If I’m not mistaken, that dredging layer and Palmer’s report, have been called into question.
Okay, so the claim is that the Tena Bar beach where the money was found, was undisturbed by man from 1971 to 1980?
hard to believe?
No, but the dredging location was misidentified. The actual money find was further north by several yards.
Well my opinion is that once people start saying "several yards" or other fine-grained detail about cooper evidence, it's speculative.
All the cooper evidence has a wide range of error. locations etc.
there's just not enough historical data to be sure of a lot of things.
dredging happened. the spoils were deposited on the beach near where the money was found.
bulldozer was used to move spoils around.
how does that relate to money being found. dunno. All sorts of possibilities. Not enough data to rule out things.
Were the clay layers "natural" as opposed to man-made from spoils? dunno. Not sure it really matters. I mean the money could have arrived there any time from 1971 thru 1980.
nothing that's known narrows the period of arrival.
as to what goes thru a dredge:
think about how rocks and sticks go thru, up to a certain diameter.
If they can go thru, why can't a money bag?
People say they "know" what happens when you put a money bag that's been sitting in the columbia, through a dredge.
they don't know. ( i mean are they saying they "know" it's shredded like a blender? How can they know that? If that is true, why isn't a rock shredded? just because it's hard? If non-hard things are always fully shredded, than a rock would break the shredding mechanism....There's a "in-between" where it's possible for non-hard things to pass. (like all wooden sticks don't get shredded) Same for plastic stuff.
as a different experiment: What do you think happens if you run over a money bag full of money with a lawnmower? Do you think all the bills get shredded? Now if the bills had been sitting at the bottom of the columbia for years, and you did the same thing: What gets flung out the discharge hole of the mower? Surely not shredded paper.
Water+sand mixed in, would soften the effect.
I'm not going all-in on dredging directly..just saying that when people rule it out, they're speculating. It's always a possibility.