The Ulis money farce ... so far. 
So far, I'm not sure what Ulis is after. So far, Ulis has not tied his money story to his suspect, Sheridan Peterson. So far, Ulis's purpose seems to be an attempt to (a) move the prior Kaye money find site, (b) claim the people excavating Tina Bar were all sloppy incompetent operators who exaggerated their stories and/or were liars, (c) only one or two money fragments were found all found close to the Ingram site on the surface (not in holes being dug), and (d) the Tina Bar money had nothing to do the dredging spoils pumped on Tina Bar in 1974. So, let's get straight to this!
The reason the dredging is important (and most people select it as the most likely source of the Tina Bar money): is because the dredging is the ONLY known historical fact that occurred at Tina Bar, just four years prior to Cooper money being found on Tina Bar. Flight 305 crossed the Columbia. And a slight adjustment of the timeline puts Cooper jumping in the Columbia drainage basin if not very close to the Columbia itself. Those are solid reasons for any sane person choosing the Dredging as the most likely known source for the Cooper money at Tina Bar. [I hope readers are enjoying this so far.
So far, Ulis has not stated any other theory for how Cooper money wound up on Tina Bar.
Ulis says (a) no money pieces were found anywhere at Tina Bar except at the Ingram find site or very nearby. (b) no money frags were found in holes. No holes were really dug or if holes were being dug any money frags found in those holes were swept in by people's sloppy walking habits milling around in chaos. (c) Anyone claiming money frags were found in holes dug are simply mistaken, exaggerating, or liars. (d) Only one or two money fragments were found at Tina Bar, all in or near the Ingram site. (e) All money frags found of which there were only two (or three) were actually on the surface and nowhere else. The issue of strata plays no role in this matter; has no role in the money story analysis at Tina Bar. Palmer wasted his time digging trenches. Agents wasted tax payers money digging up Tina Bar.
Does this about sum it up?
Oh! And one thing more. Ulis and the Fazios walked the beach in 2018 and the Fazio's confirm the story above. The Fazios have all of the facts in the Tina Bar money find story and conveyed all of those facts to Ulis in 2018 - no other witnesses exist or are truthful or matter! Quoting Mr Ulis in this matter: "Oh Georger, you can flail and scream all you like." No other facts except those outlined above matter or exist. 
The Eric Ulis money find analysis is here: You are not allowed to view links.
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You know youâve won an argumentâany argumentâwhen the person youâre debating begins to put words in your mouth, make false claims, and utilizes âfake facts.â Indeed, this is precisely what Georger has done above.
The truth is virtually everything I've said regarding DB Cooper can be found easily on my site You are not allowed to view links.
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Now in honor of today being the 39th Anniversary of the Tena Bar money find I will summarize some of my findings regarding the money find and repeat (for Georger) my money find theory.1) Identifying the actual money find spot was very important and had not been accomplished until I researched the subject and published my findings in January. My research can be found at You are not allowed to view links.
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Login . Say what you will, I am 100% right about the money find spot. The spot I've identified is about 120 feet north of Tom Kaye's yellow pin spot.
Why is this important? Well, in part, because it shows that the money was found about 300 feet north of the edge of the 1974 dredge spoil spread. In my mind, this creates an insurmountable problem for those who believe that the three independent packets discovered on Tena Bar stacked upon themselves just below the surface, with very brittle rubber bands still intact, came from the 1974 dredge.
2) I have never stated that no pieces of currency were found in a hole. Why? Because that would be wrong as evidenced by the "plaid-shirt FBI agent" who was actually filmed by KATU discovering a small piece of currency in a hole. Enough said about this ridiculous claim.
3) I have also put forth a mighty compelling theory how the money ended up on Tena Bar here at this very forum. Again, it is ridiculous to claim that I haven't offered a theory regarding the money find. A summarized version of my theory is as follows:
a] Cooper originally intended to jump near Seattle.
b] Cooperâs jump was delayed because the money bag needed to be secured and because the airstairs had to be deployed after taking-off.
c] In order to secure the bank bag Cooper had to remove several packets of $20s because the bag was too full to secure.
d] These additional packets of $20s were secured in the dummy reserve. In fact, Tina Mucklow witnessed Cooper placing a portion of the money into one of the reserves. And, given that the dummy reserve was the only reserve Cooper jumped with, I think we can assume that it was this reserve that she witnessed him placing the packets in to.
e] R99 was correct with his flight path analysis putting Cooper's actual landing zone very near Tena Bar.
f] Upon landing, Cooper walked to Tena Bar and buried the bank bag and the separate packets of $20s that he had placed into the dummy reserve. He did this because he needed to figure out how to get out of the area and regroup. Remember, he originally planned to jump near Seattleâhe was about 150 miles off his planned landing zone.
g] Cooper later travelled back to Tena Bar and under cover of darkness retrieved the bank bag and individual packets he had buried. However, being at night, he mistakenly left three of the individual packets behind in the hole. These were the three packets discovered by Brian Ingram after erosion unearthed the formerly buried packets.
Thank you very much. Elvis has left the building.