersonic speed capability but definitely not hypersonic capability.  The video was described as being filmed off the east coast of the USA and over the Atlantic Ocean.

Fear not, it didn't come from Mars and wasn't being flown by little green men.  It gave every appearance of being designed, constructed, and operated (whether manned or un-manned) by Earthlings.

Who the UFO belongs to is open to question, but it apparently just got caught in the Navy's airspace which resulted in the video.

You have no idea who flew the tic tac or gimlin objects.  None!  There is no earthly explanation.  On another matter, do you guys have Tina booked yet?  If not, too bad.  But you have lots of time to get her a plane ticket.  It’s Tina or bust IMO.  Go get her!   She might be able to lure the old boy out if alive? Nobody else can.  And what does a guy that was 8 years old and found a bunch of his damaged loot have to add?  The proverbial squirrel 🐿 that found a 🥜.  Good luck

Offline Robert99

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Re: CooperCon 2021
« Reply #127 on: May 10, 2021, 03:37:15 PM »
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Should airline pilots be concerned about UFO's....interesting article. must be one of them there new smart flares...

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Don't get your hopes up about little green men from Mars flying UFOs in the Earth's atmosphere.  Little green men from Mars don't exist in the first place.  And there is no such thing as flying saucers either.

Bill Nye's explanation is the correct one.  Remember that Nye was an aeronautical engineer working for Boeing in his earlier life. 

Aircraft flying above 60,000 feet are all VFR and do not have to report to any air traffic control facility.  Such high flying aircraft will not be squawking anything that the air traffic control people can decipher.  However, they will be in constant contact with "home base", whatever and wherever that may be.  They will be using enciphered data links, satellites, etc., etc..

Douglass is a long time observer of what goes on visually and electronically in the skies of western Texas.  His photographs have frequently appeared in Aviation Week and revealed new designs including, a couple of years ago, what may be the new B-21 flying wing.

Aviation Week has also published pictures in the last few years of the unique contrails of an aircraft that is referred to as the "Pulser".  But the people who took those pictures did not see or hear the actual aircraft.  The term "pulse" refers to a pulse detonation engine.  Lockheed has publicly stated that they were working on such an engine that could be used from takeoff to the hypersonic flight regime.  If such an engine is successfully developed, and the project appears to be ongoing, then that would be a giant jump in high-speed engine technology.

Further to the above, the Navy has just released a new video of a UFO encounter that can be viewed on the CNN home page today.  This video is believable.  It shows a triangle-shaped aircraft that is maneuvering ahead of an F-18.  They are definitely not flying in formation so it is not a gremlin in any F-18 system.

The UFO appears to have at least low supersonic speed capability but definitely not hypersonic capability.  The video was described as being filmed off the east coast of the USA and over the Atlantic Ocean.

Fear not, it didn't come from Mars and wasn't being flown by little green men.  It gave every appearance of being designed, constructed, and operated (whether manned or un-manned) by Earthlings.

Who the UFO belongs to is open to question, but it apparently just got caught in the Navy's airspace which resulted in the video.

You have no idea who flew the tic tac or gimlin objects.  None!  There is no earthly explanation.  On another matter, do you guys have Tina booked yet?  If not, too bad.  But you have lots of time to get her a plane ticket.  It’s Tina or bust IMO.  Go get her!   She might be able to lure the old boy out if alive? Nobody else can.  And what does a guy that was 8 years old and found a bunch of his damaged loot have to add?  The proverbial squirrel 🐿 that found a 🥜.  Good luck

Oh, my gawd!  Is there really a True UFO Believer on this site? :o

Offline Bruce A. Smith

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Re: CooperCon 2021
« Reply #128 on: May 10, 2021, 06:22:31 PM »
There's at least two, Robert99.

In fact, there may be more shortly. My alien abductee support group is based in Vancouver, WA and they went NUTS last week when I told them I had written a book on DB Cooper. Now they want me to come on down and talk to the group about Danny Boy!

Offline Robert99

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Re: CooperCon 2021
« Reply #129 on: May 10, 2021, 06:57:24 PM »
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There's at least two, Robert99.

In fact, there may be more shortly. My alien abductee support group is based in Vancouver, WA and they went NUTS last week when I told them I had written a book on DB Cooper. Now they want me to come on down and talk to the group about Danny Boy!

Bruce, if you were abducted by aliens, what were they interested in?  And why did they release you?

Offline Chaucer

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Re: CooperCon 2021
« Reply #130 on: May 10, 2021, 08:15:43 PM »
Maybe the reason you have never been abducted, Bob, is because the aliens don’t like you either.
“Completely unhinged”

Offline Bruce A. Smith

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Re: CooperCon 2021
« Reply #131 on: May 10, 2021, 11:34:10 PM »
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There's at least two, Robert99.

In fact, there may be more shortly. My alien abductee support group is based in Vancouver, WA and they went NUTS last week when I told them I had written a book on DB Cooper. Now they want me to come on down and talk to the group about Danny Boy!

Bruce, if you were abducted by aliens, what were they interested in?  And why did they release you?

Ostensibly, the aliens known as "Grays" wanted to have sex with me for their hybridization program. Like most predators, when they were done with me they just threw me back in the pond.

But the bigger question is: Is any of this real? Sex with aliens? Hybridization? Etc.? Are the aliens themselves real? The short answer is: I don't know.

The longer answer involves the historical record of the Sumerians and all the theories that the History Channel presents in their Ancient Aliens series. There are a number of convincing moments in human history that suggest a dynamic intervention by ETs in human affairs, such as the evolution from Homo erectus to Home sapiens about 250,000 years ago, or the expansion of the frontal lobes about 50,000 years ago. My first paid gig as a freelance journalist was interviewing Zecharia Sitchin thirty years ago to discuss his work in his "Twelfth Planet" series that discusses all of the above dynamics. Zech clearly states that human evolution has been engineered by aliens.

To what purpose, though, is unclear. Sitchin says that initially a group of aliens known as the Nephalim wanted to transform erectus into smarter and tougher creatures so they could act as laborers and mine important minerals in Africa for the off-shoot ET group known as the Annunaki.

Currently, the emerging perspective is that ET interventions continue today, especially in the form of raising the consciousness in humans to a transformative state where telekinesis, telepathy, and teleportation are commonplace. A channeled entity by the name of Bashar says that he and his fellow ETs are preparing humanity to become Homo galacticus. This new degree of speciation will not only involve all the abovementioned "tele" stuff, but the ability to interact with interdimensional beings. As I understands Bashar, those humans who chose to go galactic will in about 100-300 years be able to double our life span, heal ourselves, live without sleep or food, and function as equal partners across the universe. In effect, we will become the New ETs.

I have posted much of my writings on alien abduction at the Mountain News, for those who are interested.

Lastly, the guy known as the "Alien Hunter," Derrel Sims, says that the folks who are being abducted by aliens are chosen because the abductees can "think outside the box." I think there is a high degree of truth to that perspective.
« Last Edit: May 10, 2021, 11:39:03 PM by Bruce A. Smith »

Offline Robert99

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Re: CooperCon 2021
« Reply #132 on: May 11, 2021, 12:28:17 AM »
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There's at least two, Robert99.

In fact, there may be more shortly. My alien abductee support group is based in Vancouver, WA and they went NUTS last week when I told them I had written a book on DB Cooper. Now they want me to come on down and talk to the group about Danny Boy!

Bruce, if you were abducted by aliens, what were they interested in?  And why did they release you?

Ostensibly, the aliens known as "Grays" wanted to have sex with me for their hybridization program. Like most predators, when they were done with me they just threw me back in the pond.

But the bigger question is: Is any of this real? Sex with aliens? Hybridization? Etc.? Are the aliens themselves real? The short answer is: I don't know.

The longer answer involves the historical record of the Sumerians and all the theories that the History Channel presents in their Ancient Aliens series. There are a number of convincing moments in human history that suggest a dynamic intervention by ETs in human affairs, such as the evolution from Homo erectus to Home sapiens about 250,000 years ago, or the expansion of the frontal lobes about 50,000 years ago. My first paid gig as a freelance journalist was interviewing Zecharia Sitchin thirty years ago to discuss his work in his "Twelfth Planet" series that discusses all of the above dynamics. Zech clearly states that human evolution has been engineered by aliens.

To what purpose, though, is unclear. Sitchin says that initially a group of aliens known as the Nephalim wanted to transform erectus into smarter and tougher creatures so they could act as laborers and mine important minerals in Africa for the off-shoot ET group known as the Annunaki.

Currently, the emerging perspective is that ET interventions continue today, especially in the form of raising the consciousness in humans to a transformative state where telekinesis, telepathy, and teleportation are commonplace. A channeled entity by the name of Bashar says that he and his fellow ETs are preparing humanity to become Homo galacticus. This new degree of speciation will not only involve all the abovementioned "tele" stuff, but the ability to interact with interdimensional beings. As I understands Bashar, those humans who chose to go galactic will in about 100-300 years be able to double our life span, heal ourselves, live without sleep or food, and function as equal partners across the universe. In effect, we will become the New ETs.

I have posted much of my writings on alien abduction at the Mountain News, for those who are interested.

Lastly, the guy known as the "Alien Hunter," Derrel Sims, says that the folks who are being abducted by aliens are chosen because the abductees can "think outside the box." I think there is a high degree of truth to that perspective.

Bruce, my takeaway from the first two paragraphs above is that you don't really know if you had sex with aliens or even if aliens are real.  I'm sure that Chaucer will come up with a convoluted explanation of how aliens exist and don't exist at the same time, facts be damned.

But in any event, I'm sure that Chaucer will want to attend all future meetings of your alien support group.  He should fit right in. 

Offline Robert99

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Re: CooperCon 2021
« Reply #133 on: May 11, 2021, 12:32:26 AM »
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Maybe the reason you have never been abducted, Bob, is because the aliens don’t like you either.

Chaucer, that is really cold!  :(

Have you been fornicating with aliens just as Bruce may, or may not, have been doing?

Offline Bruce A. Smith

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Re: CooperCon 2021
« Reply #134 on: May 11, 2021, 05:21:00 AM »
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Bruce, my takeaway from the first two paragraphs above is that you don't really know if you had sex with aliens or even if aliens are real.  I'm sure that Chaucer will come up with a convoluted explanation of how aliens exist and don't exist at the same time...

Ah, the Schrodinger Paradox which states that an event or thing is both real and non-real until observed directly by a conscious being. (I am paraphrasing here.)

The act of observation thus collapses the superpositional nature of the alleged fornication.

Ironically, I am increasingly thinking that these kinds of conversations are exactly why the ETs are flying around in fancy tin cans and having encounters with humanity - eg: expanding our minds.
« Last Edit: May 11, 2021, 05:23:44 AM by Bruce A. Smith »