more from the Anderson interviews .... with para-DZ's, FLY BOT, and Greg the Tecky Guy's permission of course.
"Q10: Did the flight crew report the pressure pulse immediately after it happened? If so, over what comm circuit?
A: That’s a good question because we may have reported the oscillations/pressure changes once, but we were busy and didn’t report it multiple times. We weren’t sure what was going on. When the final bump happened, which we detected with our ears, we were surprised, and we didn’t report it right away. Rataczak finally reported the bump via radio.
Q11: Why do you think a frequency was set up for use after the "company" frequency? [I've been unable to get a manual for the NWA 727s of the period, but have info from 3 other airlines. From this it seems that the procedure that was provided by Boeing to the flight crew for allowing the hijacker out via the aft airstair would have included disabling the hydraulic power to the airstair (probably by pulling the circuit breaker in the cockpit) so that the hijacker wouldn't be able to power the stair to the full-down position (and lock it there).
A: I don’t recall the specifics of this. Our cockpit was in communication with NWA and ATC. Not FBI.
Q12: Did the procedure include disabling the airstair hydraulic power?
A: We didn't want to disable the airstairs by defusing electrical power to hydraulic actuators. We wanted the bastard to get off our ship ASAP.
Q13: Did Paul Soderlind sit in the copilot seat during the test flight?
A: Yes, I believe that's correct.
Q14: Who was the NWA instrumentation man who stood behind the rest of the group in the pic?
A: Do not recall.
Q15: Who was the FBI agent standing beside you in the test group photo? (holding the manila envelope and apparently a jacket in addition to the raincoat he was wearing)
A: Do not recall.
Q16: Who was the heavier agent kneeling down in front of you two, in dark clothes?
A: To long ago, can't recall.
Q17: Who was on the test flight other than the 12 people in the group pic?
A: Don't specifically recall. Maybe some other Air Force. Yes, a couple I think.
Q18: Is there anything else you consider significant to the question of where the hijacker jumped?
A: It was very dark, with virtually no ground reference except when we got in the Portland area. We bounced around the clouds, with occasional breaks. The 727’s slipstream initially overcame the aft stairs hydraulic system. The stairs weren’t opening like Cooper needed. Cooper called me on the interphone while Tina was riding up front with us. Cooper had let Tina come to the front. He yelled, "slow it down!." I stated back to Cooper, "OK." And we did; we slowed the plane. The oscillations continued, as I remember, but were smoother and we hadn’t heard anything from Cooper. Bill called back to him and he finally answered. He said everything was “OK”. More time passed. And then suddenly came that “bump”. After the final "bump" which we felt with our ears, we all discussed it for awhile, waiting for another bump. It never occurred, so we assumed that was his exit. But we discussed this among ourselves before notifying NWA. The truth is, we just didn't know for sure. I just don't recall how much time lapsed between feeling the final "bump" and reporting it to NWA via radio. That’s where the uncertainty has come from.
But later we all thought that final bump was his exit. "
Good night Stella.