Here's the very first email I sent EU, which made him decide I was an ass.
Read and decide if I was out of line like EUsplaining claims:
Hi Eric.
You tend to cherry pick details that align with your bias, and ignore ones that don't.
Most of your stuff is not worth commenting on. But, I can't help.
You have no evidence of a "numbered" bank account.
If you have anything, it might simply be a comment from Sheridan about how he supported himself in Nepal.
He has never said he had a numbered bank account. You seem to use that phrase because it creates drama.
You know he worked in Vietnam. What would be a normal place, in your view, for Sheridan to store his personal funds during that time period?
If you have some evidence that he had an anonymous numbered account with Bank of America in Singapore in 1971, I'd like to see it on your web page. Otherwise, you should remove all your speculation around numbered accounts.
It makes you sound like a crazy person.
Also, the idea that Sheridan "blurted out" something about the dummy reserve during a FBI interview is pure speculation on your part. You don't have the 302 from the FBI on that interview. You took details from Sheridan's July 2007 Smokejumper magazine article, and spun them to align with your own biases. If you read that article by Sheridan, there are lots of wrong ideas that Sheridan probably got by reading articles. He obviously didn't know that both back rigs were pilot emergency rigs. He quotes the common mistake from the media about one of them being a "skydiving rig" . Not. And who knows why he's spewing about a 18 knot wind and 30 mile drift to the Columbia.
Now you could say he's being intentionally misleading. If so, you should ignore anything he says, right?