Here is some clarification:
If DBC had received chutes from McChord, they almost certainly would have been BA series emergency rigs - probably BA-18 or BA-22.
The BA-18 came into service in 1958, and the BA-22 came into use in 1968. They are virtually identical except for the ripcord knob. They were issued to every non-jumping jumpmaster, onboard safety personnel, and crew of various jets including the B-66 light bomber and F-101 and 105 fighters. The BA utilized a standard military C9 canopy.
They worked on a 1 to 13 second automatic deployment after pulling the “red arming cable knob”. They were not triggered by altitude. Jumpers could also override the time delay by pulling a T-shaped “blast handle”. There was also a “zero-delay lanyard” that was to be used at altitudes of less than 8000 feet.
I have attached a picture of a BA series rig below. Note the sage green color.
All that said, I don’t think DBC was given USAF chutes. However, RH said he specifically requested chutes from McChord. The 302s make it clear he expected the chutes to be from McChord. Nevertheless, multiple media reports at the time state that Cooper was offered USAF chutes and rejected them. An article from the New York Times states:
“Two military models were found at McChord Air Force Base in Tacoma and rushed to the Seattle field. When the hijacker learned that military models were being supplied, he demanded that sport models be made available instead. These were found at a nearby airfield used by sky divers.”
So, is Himms wrong? Is the NYT’s mistaken? Are the 302s inaccurate?
My point is that in addition to asking what chutes Cooper used, we should also be asking what chutes he wanted and expected, and why?