
Do you believe Cooper lived or died. the option are below to cast a vote...

0% Cooper lived
6 (9.2%)
25% Cooper lived
4 (6.2%)
35% Cooper lived.
2 (3.1%)
50% Cooper lived
14 (21.5%)
75% Cooper lived
14 (21.5%)
100 Cooper lived
25 (38.5%)

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Author Topic: Clues, Documents And Evidence About The Case  (Read 1868130 times)

Offline Shutter

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Re: Clues, Documents And Evidence About The Case
« Reply #615 on: February 22, 2015, 02:34:46 AM »
So, basically Kenny used about $320 worth of quarters to make his bomb? the extremely poor guy? crappy cheap NWO employee?


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Re: Clues, Documents And Evidence About The Case
« Reply #616 on: February 22, 2015, 01:14:39 PM »
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So, basically Kenny used about $320 worth of quarters to make his bomb? the extremely poor guy? crappy cheap NWO employee?

I doubt that KC would throw those quarters away and that would further compound his parachuting problems.

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Re: Clues, Documents And Evidence About The Case
« Reply #617 on: February 22, 2015, 01:29:06 PM »
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So, basically Kenny used about $320 worth of quarters to make his bomb? the extremely poor guy? crappy cheap NWO employee?

I doubt that KC would throw those quarters away and that would further compound his parachuting problems.

None of it makes any sense. the guy was basically poor according to Bobby (borderline indigent) not a pot to piss in etc. etc. $300 was a lot of money in 1971. it's like the thinking of today's times vs 1971. the whole thing sound suspect. then you have the detailed memory of something that had no reason to recall in the first place.


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Re: Clues, Documents And Evidence About The Case
« Reply #618 on: February 22, 2015, 02:44:43 PM »
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So, basically Kenny used about $320 worth of quarters to make his bomb? the extremely poor guy? crappy cheap NWO employee?

I doubt that KC would throw those quarters away and that would further compound his parachuting problems.

The whole story reads like a cheap novel. Ties Kenny's coin collecting together with bomb making.  Witnessed by a genius 13 year old with photographic memory, who probably reads palms and Standard & Poors as a hobby! The construction details (techniques) are those of a three year old. (That alone types and identifies the author). But Kenny was a manly-man and could carry such weight. How did he affix the articles inside a brief case so they didn't all roll downhill to the bottom, or is physics suspended inside airplane cavities once again?

I just want to point out: this is the kind of story one hears on Ward-C every day of the week, a million times over.

Next we will be told those quarters were special and had no cores or value, as well as special healing power! 

The FBI deals with nuts like this every day!     
« Last Edit: February 22, 2015, 02:47:34 PM by georger »

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Re: Clues, Documents And Evidence About The Case
« Reply #619 on: February 22, 2015, 02:57:53 PM »
You can use road flares, or wood dowels. go to an arts and crafts shop for the paper...done.


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Re: Clues, Documents And Evidence About The Case
« Reply #620 on: February 22, 2015, 03:16:25 PM »
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You can use road flares, or wood dowels. go to an arts and crafts shop for the paper...done.

No! There must be a story and a witness! A manly-man doing something stupid and obtuse .... that works! It's called genius! The plot has to have the trappings of genius in it ... because the author is a genius!  It can't be rational and ordinary! >:( 

You see:  Kenny must have an alien in his chest that springs out and becomes D.B. Cooper! Kenny doesn't even know the alien is there! Poor sweat-sweet Kenny. Bernie is the alien! All endes well. Kenny survives to die of cancer in the real world later. They sew Kenny back up with a large upholstery needle and fence wire ... because Kenny is a Manly-Man. Sweat-sweet coin collecting Kenny survives and Bernie and That Woman and all the other Wage Earner Sheeple are arrested by the FBI and Blevins is the hero, given an Academy Award for Biggest Bull Shitter of the Year at Good Ole Days in August.  The FBI refuses to attend because in Blevins words: "They are full of hate. It's no big deal. Truly...I would LOVE to post the entire document up publicly at our website. It's too big a file to post to Dropzone anyway. It far exceeds their file limit, to the heavy number of images." 

See? It has a happy ending!  ???   

« Last Edit: February 22, 2015, 03:36:54 PM by georger »


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Re: Clues, Documents And Evidence About The Case
« Reply #621 on: February 22, 2015, 04:33:42 PM »
Blevins does produce a more tangible 'genius level reason' for the quarters:

Our theory is that once Kenny landed, he simply broke up one or two of the rolls and started looking for a pay phone. Back in 1971 you could find them almost anywhere, not like now. And yes...this is conjecture...but I can almost imagine such a phone call to Geestman:

It isn't just Blevins thinking all of this up. It's Gayla and Blevins! Blevins has said "Our theory is" countless times since he came to DZ in 2010. Blevins is just the stand-up guy for other people behind the scenes at socalled AB Books of Seattle - which is in an apartment 'D' at Auburn WA! Blevins can't even tell the truth about who he is and who "Our theory is", is! This whole thing is just one more sham in Cooperland (his invention again).

So, why does RMB-etal even need a witness to KC making a bomb out of rolls of quarters?  Either there was one or she is an invention too?  He identifies a named person, people could talk to? I hope her account matches AB Book's account of her? In any event the socalled witness saw something. it is Blevins contending this girl saw the making of a fake bomb! The girl doesn't say that.

Blevins says the girl saw Kenny sticking electrical wires into the tape wrapped rolls of quarters?  In 1971? This almost sounds like this?  The Townsend Brown Levitator.  Or the Townsend Brown's gravitator  You are not allowed to view links. Register or Login.   See this for the device made with rolls of quarters!  Brown Levitator: You are not allowed to view links. Register or Login     

And they say an education in Physics is a waste of time!  :) :) :)

So, not only was Kenny building a fake bomb, he was also apparently trying to build an anti-gravity device, levitator, called the Townsend Brown Gravitator ...... made from rolls of quarters? They were all the rage in the 1960 and 70s!

Has Blevins made a Brown Gravitor is his research on anti-gravity? He is an admitted UFO fan and likes Area-51!

Has Blevins now joined his Kenny-DB Cooper story to Anti-Gravity?

That's it! Kenny was trying to build a 'Brown Gravitator' also called a 'Levitator' out of rolls of quarters! Kenny was a Manly-man interested in anti-gravity which was all the rage in the 1960 -1970s, using a Popular Science or Popular Mechanics Magazine article on how to build the Brown Gravitor out of rolls of quarters!

Gee-whillakers! Kenny was a genius! In addition to being DB Cooper and a manly-man-of-men and pursors and coin collector! Kenny in addition to all his others talents and wisdoms-knoweldge about everything, was also an 'amateur scientist' who read Popular Mechanics and Popular Science ... just like the people at Adventire Books do!?

I knew!!! I had seen this god-damned thing before! It took me a while to count all the quarters!  Well, there you have it folks and kids and ladies and gents and 'wage earner sheeple': The fake DB Cooper Bomb which is also a Townsend Brown Gravitator-Levitator! How many points do I get? Have I won this contest yet!? I have places to go and sheep to count. We are busy folks in the Office of Debunking! Send that 13 year little lady in for her free lolly pop! She has also won a free genuine meteorite from Mars. YEPPER!   
What's next in the Adventire Books/Jo Weber case file of the paranormal and downright obtuse?

Kenny wanted the little girl out of the shed in case the thing blew up on him ^ her! Nice guy Kenny! Too nice to be a hijacker or a member of the Adventure Books Staff!
« Last Edit: February 22, 2015, 05:06:41 PM by georger »

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Re: Clues, Documents And Evidence About The Case
« Reply #622 on: February 22, 2015, 06:16:35 PM »
How did he call Geestman? he was at the trailer park waiting for him to land. payphone to payphone? I can't remember, was the number on the payphone?

Originally he dropped Kenny off at Portland, then went to the trailer park near the jump zone. Now, he saying it's possible Kenny wanted out early because he lives by SEA. so, why wasn't Bernie camping up near Seattle, and not down where they think he jumped?


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Re: Clues, Documents And Evidence About The Case
« Reply #623 on: February 23, 2015, 12:55:45 AM »
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How did he call Geestman? he was at the trailer park waiting for him to land. payphone to payphone? I can't remember, was the number on the payphone?

Originally he dropped Kenny off at Portland, then went to the trailer park near the jump zone. Now, he saying it's possible Kenny wanted out early because he lives by SEA. so, why wasn't Bernie camping up near Seattle, and not down where they think he jumped?

Damned if I know - why he wouldn't camp closer to where KC intended to bail? Maybe fear of getting caught, I suppose. ?

The park has a pay phone at the entrance, as I recall. Geestman and Kenny were going to meet up on the phone, somehow. Geestman must have good ears! Camps inside the park and can hear phone 1/2 mile away? Nah. He would have hung out by the phone drinking Bud's waiting, and explaining to ranger patrol who he was and why he was  'waiting for a call from Foss Tugboats' on that phone! ? It happens in novels all the time! :) :) :)

Jo has thrown a wet cat at Blev for his 'coin bomb thingy' and Blev has replied saying the usual "I dont care what anyone thinks" and refers to Georger's "hate mongering hate filled posts at the alternate site". Thanks for the publicity, Blev!

"Hate is as hate does": Forrest Gump. "The meek shall inherit the Earth': Jesus.

After I made by brilliant post above it occurred to me maybe Lyle the patent guy, gave Blevins the idea for the quarter-roll dynamite tubes? We know Lyle is an 'idea guy' with many patents to his credit.

Two other remarkable coincides present themselves in Blevins' report at Dropzone, the alternate site1.  :)

His description of the bomb reads like Mucklows description in the transcript - very detailed! Is Blevins trying to duplicate the literary style of the PI Transcripts!?

Secondly, his description of the girl turning and looking is exactly like the description of Tina 'turning and looking' at Cooper. Is this supposed to evoke acceptance in the reader? Tina vs 13 year old girl? Both truthful!

Third: his description of how the coin bomb works mechanically is very detailed, far-far above what any 13 year old would say (or most could say) especially having spent mere seconds inside that shed .... ?

All-in-all the story is well scripted for the present. If I apply the Geoff Gray Transformation to Blevin's claims, 100% minus 99.9% leaves .1% that is maybe true. "Everything he says is very highly doubtful. Very very very. VERY HIGHLY!"

The good news is: Blevins doesn't give a shit. He says so. So we can all sleep well tonight banking that Blevins is a man of his word and "doesn't give a shit what anyone says or thinks"!

As an alternative - we could discuss the DB Cooper case and forget about Blevins Nation?


« Last Edit: February 23, 2015, 01:56:56 AM by georger »

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Re: Clues, Documents And Evidence About The Case
« Reply #624 on: February 23, 2015, 07:05:05 AM »
Third: his description of how the coin bomb works mechanically is very detailed, far-far above what any 13 year old would say (or most could say) especially having spent mere seconds inside that shed .... ?

That's why I always tell him he sounds like Marla. she did the same thing by giving details a child wouldn't catch. I have a very good memory, but I can't recall things with detail, only bits and pieces. I was ran out of rooms dozens of times just as everyone else has growing up, but I haven't a clue why, or where. it appears her detailed view lasting seconds is valid, but he doesn't think people are correct about the description?

Hundreds of thousands of cases could be solved if people could recall detailed events like this.

Offline Bruce A. Smith

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Re: Clues, Documents And Evidence About The Case
« Reply #625 on: February 23, 2015, 09:28:05 PM »
Does anyone have an HD version of Cooper Sketch B with sunglasses that I could use in my book? What I got off the FBi site doesn't blow up too good.

Working on my final proof....


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Re: Clues, Documents And Evidence About The Case
« Reply #626 on: February 23, 2015, 09:44:59 PM »
Try this....

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Re: Clues, Documents And Evidence About The Case
« Reply #627 on: February 23, 2015, 11:24:56 PM »

Offline Bruce A. Smith

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Re: Clues, Documents And Evidence About The Case
« Reply #628 on: February 24, 2015, 03:17:25 AM »
I received an interesting email from Moriarty today that contained clips from Seattle Times postings on the T-Day weekend in 1971.  One reporter, Ed Wyne (?) interviewed Robert Gregory, aka Mr. Marcelled Hair, Russet Jacket and mid-30's, who told him that he never looked at Cooper until the de-planing was going on. Gregory was up front and looked back at Cooper in the rear of the cabin.  Sounds like a lot of info from just a glance.

Nevertheless, Uncle Bob's relatives told us in Tacoma that he loved to talk about his skyjacking experience.  Funny, too, how the FBI wrote down in their files that Gregory sat next to Cooper in Row 18.  Didn't the FBI agents read the morning papers over their coffee and donuts?

What are we going to do with these civil servants!

Wyne also interview Billy M, who said all he remembers is Tina fixated on That Old Guy.  Poor Billy. I know how he feels.  We gotta take a road trip to Tina and scratch an itch, if you catch my drift...
« Last Edit: February 24, 2015, 03:18:01 AM by Bruce A. Smith »


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Re: Clues, Documents And Evidence About The Case
« Reply #629 on: February 24, 2015, 01:55:56 PM »
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I received an interesting email from Moriarty today that contained clips from Seattle Times postings on the T-Day weekend in 1971.  One reporter, Ed Wyne (?) interviewed Robert Gregory, aka Mr. Marcelled Hair, Russet Jacket and mid-30's, who told him that he never looked at Cooper until the de-planing was going on. Gregory was up front and looked back at Cooper in the rear of the cabin.  Sounds like a lot of info from just a glance.

Nevertheless, Uncle Bob's relatives told us in Tacoma that he loved to talk about his skyjacking experience.  Funny, too, how the FBI wrote down in their files that Gregory sat next to Cooper in Row 18.  Didn't the FBI agents read the morning papers over their coffee and donuts?

What are we going to do with these civil servants!

Wyne also interview Billy M, who said all he remembers is Tina fixated on That Old Guy.  Poor Billy. I know how he feels.  We gotta take a road trip to Tina and scratch an itch, if you catch my drift...

Any news coverage from the Blevins press releases he advertised? 

Blevins has turned out to be The Inconvenient Truth!  :)  There is hardly nobody he hasn't taken on ... and taken down! ... with his extensive knowledge/expertise not only on the Cooper case but on 500 other cases also, combined with his over-grown investigative bladder backed up by all the experts at Adventire Books, a Division of G&R's Housecleaning Inc. Evidently the folks at G&R decided to 'sweep the Cooper case clean' and rid it of all apostates. Blevins is attacking WSHM again today for their poor interview techniques noting they were weak and failed (vs. his strong and penetrating interview techniques shown in his KC interviews).

I marvel that such talent exists in the world! It proves that the dna spiral is a superior form for encapsulating invincibility and intelligence into one small nuclear bundle that can self propagate and dominate all galaxies, throughout the Universe! Will NASA study his brain at Area-51? Einstein's brain was stolen and cut up and the pieces lost! Hopefully the FBI will secure Blevins' brain for future saving during these uncertain times when there are so many self-proclaiming nations and states all related to Abraham and the Rules of Life, as Mr. Blevins is! ?
« Last Edit: February 24, 2015, 02:48:02 PM by georger »