
Do you believe Cooper lived or died. the option are below to cast a vote...

0% Cooper lived
6 (9.2%)
25% Cooper lived
4 (6.2%)
35% Cooper lived.
2 (3.1%)
50% Cooper lived
14 (21.5%)
75% Cooper lived
14 (21.5%)
100 Cooper lived
25 (38.5%)

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Author Topic: Clues, Documents And Evidence About The Case  (Read 1868577 times)


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Re: Clues, Documents And Evidence About The Case
« Reply #900 on: February 05, 2016, 11:54:40 PM »
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The FBI still maintains that Cooper died in the jump despite any evidence that happened. It is likewise a fact that no major researcher or book writer has addressed this issue at all! That includes Tom Kaye, Geoff Gray, Bruce Smith or anyone else you could name....

You got me thinking, G. Perhaps I'll add an "afterword" to the hard copy edition that I am preparing for POD at Amazon - it should be ready in about two weeks.

Simply, I will say that I think:

1. Cooper made it, was probably SOG or SF and well-trained for the rigors of the entire operation: ie: sitting on a plane for three hours with folks he said he was prepared to kill, jumping at night in the rain and cold.

2. Probably had an extraction team, also made of SOG guys - this would explain how nothing has been found - no body, chute, bomb, briefcase, etc. It all got cleaned up.

Bruce, since there is no way at all that Cooper could have known his location when he jumped, and neither could his "extraction" crew, just exactly where was the clean up?

Would a well trained military soldier do the things Cooper did?

1) The clothing.
2) The chute selection (fronts)
3) The lack of any type of flight plan

McCoy was military, and did it the way it should have been done. I think there is a noticeable separation between the two.

I am not sure McCoy is even relevant. We dont even know who (and what) DB Cooper was. We do know that Cooper inspected the chutes. He did take pains to fabricate a line to attach the money container and tied it around his waste (WWII paratrooper style?). We have several reports of some stranger walking out of the drop area with 'luggage'. The assertion he didn't know where he was may be irrelevant. He assumed they were headed south from Seattle, over the State of Washington; time spent aloft alone dictates he is still in the State of Washington headed south. He prepared to bail quickly after takeoff, which had FBI claiming he intended to bail just outside Seattle! We know that his chute will accommodate a bailout at 160knots. We know that his money appeared at Vancouver!

His dress seems to be the weak point?

No body or parachute or anything else has ever been found in spite of hundreds of people looking for it annually for years. But, his money turns up just west of I5 and the RR bridge at Vancouver, across from Portland where he originally boarded.
« Last Edit: February 06, 2016, 02:18:20 AM by georger »

Offline Bruce A. Smith

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Re: Clues, Documents And Evidence About The Case
« Reply #901 on: February 06, 2016, 12:12:47 AM »
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Bruce, since there is no way at all that Cooper could have known his location when he jumped, and neither could his "extraction" crew, just exactly where was the clean up?

"No way...?" You're painting with a very broad brush, here R99, and one with a lot of dried paint on it.  Let's go back to basics:

1. Did Cooper know he was flying south?
2. Did Cooper know he was flying in V-23?

I say yes to both, so I would say that Cooper (and his team) had a rough idea of where they were, at the least.

Now, let's add in probable and possibilities.

1. Did Cooper have tech comparable to his knowledge of the 727 and his jump metrics? I say probably yes. If he was SF and was trained to do DB Cooper-esque stuff, he probably had tech that would allow him to be tracked by his people, possibly even communicate directly with them. These parameters then allow for a full range of scenarios to develop for contact and extraction.

Remember, Cooper's knowledge of the 727 and its jumping requirements was top-secret level. Hence, it would be reasonable to assume that his knowledge in other areas would be comparable, along with the communication tech, and the quality of his extraction team and their vehicles.

Was his knowledge absolute and complete? Nope. He didn't know how to deploy the stairs. But his overall knowledge and capacities seem to have been enormous.

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Re: Clues, Documents And Evidence About The Case
« Reply #902 on: February 06, 2016, 12:13:50 AM »
I believe McCoy is relevant to an extent. his military record was known, and I keep reading that many speak of Cooper possibly being military. I'm just not so sure about that. it's all speculation since we don't have any background on Cooper, but the case is full of speculation.

You would think someone in the military would be on top of everything, especially the points of where, and when to jump. he never asked anything. people claim he could of had a watch, but that is limited. McCoy flew the plane, not the pilots. Cooper said, go to Mexico. no updates, nothing. he just vanished.

Offline Bruce A. Smith

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Re: Clues, Documents And Evidence About The Case
« Reply #903 on: February 06, 2016, 12:30:10 AM »
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Would a well trained military soldier do the things Cooper did?

1) The clothing.
2) The chute selection (fronts)
3) The lack of any type of flight plan

Let's reverse the question, Shut: What would a "well-trained military soldier" wear to a skyjacking?

Digging a little deeper, what should a well-trained military soldier wear. Lastly, what must a skyjacker wear to make it successfully to the ground?

More importantly, though, is why do you ask the question? Innumerable skydivers have posted here and elsewhere over the years saying that Cooper's clothing was adequate/irrelevant/etc. Yet some (you?) hold to the notion that Cooper was an idiot for wearing what he did, and most likely died because he didn't have jump boots, winter gear, goggles, gloves, facemask, etc. And I, of course, will reply as I have many times in the past, by saying that anyone who claims Cooper was critically under-dressed then must prove how Richard LaPoint made the same jump in January, in Colorado, in the snow, and wearing only slacks, a cowboy shirt, and cowboy boots.

Secondly, what does the "front chute selection" tell you? It tells me that DB Cooper didn't feel that he needed a reserve. Perhaps he fastened it to his kit as a means to shimmy down out of the canopy if he got hung up high on a tree.

Thirdly, what does the lack of a flight plan mean to you? It doesn't hold any importance to me, and I don't see how it might have had any relevance to Cooper. Again, it goes back to R99's question and the issue of whether DB Cooper knew where he was. I say he did.
« Last Edit: February 06, 2016, 12:31:32 AM by Bruce A. Smith »

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Re: Clues, Documents And Evidence About The Case
« Reply #904 on: February 06, 2016, 12:43:34 AM »
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I believe McCoy is relevant to an extent. his military record was known, and I keep reading that many speak of Cooper possibly being military. I'm just not so sure about that. it's all speculation since we don't have any background on Cooper, but the case is full of speculation.

You would think someone in the military would be on top of everything, especially the points of where, and when to jump. he never asked anything. people claim he could of had a watch, but that is limited. McCoy flew the plane, not the pilots. Cooper said, go to Mexico. no updates, nothing. he just vanished.

C'mon, Shut - ya gotta tell us what you believe! Do you think DB Cooper knew he was south of Seattle? On V-23? North of Portland?

What is your image of a well-dressed SF skyjacker? What does someone who is "on top of everything" look like? How do they function during a skyjacking? Why do they do it that way? Do you think a commando needs to ask directions during an operation?

I think it is useful to view Norjak as a well-planned, well-executed covert op. Think Seals. Think Mossad. Think Super SOG. What kinds of questions - if any - would those kinds of guys be asking Rataczak, et al?

I would be surprised if they would need to ask any questions at all.

As for McCoy, I recall you said here the last time we were talking about McCoy and his visit to Las Vegas on Nov 23-25, 1971, that you though McCoy was most likely honky-tonking in Sin City. But if you were planning to skyjack a 727 five months later, would you use the opportunities presented by the events of Nov 23-25 to further your education?

That of course, begs the question: did McCoy know Cooper. Ahhhh...that is the rub. isn't it.
« Last Edit: February 06, 2016, 12:44:29 AM by Bruce A. Smith »

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Re: Clues, Documents And Evidence About The Case
« Reply #905 on: February 06, 2016, 12:47:51 AM »
Cooper and idiot? possibly...fool, dumb-ass, careless, thoughtless, self centered...probably a dozen more could fit him other than "idiot"

Loafers are more of my concern over the other clothing.

Why does he have to be military?

The chutes, we can go round and round on that. I don't think he properly checked the gear.

If Cooper knew McCoy, he didn't seem to take any advice he would have gave him...

Offline Bruce A. Smith

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Re: Clues, Documents And Evidence About The Case
« Reply #906 on: February 06, 2016, 12:59:01 AM »
A related question:

How fast could an extraction team respond to Cooper?

Also, how much time would they need for a successful getaway?

We know they did have a fair amount of time. The earliest reported aerial searching was mid-morning on T-day, so Cooper and his team had about 12 hours before Himmelsbach flew anywhere near LZ-A. I'm not sure when the helos deployed, but I don't think it was Thanksgiving Day, and Himms and others say the LZ A was not confirmed until Thursday PM. The FBI and LE didn't have any helos at their disposal, so had to get them from the Oregon NG and local WA timber companies, and I get the sense that they weren't ready until late Thursday at the earliest, and then the weather shut them down, except for a few sporadic breaks over the next day or two. And of course we know that the ground teams didn't begin to go into LZ-A until Friday afternoon.

So, if the extraction teams had to re-position themselves 50-100 miles before they could rendezvous with Cooper, it seems plausible they were able to do so before anyone had eyes on them.

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In my world, the best place for an extraction team to wait for DB Cooper was at McChord AB, either by having an inside guy at the SAGE screens, or an operative at the coffee pot with donuts.....

...so, they would know where Coop may have been as early as 9 pm, and then they only had to drive a couple hours to get him. Unless SAGE couldn't have located him, which is another problem.

Of course, the getaway guys could have waited at the pub in Amboy and waited for Danny to signal them on the way down, and then they just had to follow their homing signals.
« Last Edit: February 06, 2016, 01:11:51 AM by Bruce A. Smith »

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Re: Clues, Documents And Evidence About The Case
« Reply #907 on: February 06, 2016, 01:02:25 AM »
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...Why does he have to be military?...

Well, the military, at least Billy Waugh and others in SOG, say he was military.

At the very least, it's a place to start.


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Re: Clues, Documents And Evidence About The Case
« Reply #908 on: February 06, 2016, 01:09:42 AM »
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Cooper an idiot? possibly...fool, dumb-ass, careless, thoughtless, self centered...probably a dozen more could fit him other than "idiot"

So, Shut, I sense that you are more comfortable thinking of Cooper as a fool or careless than a master criminal, and have a hard time accepting him as a military operative.

Am I correct in this assessment?
« Last Edit: February 06, 2016, 01:09:59 AM by Bruce A. Smith »

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Re: Clues, Documents And Evidence About The Case
« Reply #909 on: February 06, 2016, 02:08:46 AM »
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Cooper an idiot? possibly...fool, dumb-ass, careless, thoughtless, self centered...probably a dozen more could fit him other than "idiot"

So, Shut, I sense that you are more comfortable thinking of Cooper as a fool or careless than a master criminal, and have a hard time accepting him as a military operative.

Am I correct in this assessment?

With no actual background on Cooper, I can't say what his life was previous to the crime. any fool can pull a trigger. I've read, and heard skydiver's basically say it's not rocket science. The primary goal is to pull a little handle, it's that simple.

I wear a safety harness often. I'm on lifts many times a year. the first time I had to put one on, I acted like I knew what I was doing. I was able to put the harness on without any issues. the harness on a chute is very similar. I don't think it would take much to learn the basics. when I'm on a swing stage, or heights that would cause certain death. I make sure the equipment is functioning correctly. not just a glance, or a quick look over. If someone tampered with the harness, or the rope stop, or anything on the swing stage, I would catch it. now, 15 years ago while still a greenhorn? I wouldn't have known what I know now. 

Is everyone like me? doubtful. a greenhorn might catch some problems that I didn't. Like Carr stated. Cooper could of known enough to get himself killed. I'm just not ready to state that Cooper is some sort of macho military jump'n kinda of a guy. missing the chute, and not saying anything concerns me. the money, it can only be tied on so many ways, not a whole lotta options.

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Re: Clues, Documents And Evidence About The Case
« Reply #910 on: February 06, 2016, 02:15:07 AM »
Interesting conversation.

If the FBI really believed Cooper died in the jump, they would have been focused on finding a body or a missing person. 

They found neither to their satisfaction.

But, if that really, really, really was what they believed, the names Dick Lepsy and Mel Wilson would have crossed their desk.  Sure, Lepsy disappeared years before, and Wilson was a fugitive, but they can't be ignored just for that.  After all, wasn't it in last days of DZ that someone posted a list of all known missing persons around that time somewhat fitting the description and there were only about twelve of them?

I have to wonder if the FBI theory that "Cooper died in the jump" was a bit of a CYA when asked why they hadn't found him yet.

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Re: Clues, Documents And Evidence About The Case
« Reply #911 on: February 06, 2016, 02:19:38 AM »
I have to wonder if the FBI theory that "Cooper died in the jump" was a bit of a CYA when asked why they hadn't found him yet.

I think the FBI sort of acts like a spoiled child. they didn't get what they wanted, so they kill him to justify the disappearance, much like they did the boys from Alcatraz...."They drown" end of story, but they looked for them for over a decade?

What I mean with the term "killed him" is basically they killed him on paper, or record.


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Re: Clues, Documents And Evidence About The Case
« Reply #912 on: February 06, 2016, 02:22:10 AM »
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Bruce, since there is no way at all that Cooper could have known his location when he jumped, and neither could his "extraction" crew, just exactly where was the clean up?

"No way...?" You're painting with a very broad brush, here R99, and one with a lot of dried paint on it.  Let's go back to basics:

1. Did Cooper know he was flying south?
2. Did Cooper know he was flying in V-23?

I say yes to both, so I would say that Cooper (and his team) had a rough idea of where they were, at the least.

Now, let's add in probable and possibilities.

1. Did Cooper have tech comparable to his knowledge of the 727 and his jump metrics? I say probably yes. If he was SF and was trained to do DB Cooper-esque stuff, he probably had tech that would allow him to be tracked by his people, possibly even communicate directly with them. These parameters then allow for a full range of scenarios to develop for contact and extraction.

Remember, Cooper's knowledge of the 727 and its jumping requirements was top-secret level. Hence, it would be reasonable to assume that his knowledge in other areas would be comparable, along with the communication tech, and the quality of his extraction team and their vehicles.

Was his knowledge absolute and complete? Nope. He didn't know how to deploy the stairs. But his overall knowledge and capacities seem to have been enormous.

Bruce he may have assumed they were flying south-ish but he may not have known the route. One thing that does seem clear is he intended to bail early, and had the door problem not come up he might have bailed earlier than he did. But he definitely was prepared to bail asap out of Seattle, with the assumed direction south. 


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Re: Clues, Documents And Evidence About The Case
« Reply #913 on: February 06, 2016, 02:31:51 AM »
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I believe McCoy is relevant to an extent. his military record was known, and I keep reading that many speak of Cooper possibly being military. I'm just not so sure about that. it's all speculation since we don't have any background on Cooper, but the case is full of speculation.

You would think someone in the military would be on top of everything, especially the points of where, and when to jump. he never asked anything. people claim he could of had a watch, but that is limited. McCoy flew the plane, not the pilots. Cooper said, go to Mexico. no updates, nothing. he just vanished.

He knew where Portland was. He identified Tacoma from the air. He prepared to jump soon after takeoff. He assumed they were headed south, back in the general direction of Portland. He still waits a little time then has them level and slow the aircraft, then he bails... closer to Portland by that time than to Seattle. That sounds like a planned execution to me!


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Re: Clues, Documents And Evidence About The Case
« Reply #914 on: February 06, 2016, 02:37:06 AM »
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Cooper an idiot? possibly...fool, dumb-ass, careless, thoughtless, self centered...probably a dozen more could fit him other than "idiot"

So, Shut, I sense that you are more comfortable thinking of Cooper as a fool or careless than a master criminal, and have a hard time accepting him as a military operative.

Am I correct in this assessment?

How about someplace in the middle between these extremes?