Hey Bruce Smith: see if you can use your marketing outreach to get more viewers over to Shutter's site. This is definitely the premier Cooper discussion and research location. Maybe even your pal Sluggo will come over.
I have sent an email to everyone I know in Cooper World. Despite my enormous affection for Sluggo he rarely responds to my emails, but does occasionally. I think his Cooper fuel tanks are running a bit dry these days.
Snowmman is another fella I miss a lot, too. But the only way I can get ahold of Snow is through 377, and I can only speculate on what kind of influence Mark has on the Elusive One.
I have also posted links at the DB Cooper discussion site blog. I trust folks will come here. Perhaps we could make this a combined Cooper Discussion - Dating Service site. That might drive more traffic here.
Anybody wanna date me? I all yours, at least for lunch. Just tell me where and when. brucesmith AT rainierconnect DOT com.
I'm also available to share all the romantic gossip I have....
As for my body, well, I'm pretty fat but not obese. My cardiologist wants me to lose about 40 pounds (actually he said 50 but that's about what I weighed in high school - 180 - and that's just not gonna happen.) I'm 64 and generally cranky. But I do like to tell jokes and good stories. For some reason my face is often red with psoriasis, but I stay ahead of cosmetic disasters with an assortment of hydrocortisone creams and lubricants. I sleep late and force myself out of bed by noon, but I'm roaring at 1 am. I give decent back rubs, and I've only fallen asleep while making love once, which I think isn't too bad for a guy that's been married three times.