Being open-minded doesn't change the fact he knew the travel time between McChord and SeaTac, could identify Tacoma from the air, got on the plane in Portland and said he didn't have a grudge against your airlines...
I have no idea what Georger was talking about in his post about his navel.
Martin: Did DB Cooper correctly identify the time from McChord Air Force Base to SEATAC? He said 20 minutes. Has anyone done the drive from the airfield there, out the gate, and to Seattle Airport? Is it 20 minutes or is it 25 or 30? 30 minutes would mean he was off by 50%.
How much of the DB Cooper narrative has the public just accepted because that's what they heard? Heck, DB Cooper was really Dan Cooper. Walter Cronkite called him DA Cooper. There are parts of this case that don't need public contraindications to be questioned. I question the veracity of the claim that he was from the area simply due to the Tacoma and McChord comments. However, I do believe he was familiar with the area.
EU made me think of something, that him being a know it all could have been to throw people off. So he could have been a know it all and trying to throw people off. I do think the "grudge against your airlines" plural seemed a little odd, like he was purposely saying he didn't have a grudge against the airlines. The smoking, the drinking could all have been to throw people off. Being a gentleman and knowing the harness are two parts though that I think would be difficult to fake.
Bull . . . this is pure Gobblewobble. Damned near psychotic.
The whole hijacking could have been done on a stage in Hollywood! Maybe it never happened at all ?
SOMETIMES A CIGAR IS JUST A CIGAR. (Freud) Calm down and it will be OK in the morning . . .

Called psychotic by the great Georger. I feel honored. I'll add that one to my portfolio.
What parts do you disagree with? I'm mainly focused on his statements about Tacoma and McChord and how the FBI files determine he was from the area because of that (attached). I took this snippet off Dropzone (posted by your buddy Flyjack). For those who can't log in, the FBI file says that these four things indicate he lived in the area at some time:
1. He knew the distance from McChord AFB to SEATAC. 20 minute drive. (False, it's more than that, even speeding with an escort. It's close to 30 miles, and it was dark and the busiest travel day of the year).
2. He recognized Tacoma from the air (it was the only possible city he could have seen, unless you want to make a stretch and say they flew over Olympia).
3. He was dressed in a suit and lightweight overcoat which is commonly worn by northwest area residents (amazing detective work on that one. I guess no one else in the USA wears those items).
4. No accent as detected by the stews (one was from Philly, one was from Arkansas). How does this indicate where he was from? Just because they could not place an accent?
None of this means he was from the area or had any idea he was from the area. I can't fathom doing this without having knowledge of the area, so I'm guessing he knew something.
The bottom line is that the first story that got out ended up in people's minds, I don't think any of it was a cover story or for a Black Op, but regardless, people seem to believe what they hear first. Why do people still believe that Reca or Rackstraw or McCoy are Cooper? Why do people believe he died in the jump? Why is he called DB Cooper? Why could he not have spent the money? Why does one of the first paragraphs on Wiki say this "Available evidence and a preponderance of expert opinion suggested from the beginning that Cooper probably did not survive his high-risk jump." Propaganda works.
I'm not trying to convince the people on this board who know the case, it's the millions out there who believe what they hear or see on these TV shows.
Thanks Georger. Always a pleasure to read your posts.