Noted. Anybody else? .... I guess I was wondering if Cooper had been doing anything else in the washroom but I suppose he had time to deal with some things after take-off, (Tina up front) and bailing out.
Would someone please point me the full transcript of "DVD: "Hijacked! D.B. Cooper and Northwest Flight #305," produced by the NWA History Centre, Inc. in 2012. Includes interview with Bill Rataczak"
Mine cuts off at this little exciting part:
"Seattle, and we’re curious now, what is going to happen when those stairs come down. Now the stairs in a 727... were dual purpose they were for boarding passengers but they were also, and Boeing put this out in a bulletin, when you, major airline, whoever buys our airplane 727, be sure when you park it at the gate that it has the stairs down fully over center and locked....because, and Northwest did that without even asking because we knew what the potential problem was..."