In addition to other rants, Sheridan referenced the Clifford skydive death in this email he sent to Bruce on Oct 25 2016
I know Sheridan is dead. And I miss him. I miss that I didn't contact him more. The last contact I had with him was two months before his death. We had our ups and downs. But I think fondly of him when I look and see I have over 300 emails from him in my gmail. RIP Sheridan. Hopefully you didn't die alone.
Bruce will be pissed at this posting, since it was email between Pete and Bruce, but hey, I'm not much for playing by the "rules"...

Sheridan uses the first name Marv, for Clifford, and says "suicide" but I think he was being theatric. I guess the guy 'went in" into the Pickering's front yard. When he says "tight delta" ...I think maybe Sheridan was part of a 3-way on that night jump...the delta that Clifford was part of?
"Marv Clifford who actually headed the Boeing Skydiving club and the grim tale of his suicide, plunging into the Pickering's front yard in a tight delta across the highway from the Issaqua DZ."
Hey Investigative reporter,
So you don't think much of my writing. Well Pulitzer Prize author Walter Van Tilberg Clark and Pulitzer Prize Critic Leslie Fiedler wrote glowing reference for me. And you can find feature article from the Spokesman Review, Columbia Basin News which is now defunct, numerous sky diving article in the Auburn Globe in Auburn Washington, and very serious sky diving article in the Eastside Journal, one of Marv Clifford who actually headed the Boeing Skydiving club and the grim tale of his suicide, plunging into the Pickering's front yard in a tight delta across the highway from the Issaqua DZ. I worked summers for the Auburn Globe as an editor, doing everything a newspaper has to have done.
Swineshaw is a pathological liar. I never spoke with him about anything nor was he interested in speaking with me. I shared a basement room with Joon Lee and left early after only staying a night or two because of a tip on a job and a cheaper apartment. I asked Joon to inform Swinesail. I returned to see Joon Lee and pick up my deposit which Swineshaw refused to give me. And came running at me fists raised. Joon Lee stepped between us. That was lucky for Swineshaw for I was a bare fist champ. I learned my skills at Saint Vincent's school for boy. Until I learned to fight those mean Father Flannigan toughs, I was beaten brutally. The priests, prefects and teachers loved the fights and cheered loudly. I later fought at Dago and Camp Pennilton Marine Corps NCO smokers. I was not a tech writer knew nothing about 727. I was a tech editor. I worked in a room full of English teacher and reporters removing gobbledygook from engineers' documents. You may have noticed that Swineshaw is a semi-illiterate. I told the FBI that Swineshaw was a pathological liar. Now I have proof.
I was not invited to leave Vietnam. i was fired from Lear Siegler Aircraft Maintenance for phoning the Ambassador and speaking with his effeminate First or Second Secretary. I had the support of the other employees. We were upset because an ethnic Japanese American had been imprisoned because an ARVN on a motorcycle ran head long into his car and was killed. I was directly behind him on the road from Ben Hoa to Saigon and saw the whole thing. i went every day to plead with goddamn Vietnamese cops who wanted a pay off. A big big pay off. The Ambassador's First Secretary scoffed at me. "Oh for goodness sake. Soaked in urine. Who would believe such nonsense." I became understandable enraged. The manager, an LA cop, who'd been hired that day, fired me. The other employees were outraged because of the First Secretary's criticism of me the manager.
I did not jump in a business suit. If you look closely at the photo, there is no reserve or harness.
I jumped at Issaqua with a sack of flour to entertain my high school students. I took a knife and slit the sack leaving steam of flour in my wake. The kids said it was marvelous.
I was only interrogated once at the Salvation Army's Senior apartment. No finger prints were taken for I am a teacher and every teacher must put his finger prints on file.
I am most definitely not on Facebook. I blocked them long ago.
"For non payment of rent" That sonofabitch.
I did not work in Boeing's Manuals & Handbooks Group on the second floor. I was on the ground floor in an untitled room.
"Many engaging conversations with Dan in the evenings, who often mused about creating The System to beat the System," That sonofabitch. I would like to have him take polygraph test. I suggested it to the FBI.
Sheridan pumped Sail for information on how the aft stairs on the 727 performed in flight" That lying sonofabitch.
I,of course, never spoke to Swineshaw about Smokejumping. I never spoke to him about anything. When I paid the rent he was all upset about breaking up with a girlfriend because she was too self willed. I could see them that he was a mean spirited self center, ego maniac, much the same as Trump.
I was most certainly not evicted from Vinecrest in Windsor. I have never ever been evicted. Lately I have had to move when the rent was doubled, but that was my own decision. And no one worked with me. I kept to my self at Vinecrest and that may have irked them. We had nothing in common and the woman next door was bipolar and behaved most erratically.
A lot of people that know me will read this and believe it. I want revenge. I want Swineshaw lock up. He is in essence a criminal. How long has the bastard been getting away with this crap?