That is "The $64,000 Question," isn't it.
It suggests inside knowledge, far beyond working for Boeing or Tektronix. But not SOG and other similar groups.
Going further down that rabbit hole....
... It also suggests, or hints at, the notion that Dan Cooper knew he was getting twenties, and had already calculated that 200K in twenties would be about 22 pounds. Thus he could plan for that degree of an a-symmetrical jump.
So, it is possible that Dan Cooper had both inside knowledge of how to jump from a jetliner, ie: pick a 727, set its flaps at 15, landing gear down, etc., gathered from top-secret, covert sources, AND also inside knowledge of the FBI's preparations to stockpile ransom money in banks around the country.
Heady stuff, this rabbit hole, no?
The next rabbit hole is who else is asking questions like this, and pondering the above possibilities. That brings up the notion of analyzing the cognitive and detective reasoning abilities of individual FBI agents.
Do you think Ralph Himmelsbach thought about these dynamics? Did he talk to Julie Mattson about them? Dorwin Schreuder?
How about Larry Carr? Did he wrestle with these dilemmas at 4 am when he was posting at the DZ? Did Curtis Eng?
Looking at the recent HBO/BBC docu on Norjak, The Mystery of DB Cooper," it is hard to imagine SA (retired) Bob Fuhriman ever engaging in these kinds of discussions.
Maybe SA (retired) Bob Sale, as he is a sharp guy. But SA (retired) Sid Rubin? I don't think so.
As we can see, these rabbit holes are connected and it gets very deep, very quickly.
But wouldn't you want to hear these guys explore these issues in a panel discussion at CooperCon 2021?
Calling CKRETE: It's time for another trip "outside the box," Larry.