It is a shame one poster continues to belittle and attack another poster especially when he knows absolutely nothing about the person, and he also knows there is a basis for what the first poster is saying! His attacks are not just personal but also against the very enterprise of learning and exploration, on a forum no less where exploration and examinations are supposed to be the whole purpose for being here!

It throws into question the whole agenda of the party. His credibility. His motives. Not to mention being infantile and as boring as the day is long.
Things I say can be checked or validated easily. My recent remarks about neurology are about at the same level as anyone would get from an Introduction to Psychology course 101 in any major university! Im not inventing the wheel here - far from it! It's not my fault that other people are so boorishly illiterate! And unable to contribute anything of any value. That's not my fault and I can't do anything about other people's endless stupid diatribes as if complaining and mocking someone endlessly will change the basic facts of science, or human neurology in particular as it may apply in the Cooper case!
If these people say the principles of neurology I mention are wrong, or dont apply in the Cooper case, then it is their burden to simply say so and provide some evidence!
Otherwise Mr Shutter needs to give Mssrs Ulis and Nicholson the absolute right to decide what posters may or may not say, what topics posters may or may not post about! In other words just turn this whole forum over to these guys and let them run it and decide who and what they want here!! I assess that is in fact what they want! Or they can go form their own forum and chose who they want and do not want and make whatever rules they want to run their own forum. Those are the choices at stake.