Also, keep this in mind....
From Tom Kaye's site.
The titanium and stainless particle is quite informative (Fig. 5). This particle requires several Fig. 5 Titanium piece with embedded stainless steel particle at top. The color coding is green for titanium and red for iron. (Length = 0.43mm)Fig. 5 Titanium piece with embedded stainless steel particle at top. The color coding is green for titanium and red for iron. (Length = 0.43mm)factors be in place for its production. The first requirement is that there is pure titanium available. Second, a 400 series stainless steel has to be in intimate association with the titanium. Third, there has to be some type of device or machinery involved, capable of producing high-compressive forces that would abrade and smear the two metals together as shown. The fact the stainless particle was smeared into the titanium means its highly unlikely that it was from a hardened cutting tool, which would tend to fracture and not smear. The most likely place these factors would come together and produce this type of particle, would be in a fabrication facility using titanium.
Two spiral aluminum chips were extracted from the tie (Fig. 6). These spiral were very small at about 1/16" in length and were perfectly formed by a rotational cutting process like a lathe or
drill bit. EDS analysis determined that the predominant alloy was magnesium, showing the closest match to either 500 series cast or 5000 series wrought aluminum. This series of aluminum is not found in either of the labs used to analyze these particles. 5000 series is known for its high corrosion resistance and good weldability (5). This type of particle is again typically found in a metal fabrication shop, consistent with the other findings.