May 1972 Case Summary: (Part 26 - DBC 8570-8577) is an early case summary put together in May 1972, to help Agents investigate the case. It's purpose and presumed 'validity' are clearly stated at the end of the summary. This document is intended to be a guide as opposed to a unimpeachable statement of case facts, to wit:
Closing Note to this Case Summary* “ Above
‘suggestions’ have been set forth in hopes that investigative efforts of this important major case might be implemented and brought to an early logical conclusion.”
Topics covered include:
Physical Evidence: Black snap on tie and Tie Tac.
Artist’s Sketch – Description
Experiment with Air Stairs
Descriptive Data: Matchbook Cover, Olive or Latin Complexion, Interviews with Key Witnesses,
Airport, Fly Groups, Flight Clubs, Parachute Clubs
Explosive Device
Hijacker Profile
The topic of a flight path and dropzone are not mentioned in this case summary.
You might find and read this document because FLYJACK is using statements in this single document to make wide sweeping claims about Cooper case facts, in support of his suspect: Hahneman ... for one FJ is now claiming there are no viable prints for DB Cooper in the Cooper case! And that, quoting FJ: "Cooper was described
universally as Latin/Mexican in features and appearance. To claim otherwise is dishonest."
To make such sweeping statements as FLYJACK is making, is probably an error!