LOTS of people want a paper book, and me, too. Here's the deal:
The Kindle book was affordable - 300 bucks or so for the editor, Susan Leonard, who is a total sweetie and takes payments until the 2nd Coming of Jesus. Ross, aka Nimi Wrecks, is another one of her clients; btw he recommended Susan, whose publishing/editing company is named Rose Island Publishing.
She got my Word doc manuscript into proper format for the Amazon Kindle program, and since half the books read in the USA are Kindle e-books, it seemed like the way to get my tootsies into the waters.
So, now I'm on the program, and lots of other programs spill out from there, such as getting into their "print-on-demand" paper editions, marketing strategies, community forums, speaking tours, etc. Lots of little steps as I see it.
Shut is gonna help me make a promotional video. Nimi Wrecks is gonna help me with libraries and historical societies, and make some more moolah there.
It's all good. I've been at this since 2008, so a few more months (late summer) and we should have the books available for ya. One thing that I need to do for that to happen is purchase ISBN numbers for the paper editions, and it's a rigged game that is costly. As I understand the situation, the gov't has privatized the ISBN distribution system, which are identification numbers that every book has to have except Kindle e-books, and the minimum that the privy guys are charging in the USA is currently $150. Or come up with $250 for five ISBNs, since I have a few other books ready to go ( a novel, a book of short stories, and half of a book on the New Physics).
SO, I'm looking at the Big Picture, if you catch my drift....