Eric Ulis recently conducted an Facebook Live interview with former Special Agent Larry Carr. They covered a lot of ground, but one thing stuck out to me.
The FBI drop zone was developed by Paul Soderlind who used various bits of information such as the Air Force radar, flight data recorder information, and of course, the “NWA logs”. It has been implied that Soderlind was audio recording the phone patch communication between the crew of Flight 305 and himself, and that those recordings were then converted into a transcript - the aforementioned “NWA logs”. Some have suggested that within those transcripts is Rataczak’s alleged communication to NWA Flight Ops indicating that “Mark it on your shrimp boats. Our friend has taken leave of us”. These would supposedly have been turned over to the FBI.
Larry Carr refutes this notion.
Here is Eric’s question (shortened for clarity and brevity) and Larry’s complete answer:
EU: The one thing that is missing [from the 302s] is the communication between the pilots and Northwest Orient Flight Operations in Minneapolis - specifically Paul Soderlind. That actual communication stuff is not out there. The Harrison notes are there, but the actual transcript of that communication going back and forth, the raw transcript, the actual words, we’ve haven’t seen anything like that yet.
LC: Yeah, there was no, um, there was no transcript like ATC with Northwest. It was just handwritten notes. But [the notes[ were pretty detailed as I recall.
So, if an audio recording or transcripts of communication between the crew and Flight Ops existed, it was not shared with the FBI, and it seems unlikely it will be shared with the public. It would also seem unlikely that Rataczak would instruct Donald Nyrop or Paul Soderlind to mark it on their radar since it’s likely they not in front of a radar reading of the Pacific Northwest while sitting in an office in Minneapolis. This seems more likely something Rataczak would say to ATC; however, we have the pertinent transcripts of communication with 305 and ATC.
So, perhaps there is another explanation, but I’m at a loss for one at the moment.