You have to wonder why the FBI said the decal could of come off any 727? this was after they had the blueprints showing them where the decal was placed? it is a valid argument....
It appears that the individual who wrote the 302--or memo--was relaying information that he/she heard from another agent, or, the agent was told the information directly by NWO but simply misunderstood the notion of the placard being posted beyond the bulkhead door.
In fact, I have seen this type of misunderstanding several times in the FBI files. In particular, I'm reminded of comments about the dummy reserve being sewn shut when in reality it was the canopy and not the canister that was sewn.
Also, there are critical comments in the 302s stating that Mucklow saw Cooper trying to fit the ransom bag into a reserve, eventually giving up because it wouldn't fit. Well, this is ridiculous because if you look at the the ransom bag next to a reserve it is painfully obvious that the ransom bag is significantly larger than the reserve.
In fact, what Mucklow witnessed was DBC placing
some of the ransom into the reserve because the ransom bag was too full to cinch at the top with the shroud lines.
Moreover, considering there was only one reserve missing when the jet landed in Reno--the dummy reserve--it stands to reason that this is the reserve that Mucklow saw Cooper putting a portion of the ransom in to for the trip down to Mother Earth.