Here's another thing that bothers me.
Sheridan died a while ago. Yet his son and daughter are not up my ass about his book.
With Sheridan's name plastered everywhere as a suspect, for all the son and daughter know, there could be thousands of copies of his book being sold. With a pile of money as a result?
Yet: I don't hear zip from no one. Just Blevins ranting like a maniac about high crimes and misdemeanors.
I mean, if the son or daughter was interested in seeing if there's bags of money they're missing out on, I'm pretty easy to find here.
Why no contact?
Sure they might just have had a problematic relationship with Dad and just don't care (and not their fault, he was a curmudgeon)
BUT: someone did help him with his book before, trying to scan photos into Word for him. When I saw that, I realized someone did care about him.
So what happened to all his stuff? He had some interesting bowls from Nepal...interesting mementos of his travels.
Did his family gather up stuff? Was there an estate sale?
They could have easily found my email in his computer, and asked for control of his book. That would seem normal.
But instead: I've heard nothing.
Be interesting to hear from them. I would do whatever they want.
I would never do what Blevins wants. I like the idea of him getting worked up by being forced to see his threats be zero value.
I have this heavy weight.
A dude whose life's work took a bunch a time. And railing about not being able to get it published.
Now it's the albatross around my neck. What to do with it when I'm dead?

(I control the KDP/Amazon account it's published under)
I'd love to hear from the son/daughter. I would just hand things over.
In terms of self-examination, I do ponder why Sheridan trusted me with his life's work. I don't think I've abused that trust.
One could just write this all off as a crazy dude and that it doesn't matter. But to some degree it does matter...just because there was some human-to-human connection that should be respected. But I'm unclear about it all.