I recommend to Cooper people that they take the Tosaw book and drop it in the toilet. Im serious. 
Well you say tosaw made stuff up and 377 said in his upcoming interview on The Cooper Vortex with Darren in regards to his report about Tina telling him cooper looked at the packing card that he doesn’t think Tosaw is the type to make stuff up. Add this to the list of cooper conflicts,it’s maddening! 😑
yes and it does drive some Coopertinos crazy.
Tosaw's actual interview with Tina is a case in point. Over the telephone, short, restrained by the Mother Superior ... Tina was barely free to talk and yet Tosaw claimed a full free-flowing interview with Tina which is... a lie.
I prefer the term: "Literary license." It is plausible to assume that Richard Tosaw back-filled Tina's non-interview-over-the-phone with information that he obtained from his brother, Mike Tosaw, whom I believe was a field agent at the Seattle office at that time.
Dismissing Tosaw, or fully embracing Himmelsbach's commentary, is ill-advised in my view. Rather, I say take both with a grain of salt, and keep digging for more corroboration.
"Literary license." is a polite way of putting it, imho. My perspective includes personal experience with the Tosaw 'tidal wave' here in Iowa. My family played football with Mike Tosaw. Richard left the FBI by common agreement, while his brother continued. Who knows what Richard got from his brother. So far as I know Richard never gave any attributions to his brother who was an active FBI agent in good standing, ....... when Richard's Kinnick program for the Univ of Iowa failed he took up chasing DB Cooper. Richard liked projects.
Now Flyjack has expanded his discussion on this subject posting:
"When Tosaw is being accused of lying,, consider the credibility of the source.
A source which has smeared, ridiculed, distorted and lied at some time about virtually everyone related to the Cooper case...
I posted Tosaw's claims, not mine.
Most of those claims are corroborated by other sources, however no book or person is error free."
Flyjack has called more people liars than Carter has pills - so I am in good company.
I dont like having to talk about any of this! I didn't start this debate!

The debate started before I was even born!
I will post more about Tosaw as time and opportunity presents itself. But, I am very concerned about using Tosaw's book as some kind of factual Bible for the Cooper case. Flyjac has it right in Tosaw's case when he says: " however no book or person is error free."
Tosaw got into a huge quarrel with experienced salvage people and divers when he conducted his searches in the Columbia post 1980. I will share some of that factual history later, because it bears on people actually searching for Cooper artifacts near Tina Bar post 1980. And nobody found nothing!