Would a well trained military soldier do the things Cooper did?
1) The clothing.
2) The chute selection (fronts)
3) The lack of any type of flight plan
Let's reverse the question, Shut: What would a "well-trained military soldier" wear to a skyjacking?
Digging a little deeper, what
should a well-trained military soldier wear. Lastly, what
must a skyjacker wear to make it successfully to the ground?
More importantly, though, is why do you ask the question? Innumerable skydivers have posted here and elsewhere over the years saying that Cooper's clothing was adequate/irrelevant/etc. Yet some (you?) hold to the notion that Cooper was an idiot for wearing what he did, and most likely died because he didn't have jump boots, winter gear, goggles, gloves, facemask, etc. And I, of course, will reply as I have many times in the past, by saying that anyone who claims Cooper was critically under-dressed then
must prove how Richard LaPoint made the same jump in January, in Colorado, in the snow, and wearing only slacks, a cowboy shirt, and cowboy boots.
Secondly, what does the "front chute selection" tell you? It tells me that DB Cooper didn't feel that he needed a reserve. Perhaps he fastened it to his kit as a means to shimmy down out of the canopy if he got hung up high on a tree.
Thirdly, what does the lack of a flight plan mean to you? It doesn't hold any importance to me, and I don't see how it might have had any relevance to Cooper. Again, it goes back to R99's question and the issue of whether DB Cooper knew where he was. I say he did.