R99, don't you have a pioneer rig? if so, what is the serial numbers on the container...what the National Guard describes sounds like Haydens chute...
The following is what I found on the harness and the container. It should be noted that some things, especially on the container, were extremely difficult to read or completely unreadable.
HARNESS (Blue letters on green web surface.):
DOM - Nov 1967.
M. Steinthal & Co., Inc.
Part No. "BUWEPS 60A113E3-1" (" " were part of the number.).
Cont. No. N00383-67-C-5273.
The harness and other items related to the NB6 were purchased about 5 or 10 years ago from Ralph Hartley in Portland. This includes a pilot chute that has a lot of partly unreadable information on it that can be added here if appropriate.
CONTAINER (Printing from three difference sources.):
Green patch on green container with black letters:

Design Activity
Code/Part No. ASSY:
30003/60A114D1 ACT:
Parachute Assembly
Contract: Date(?) of ASSY:
Complete(?) Assembly: 565AS107(?)

White patch on container with black letters:
Code/Part. No. 30003/60A114E2-52 Nomenclature: Container
Contr. No. N00383-86-C-9574 Assembly: Parachute
Date of MFG: Mar 1988 MFG Code: 77745
Date Placed in Service:
Printed on small piece of paper in a parachute pocket:
1R1670-00-078-8282 LX
P/N 60A114E2-52
Pack Personnel Parachute, Type NB6
1 Each
Date of MFR 3/88
A - 3/88
The container was purchased on Ebay about 5 or 10 years ago from an individual in Phoenix. This container was in its original packaging straight from the manufacturer and had never been removed from that packaging. No manufacturer is listed on the container but perhaps 377 can decipher if the 77745 above refers to a specific firm. ADDENDUM: I have just Googled 77745 and it came back as Pioneer Aerospace.
There were no serial numbers on any of this equipment.