How did he call Geestman? he was at the trailer park waiting for him to land. payphone to payphone? I can't remember, was the number on the payphone?
Originally he dropped Kenny off at Portland, then went to the trailer park near the jump zone. Now, he saying it's possible Kenny wanted out early because he lives by SEA. so, why wasn't Bernie camping up near Seattle, and not down where they think he jumped?
Damned if I know - why he wouldn't camp closer to where KC intended to bail? Maybe fear of getting caught, I suppose. ?
The park has a pay phone at the entrance, as I recall. Geestman and Kenny were going to meet up on the phone, somehow. Geestman must have good ears! Camps inside the park and can hear phone 1/2 mile away? Nah. He would have hung out by the phone drinking Bud's waiting, and explaining to ranger patrol who he was and why he was 'waiting for a call from Foss Tugboats' on that phone! ? It happens in novels all the time!

Jo has thrown a wet cat at Blev for his 'coin bomb thingy' and Blev has replied saying the usual "I dont care what anyone thinks" and refers to Georger's "hate mongering hate filled posts at the alternate site". Thanks for the publicity, Blev!
"Hate is as hate does": Forrest Gump. "The meek shall inherit the Earth': Jesus.
After I made by brilliant post above it occurred to me maybe Lyle the patent guy, gave Blevins the idea for the quarter-roll dynamite tubes? We know Lyle is an 'idea guy' with many patents to his credit.
Two other remarkable coincides present themselves in Blevins' report at Dropzone, the alternate site1.

His description of the bomb reads like Mucklows description in the transcript - very detailed! Is Blevins trying to duplicate the literary style of the PI Transcripts!?
Secondly, his description of the girl turning and looking is exactly like the description of Tina 'turning and looking' at Cooper. Is this supposed to evoke acceptance in the reader? Tina vs 13 year old girl? Both truthful!
Third: his description of how the coin bomb works mechanically is very detailed, far-far above what any 13 year old would say (or most could say) especially having spent mere seconds inside that shed .... ?
All-in-all the story is well scripted for the present. If I apply the Geoff Gray Transformation to Blevin's claims, 100% minus 99.9% leaves .1% that is maybe true. "Everything he says is very highly doubtful. Very very very. VERY HIGHLY!"
The good news is: Blevins doesn't give a shit. He says so. So we can all sleep well tonight banking that Blevins is a man of his word and "doesn't give a shit what anyone says or thinks"!
As an alternative - we could discuss the DB Cooper case and forget about Blevins Nation?