Conversation/argument starter:
Does the discovery of the placard by hunters in 1978 lend credence to the FBI's V23 flight path or the Western Flight Path?
Chaucer, the placard and some other matters support what is now called the Western Flight Path. This has been discussed at considerable lengths here and at DropZone for the last 10 years.
Tom Kaye’s Citizen Sleuths website would indicate otherwise? Also, you assume that your opinion is the consensus when it seems more like the minority opinion.
Chaucer, there you go again. You are the one who needs to start sticking to science and facts and not just your opinions or the opinions of others. So far as I am aware, you don't have a single fact to disprove the so-called Western Flight Path. And how about mentioning your aeronautical qualifications that make you feel qualified to question that flight path. You can't hide behind "Chaucer" for ever.
Since 2010, I have posted extensively both here and on DropZone the facts that support the Western Flight Path and the problems with other proposed flight paths. I have listed my aeronautical qualifications and signed those posts with my real name. Or to put it another way, I stand behind what I have posted on the Western Flight Path and that is more than just opinions.
Why do you always default to "defensive ass" any time I do anything than enthusiastically agree with you?
I fully admit that my knowledge of the case is less than most (if not all of the other frequent posters here - including you. Perhaps, instead of acting like a prick, you educate people new to the case? Because in educating myself, it seems that the Central Flight Path is the accepted one and so far I haven't seen anything that indicates otherwise.
My original question related to the placard and so far no one has provided a shred of evidence EITHER WAY. Not even you. Sorry if I don't want to scroll through hundreds of pages of people acting like A-holes to each other to get a satisfying answer.
Based on your last paragraph above, you seem to feel that there are a lot of "A-holes" on this site. You may be right on that point, but don't expect any of them to kiss your ring or whatever.
And don't expect any of them to give you private lessons on the Cooper hijacking if you not willing to expend a bit of time checking into what has been done here and on DropZone in the last decade.
No worries! You can continue to be a petulant A-hole, and I'll continue to do my own research without you.
Also, full disclosure: you're really the only one who has acted like an ass to me. Even Eric, with whom I have had pretty harsh disagreements with, seems willing to put that aside to collaborate and discuss the case respectfully.

Regarding the placard, even with the wind direction, the placard could have ended up where is was and the plane still be within the V-23, no?