Here we go again - more Flyjack claims -
all relying on Tosaw's book! Has it ever occurred to Flyjack that Tosaw 'made stuff up'? Crew interviews conflict with Tosaw accounts! FBI agents strongly objected to Tosaw's claims and accounts and said "Tosaw is making things up." Author Musika Farnsworth ran squarely into this issue when she tried to reconcile Tosaw claims with FBI agents accounts. Farnsworth finally interviewed Himmelsbach at length and H told Muskia that inspite of what she thought about the FBI or Himmelsbach personally, that Tosaw literally made things up for his book - and H told Farnsworth 'There is literally nothing in the FBI's interviews of people that supports most of the claims Tosaw is attributing to witnesses, and that comes up specifically in the case of Tosaw's socalled interview of Tina Mucklow whens he was in the convent.'
H went on to explain that Tosaw's socalled interview of Mucklow was short, cryptic, and interrupted by The Mother Superior who had finally granted Tosaw permission for a brief interview with Mucklow! Tosaw never had a free flowing lengthy personal interview with Mucklow, over the convent telephone! Tina's Mother Superior was on the line the whole time, according to Himmelsbach, and she finally cut Tosaw's socalled interview with Mucklow short! From this, Tosaw then goes and inserts all kinds of claims and attributions to Mucklow, in his book!
H also said that after Tosaw's book came out an agent was allowed to interview Tina and his report was that Tina was unsettled and mystified about some of Tosaw's claims attributed to her. (There should be a 302 about that!)
So, I caution Flyjack to take Tosaw's claims in his book with a grain of salt. Many of his claims are totally undocumented and probably made up! Flyjack says today:
"Also from Tosaw’s book..
Cooper had 2 drinks.
Money in packets of $2000 strapped in
PAPER BANDS and some had additional rubber bands, corroborates Tina, H and Bank letter to FBI..
Cooper offered 2 packets of money to stews, other than Tina.
Cooper demanded flaps down but flight ops was calculating range and they went back and asked Cooper, he then said 15 degrees.
Soderlind suggested SF or LA, and a second stop in Yuma.. and “Cooper was advised that it wasn’t necessary for the plane to stop anywhere in the US, but in any event he did not want to stop at either SF or LA because those cities were too big.” Reno was suggested by Soderlind and Cooper agreed."
Be advised that Tosaw "made a lot of stuff up" according to the FBI. When Flyjack mixes Tosaw claims with FBI 302s and other sources, the conclusions Fkyjack is claiming may be factually false. It's as simple as that.
Carr talked to the bank employ that prepared the bundles of money for delivery to SeaTac and no paper straps were involved. That is a simple fact if you believe the bank employee who did the actual assembling of the money over Tosaw's undocumented account, for his book!
Richard Tosaw told a cub reporter at the Univ of Iowa Daily Iowan in February of 1980 shortly after Cooper money had been found: " I have retired. I am interested in DB Cooper case. Im going to write a book about the Cooper case now in addition to my work on Nile Kinnick." The excavation of Tina Bar wasn't even finished and Tosaw is already advising the press: 'I have retired. I am interested in DB Cooper case and Im going to write a book about the Cooper case.' ! Tosaw was going to deal himself in and he started with a headline in Iowa City! The coffin on the Tina Bar excavation wasnt even closed and now Tosaw is going to add his voice too and grab a headline.