FLYJACK says: " I always assumed Cooper "possibly from the midwest" claim came from the "no discernible accent" but it may be from his language... not the lack of accent."
Maybe it was both!? Why one vs the other, or another, .........

All human speech is spatially bound/identifiable by region/locality/dialect/local dialect.... Animal calls likewise! Whale calls! Fish bubbles!! Frog croaks.... insect sounds...
How crazy and obtuse will this get?

And its only Tuesday. Unless the boat hits an iceberg.

Cooper replied to Tina: "‘Minneapolis, Minnesota is very nice country". Cooper got mad when Tina asked him where he was from, but has Cooper just told us where he has 'been'? Is Cooper a frequent flier? He knows where Tacoma is. He now tells us where Minneapolis is. Hmmmmmmmm ....