I never heard the "in the Eugene area" bit, regarding the pix the FBI showed to Bill.
Yes, Bill said that he viewed a lot of photographs. He told me that the FBI came to him at least once a week, and sometimes twice, for a year and a half, and every time they came they had at least ten photographs. That's got to be 1,500-2,000 photographs.
The Big Surprise to me about Bill, now, is how un-engaged he is, at times. He obfuscates his experiences so often: "It was so long ago...I can't remember....it's all just bits and pieces of memory...."
Yet, on the phone he was animated, charming and fun. He joked in his phone message, saying he was, "DB Cooper's best friend." Where did that light-heartedness go? I was surprised and disappointed that he folded his tent so quickly when Jo gave him a hard time about Duane's HUGE ears.
Now he seems to be back-tracking away from any sustained dialogue with EVick. Why?
Which begs the question: Why doesn't Bill draw his own picture of DB Cooper? Why doesn't he ask a sketch artist to work with him on a new pix? Why didn't the FBI get a pix from him - why did they try to make composites, too! Everyone seems to be disappointed in them!
Which leads to another question - why does everyone connected with Norjak scamper back into the shadows when we approach them? Alice - hung up the phone on me last month; Florence - no contact with anyone since 2007, Tina- well...