It's amazing Jo knew about the Heisson burglary...
Not really - once Jo got started she didnt give up and she made thousands of phone calls talking to anyone and everyone who could feed her info - that is how she located Tina before Cook could. Jo amassed a library of material from which to pick and chose to fit her case for Duane. In that process she collected a mass of detailed info and trivia about the Cooper case.
Jo attracted the attention of the media and that only fueled her reach! She supposedly convinced Himmelsbach to back her! Outsiders then began calling her, feeding more info to her, etc etc etc. Jo became a Cooper cottage industry. Sluggo came on board with her!
I doubt Jo will ever be duplicated.
A serious conflict developed between her and FLYJACK in 2010. Jo claimed FJ was someone calling themselves BULLJAX (a Canadian, she said!) who had been calling her pumping her for information, a nasty obsessive person. FJ immediately tried to get Dropzone to kick Jo off theforum - that didn't work. FJ then left DZ himself (or herself)? Who knows what the truth of this is except EU has now outed FJ as a person in Toronto, with a name ?
The amazing thing to me about Jo was almost everything she said or posted had some 'seed of truth' in it. It was information she has garnered from somebody or some source. A named person at the time emailed me and said: "Just follow Jo around for a week and she will lead you to the Arc of the Covenant!"
Jo remains unequaled!

But FJ is close on her heels with far more credibility!