
Do you believe Cooper lived or died. the option are below to cast a vote...

0% Cooper lived
6 (9.2%)
25% Cooper lived
4 (6.2%)
35% Cooper lived.
2 (3.1%)
50% Cooper lived
14 (21.5%)
75% Cooper lived
14 (21.5%)
100 Cooper lived
25 (38.5%)

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Author Topic: Clues, Documents And Evidence About The Case  (Read 1874029 times)


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Re: Clues, Documents And Evidence About The Case
« Reply #2385 on: November 21, 2017, 01:05:28 PM »
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Keep in mind that Cooper spent most of his time in his seat. it had fabric on it (no prints) prints usually smear on door knobs, and he might of put gloves on prior to jumping which would leave no prints on the stairs. it's not like he was walking all over the plane front to back touching everything..

One veteran burglar I defended said he smeared Vaseline grease all over his fingertips when he pulled a job. Claimed it not only made prints illegible but prevented a good lift transfer if any were found. The Vaseline didn't thwart the hidden security camera that caught him in action.


So KY Jelly was what was in his brown paper bag? And DBC was a veteran burglar.

Did Bruce Smith kill Cossey after being caught on his property, in their feud?  Bruce's invasive tactics are well known. His feud with Cossey was deeply personal and well known. Just sayin, was Bruce cleared?
« Last Edit: November 21, 2017, 01:18:56 PM by georger »


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Re: Clues, Documents And Evidence About The Case
« Reply #2386 on: November 21, 2017, 03:03:24 PM »
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Keep in mind that Cooper spent most of his time in his seat. it had fabric on it (no prints) prints usually smear on door knobs, and he might of put gloves on prior to jumping which would leave no prints on the stairs. it's not like he was walking all over the plane front to back touching everything..

One veteran burglar I defended said he smeared Vaseline grease all over his fingertips when he pulled a job. Claimed it not only made prints illegible but prevented a good lift transfer if any were found. The Vaseline didn't thwart the hidden security camera that caught him in action.


Some criminals have claimed that model airplane glue, or its equivalent, works quite well in preventing fingerprints from being transferred to an object in the first place.


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Re: Clues, Documents And Evidence About The Case
« Reply #2387 on: November 21, 2017, 05:13:29 PM »
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Rackstraw's age still makes me skeptical. On most other points he is a great fit, especially being an appropriately trained, aviation minded, cunning and resourceful sociopath. Also Rackstraw had a BIG grudge.

Yup, Snow found that letter years ago. Little escapes the Snowfall. Snowmman is doing well but I just can't get him interested in returning to the VORTEX.

Anyone hear from Jerry? he used to be such a regular in the Vortex. I wish Farflung would ping us and let us know he is OK. Just vanished.

Happy Thanksgiving to all my friends on the forum, and a special thanks to Shutter who not only provides the robust platform, but somehow maintains order amidst chaos. Dave rocks. 

And a Happy Thanksgiving to those excluded but who still read this forum. Jo has been on death's door for years now and is still going strong. That's something to be thankful for.


What happened to Bob Sailshaw?  I tried emailing him a few days ago, no response.  I don't have a phone number.  If someone has it and wants to PM me, I'll call Bob.  He left us a bit upset.  I hope he comes back.  I miss him.  Meyer

Offline Bruce A. Smith

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Re: Clues, Documents And Evidence About The Case
« Reply #2388 on: November 21, 2017, 05:45:06 PM »
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Rackstraw's age still makes me skeptical. On most other points he is a great fit, especially being an appropriately trained, aviation minded, cunning and resourceful sociopath. Also Rackstraw had a BIG grudge.

Yup, Snow found that letter years ago. Little escapes the Snowfall. Snowmman is doing well but I just can't get him interested in returning to the VORTEX.

Anyone hear from Jerry? he used to be such a regular in the Vortex. I wish Farflung would ping us and let us know he is OK. Just vanished.

Happy Thanksgiving to all my friends on the forum, and a special thanks to Shutter who not only provides the robust platform, but somehow maintains order amidst chaos. Dave rocks. 

And a Happy Thanksgiving to those excluded but who still read this forum. Jo has been on death's door for years now and is still going strong. That's something to be thankful for.


Happy Anniversary to you, too, 377.

And big thanks to Shutter, too, for being steadfast as the windy swirls of the Vortex batter our beliefs and behavior.

Offline Bruce A. Smith

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Re: Clues, Documents And Evidence About The Case
« Reply #2389 on: November 21, 2017, 05:49:53 PM »
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What happened to Bob Sailshaw?  I tried emailing him a few days ago, no response.  I don't have a phone number.  If someone has it and wants to PM me, I'll call Bob.  He left us a bit upset.  I hope he comes back.  I miss him.  Meyer

Sailshaw and his wife moved to smaller quarters a few months ago. Condo-size from Big House on the Hill. They are still in Seattle. They also spend a fair amount of time in Cabo San Sunny La Playa in Mexico and tour hot spots in Europe, so he could be out and about.

As far as I know the email address is still good. I sent him the links to the videos and nothing bounced back, so I assume everything is copacetic.

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Re: Clues, Documents And Evidence About The Case
« Reply #2390 on: November 21, 2017, 06:07:18 PM »
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...Did Bruce Smith kill Cossey after being caught on his property, in their feud?  Bruce's invasive tactics are well known. His feud with Cossey was deeply personal and well known. Just sayin, was Bruce cleared?

Welcome to the DZ Everyone!

When we last departed the DZ, The Mouth of the South, Jo Weber, was accusing yours truly of killing Earl J. Cossey, the esteemed rigger of Issaquah (and once touted as the owner of DB Cooper's back chute and the FBI's parachute expert).

Now it appears that Jo has a new companion in argumentative crime: malicious and libelous mud slinging in an Internet forum. But as a published author of a book on DB Cooper I guess I am now a certified Public Figure and open to a certain level of attack, even if it's by a grumpy grandpa in an armchair.

Georger, if you really want fame and glory - and if you really want to take me down a notch or two, or even put me in jail for a spell - why not team up with Thomas Colbert? He'll do ANYTHING for a Cooper headline. Plus, I publicly called him a "charlatan" on TV, and "not a real DB Cooper researcher." Further, I described him the Executive Producer of the DB Cooper Show, Hollywood version, and simply angling for a lucrative movie deal.

So, Tommy should be steamin' right about now, and open to any poison you might want to pour into his veins.

Maybe you can get Tom to give you 5%? Whaddayasay, eh?

BTW: Do you really think I would whack Coss in the head with a monkey wrench when I know that the pen is mightier than the sword?
« Last Edit: November 21, 2017, 06:15:37 PM by Bruce A. Smith »

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Re: Clues, Documents And Evidence About The Case
« Reply #2391 on: November 21, 2017, 07:32:18 PM »
Jo... what can I say.

Accusing Bruce of murdering Cossey (while she was on the phone with Cossey so less) is soooo NUTS! I've told her that. Not one of her better moments to say the least. Not to demean Bruce's fighting abilities but in a Smith vs Cossey fight, I'd bet on the rigger, not the journalist.

Jo now portrays Duane as a kindly, altruistic near-saint., always putting the needs of others before his own. Baloney with a capital B. He was a predatory con man and low life thief. Them's the facts.

And Jo's portrayal of that car accident (which was ruled HER FAULT by the police) as a failed assassination attempt on her... again what can I say?

Jo sees things as she wants them to be, not as they are. Still, I like her, care about her, and wish her the best. It takes a village to make and sustain a vortex.



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Re: Clues, Documents And Evidence About The Case
« Reply #2392 on: November 21, 2017, 07:41:06 PM »
I don't see Colbert as a charlatan Bruce. JD Knight is, in my opinion, a lot closer to a charlatan than TC. The Maharishi Mahesh Yogi too while you are at at. It's far more likely that Rackstraw is DBC than it is for a person to levitate or reincarnate. That's just the engineer in me speaking. Maybe I'll rot in paranormal hell for my knee jerk belief in traditional physics.   

Colbert has done a lot of real research. Finding Rackstraw, who we all missed, counts for something.

TC is a lot quicker than I would be to jump to conclusions, but that doesn't detract from facts he has uncovered through his own work and FOIA requests and lawsuits.

Name calling isn't productive. I don't see TC hurling insults at BS. Can't we all just get along?

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Re: Clues, Documents And Evidence About The Case
« Reply #2393 on: November 21, 2017, 08:15:16 PM »
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I don't see Colbert as a charlatan Bruce... It's far more likely that Rackstraw is DBC than it is for a person to levitate or reincarnate...Colbert has done a lot of real research. Finding Rackstraw, who we all missed, counts for something.

TC is a lot quicker than I would be to jump to conclusions, but that doesn't detract from facts he has uncovered through his own work and FOIA requests and lawsuits...


Is Tom Colbert a charlatan? I say yes for representing himself as a true-blue DB Cooper researcher. He is not. He is more of an executive producer who gets other people to do the heavy lifting. That said, I do acknowledge that the Executive Prodcuer gets the first line in the Credit Scroll, so his contributions are not insignificant. I do not consider what I am saying as "name-calling." Rather, it is putting a spotlight on a leading figure in the DB Cooper investigation who is making headlines, again. What I am doing is more like telling the world that the emperor is not wearing any clothes.

Here is why I say Tom Colbert is a charlatan:

1. The Rackstraw information came to him from freelancers, videographers and such in Las Vegas and elsewhere, who got the ball rolling. Yes, TC was the administrative magnet that accepted the information and formed a response. I do give him credit for that.

2. Jim Forbes did most of the field work. When we saw TC in the HC docu he was ALWASY sitting at a desk. That is his bailiwick. Forbes was the grunt guy in the trenches, meeting with Airborne Bob, leading the film crews, and strategizing best how to proceed and determine if AB was DB. Remember, Forbes was the guy who went to Rackstraw's family, especially his sister, and conducted the interviews.

3. TC has twisted everything that Bill Mitchell said, and now positions BM as saying Rackstraw is Cooper. That is shameful.

4. TC grilled me for an hour over Tina and her memory, before the HC docu came out. I considered his tone to be beyond aggressive. It was vicious. He wanted to know every exact detail about what Calame told me about Tina's cognitive deficits, and what Calame wrote in his book. He also wanted details about Tosaw and what Richard told Rataczak concerning Tina's memory being wiped clean like a white board. He was really arming-up to get ready to throw her under the bus in case she didn't select AB as DB, but he didn't get the chance on camera, apparently, and she also seemed to have turned down all of his interview requests.

5. Tom has not read my book. Beyond being a personal affront, it is stupid for a legitimate Cooper researcher not to read the only case study of Norjak, even if one disagrees with half of it. To not read it is purposeful ignorance, and when one does that and still cast themselves as a bona fide researcher, I call that proof of charlatanism.

6. TC has mis-represented the FBI and their release of the docs. The "I Knew" letter was known about years ago, and discussed in several forums. What really happened is that TC finally read the letter! TC ignores all of that. In fact, I don't believe TC knows any of the letter's prior history. He strikes me as being very poorly informed.

6. Tom mis-uses his CCT. He has 40 former FBI agents and LE? Well, why doesn't he put them to work doing purposeful investigations? Like starting with the identity of Al Di. After all, one of the CCT is a former assistant director of the FBI. To not fully mobilize his crew is further proof, in my view, of his warped stature in the DBC firmament.
« Last Edit: November 21, 2017, 08:23:19 PM by Bruce A. Smith »

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Re: Clues, Documents And Evidence About The Case
« Reply #2394 on: November 21, 2017, 08:17:46 PM »
It's far more likely that Rackstraw is DBC than it is for a person to levitate or reincarnate.

In Bayesian or frequentist terms?
« Last Edit: November 21, 2017, 08:22:31 PM by andrade1812 »

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Re: Clues, Documents And Evidence About The Case
« Reply #2395 on: November 21, 2017, 08:30:27 PM »
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It's far more likely that Rackstraw is DBC than it is for a person to levitate or reincarnate.


According to the Catholic Encyclopedia and reports from the Vatican Library, nearly 300 saints have been proclaimed because they levitated.

But don't worry, 377. When the Jesuits come for you, just tell them you're a friend of mine. Pope Frank and I are ol' buds, too. Besides, he is harboring the pedophilic principal of my high school, so I have some leverage on him....

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Re: Clues, Documents And Evidence About The Case
« Reply #2396 on: November 21, 2017, 08:34:20 PM »
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In Bayesian or frequentist terms?

I have no idea. My brother-in-law just emailed me about Charlie Rose and he called Charlie "olegantic," or some such word. All I know is that Bayer makes my migraine medication. Works pretty good, too.

Maybe you should ask Meyer. He went to Kollege.
« Last Edit: November 21, 2017, 08:35:14 PM by Bruce A. Smith »

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Re: Clues, Documents And Evidence About The Case
« Reply #2397 on: November 21, 2017, 08:41:40 PM »
This doesn't belong on this thread....(Clues, Documents And Evidence About The Case)

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Re: Clues, Documents And Evidence About The Case
« Reply #2398 on: November 21, 2017, 08:43:00 PM »

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Re: Clues, Documents And Evidence About The Case
« Reply #2399 on: November 21, 2017, 08:48:03 PM »
The Letters and Al Di

Shutter, who or what do you think Al Di is? You were the last to correspond with him, apparently, when he was masquerading as IDLA at the websleuths.

Galen just emailed me and said he believes Al Di was a team of FBI agents gathered by Curtis Eng, and their whole Letter #3 Decoding Project was designed to smoke-out DB Cooper. Apparently they believed that Letter #3 was legit.

I find that hard to accept, but Curtis did some strange stuff. And her name was MARLA!

Galen also said that Letter #3 was considered to be a "major cypher" by the FBI, and heavily investigated by the crypto guys at the Bureau. I asked him how he knew that, but I'm still awaiting a reply.

Maybe just a lot of guys wanted to re-read the June and July 1971 Playboys... On company time, too!
« Last Edit: November 21, 2017, 08:54:24 PM by Bruce A. Smith »