Shutter wrote: " we also know from testing that
very little wind or disturbance takes place in the stairwell. how would a placard come off so easy? these decals should be expected to work vs fail. I would assume similar to stickers put on vehicles being towed. they are very hard to get off. hopefully, more documents will follow....regardless to the newspaper. the decal is very thin and not a heavy plastic. it very obvious to see this."
I've been on tailgates and stairwells (C 130, DC 9, CASA 212, Short Skyvan, etc) and can confirm that they are not turbulent locations in flight. Quite calm in fact. I was surprised when I first experienced this.
I liked Georger's Robert Frost adaptation.
So looking at the data presented so far, if I want a 727 airstair placard, all I need to do is walk around rural WA. It shouldn't take too long to find one. My son, now 30, was always very optimistic. At age 3 1/2 he was walking with me in a bayside industrial area in SF and spotted a twenty dollar bill in the gutter. There was nobody in sight and no clues as to ownership. He asked if it was a dollar and I said it was much more than a dollar. He asked if he could keep it and I said yes, since we had no way to give it back to the person who lost it. After another half hour of walking I said it was time to head home. NO DADDY he protested. Why? I asked. Because Daddy if we just keep looking we will find another one.