Of course there is the famous map with the flight path roughly plotted in pencil. What's the history of this map? I assumed that it was from the FBI. Do we know who was responsible for plotting it out?
Also, that map seems to be segmented into locations plotted every minute. How would someone do that a day or two after the fact? The note "1st plot" written at the top would seem to indicate some other information gathered from radar.
Apparently it was plotted by either someone at the FBI using data from the Air Force. Or, it was plotted by someone from the Air Force.
The time plots came from other data collected from--I'm not really sure where--perhaps the flight data recorder. That said, it is also flawed.
How do I know this? There is a missing time plot at 20:04. What happened to it? How is this possible?
The first plot also doesn't account for the depicted flight path from SEA to the "first plot." How was this first portion of the flight path--which I believe to be incorrect--crafted?