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Author Topic: Clues, Documents And Evidence About The Case  (Read 1875534 times)

Offline snowmman

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Re: Clues, Documents And Evidence About The Case
« Reply #3555 on: October 23, 2018, 06:19:17 PM »
It talks about criminal checks of people. Could be Sheridan directly.
Says FBI arrest 10/13/52

If anyone talks to Sheridan ask him if the FBI ever arrested him in 1952
It would have been while he was going to University of Missouri, in Columbia, Missouri

Sept '49 to June '52 and Sept '53 to Feb '54 are his attendance there.

He was involved in protest marches in the South. It would be interesting if the FBI actually arrested him down there in 1952

There's another state arrest record mentioned but not enough detail to know what or who they're talking about. The other redacted contacts I suspect are people with the same name or maybe the ex-wife.

« Last Edit: October 23, 2018, 06:24:51 PM by snowmman »

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Re: Clues, Documents And Evidence About The Case
« Reply #3556 on: October 23, 2018, 06:20:13 PM »
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So it looks like Sheridan was a serious suspect. Serious enough to ask a blue-eyed guy for DNA swab.

Why was he apparently dropped? His alibi was that he was in Nepal when the skyjack occurred, but what I have seen (trekking permit) only establishes that he resided there, not that he was there when the crime occurred. The FBI confirmed that he was in Nepal for the birth of his daughter, but that doesn't prove he was there during the crime.

The FBI wouldn't drop a hot suspect in a super high profile crime without a reason. There must be a reason, likely one that we don't yet know.


Sheridan was never dropped as a suspect. Quite the opposite in fact. If he had been dropped they would have admitted it like they did with Duane, LD...oh, and the still breathing Rackstraw.
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Re: Clues, Documents And Evidence About The Case
« Reply #3557 on: October 23, 2018, 06:22:49 PM »
Once he moved to Windsor CA he was easy to locate.

As far as I know the last FBI contact with him was through SA MJF.

If he remained a person of interest, why no further contact?

« Last Edit: October 23, 2018, 06:23:21 PM by 377 »

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Re: Clues, Documents And Evidence About The Case
« Reply #3558 on: October 23, 2018, 06:23:23 PM »
UV exposure at Pokhara would be intense. I spent a year on the east side of the Sierra, CA..used plenty of sunblock and still got way brown. People who have lived there for years have destroyed skin. Hard to find a doctor there, but easy to find a skin specialist.

Yeah for sure. If Sheridan wasn't working in Nepal, and lived in a mud hut, he probably spent his days walking around. He even has trek permits, so he went to higher altitudes than Pokhara.

If you're dressed in a business suit with a tan, yeah people might suspect Latin. I mean, what business guy in rainy Seattle is going to have brown skin in 1971?

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Would fair skinned Yanks living in Nepal likely get a dark tan and be perceived as possibly "Latin" or Mediterranean" here?

Snow, you are a climber, whats the UV exposure like at the altitude Sheridan resided at?

Of course, sunscreen and hats can prevent or reduce tanning.


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Re: Clues, Documents And Evidence About The Case
« Reply #3559 on: October 23, 2018, 06:26:24 PM »
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Once he moved to Windsor CA he was easy to locate.

As far as I know the last FBI contact with him was through SA MJF.

If he remained a person of interest, why no further contact?


Again, Sheridan said Carr spoke with him and ordered his book in 2009 in cognito.
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Re: Clues, Documents And Evidence About The Case
« Reply #3560 on: October 23, 2018, 06:30:25 PM »
Sheridan said on the application he was unemployed when he applied to Boeing.
Unsure if he listed the Bubbleator job

previous news jobs seemed to get a max of $5150 a year. from 9/60 to 6/61

The jobs are redacted. Seems his last salary before Boeing was $95 a week. Maybe that was Bubbleator job.
it was from 8/61 to 2/62
Don't know if he worked at Bubbleator that long, so maybe not.

he lists some Montana jobs before Washington jobs
Then a Missouri job?  (80 cents/hour?) in 52/53 and 53/54..probably the librarian job there.

the earliest is in California at 75 cents/hr. ...around 1948/1949

The guy's memory is incredible both now and back then.

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Re: Clues, Documents And Evidence About The Case
« Reply #3561 on: October 23, 2018, 06:33:44 PM »
"He was involved in protest marches in the South. It would be interesting if the FBI actually arrested him down there in 1952."

Unlikely. Most of the arrests of civil right protesters in the 1950s were done by local and state law enforcement agents. The FBI usually limited their arrests to federal crimes such as bank robbery, Mann (not Snowmman) Act and Smith Act violations, etc.

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Re: Clues, Documents And Evidence About The Case
« Reply #3562 on: October 23, 2018, 06:35:53 PM »
On the boeing application, for the question "other than minor traffic violations have you ever been arrested"

he checked No, but there's an odd circle around the X in the NO box (can't read something above it)
I think maybe there are initials from the interviewer there..i.e. the critical things they were looking for ??
the same circle/note is elsewhere on other things

He also checked No on a question about whether he had ever been arrested charged or held by federal, state or other law enforcement

so maybe he was never arrested.

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Re: Clues, Documents And Evidence About The Case
« Reply #3563 on: October 23, 2018, 06:37:09 PM »
Snow wrote about Sheridan: "The guy's memory is incredible both now and back then."

It sure is. I LOVED hearing his detail-rich smoke jumper stories. it was like you were right there, seeing and feeling everything he did decades ago.


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Re: Clues, Documents And Evidence About The Case
« Reply #3564 on: October 23, 2018, 06:40:12 PM »
The documents are both his Boeing employment record and his employment application.
On his employment record, it shows organizations he's part of

He says "Vice President" of a redacted organization from 6-62 to PRESENT
I suspect that was Boeing Skydivers Club

Clifford was supposedly President at some point. (his obit says so). But Clifford died in 1962 (no-pull in Issaquah, remember)...so maybe Sheridan took over at some point.

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Re: Clues, Documents And Evidence About The Case
« Reply #3565 on: October 23, 2018, 06:41:33 PM »
If Larry Carr talked to Sheridan icognito, how did Sheridan determine the person was Larry Carr?
Or are you saying a phone call was with Carr identifying himself, and the book purchase was incognito? (how would Sheridan know that?)

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Once he moved to Windsor CA he was easy to locate.

As far as I know the last FBI contact with him was through SA MJF.

If he remained a person of interest, why no further contact?


Again, Sheridan said Carr spoke with him and ordered his book in 2009 in cognito.
« Last Edit: October 23, 2018, 06:43:04 PM by snowmman »

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Re: Clues, Documents And Evidence About The Case
« Reply #3566 on: October 23, 2018, 06:44:12 PM »
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If Larry Carr talked to Sheridan icognito, how did Sheridan determine the person was Larry Carr?
Or are you saying a phone call was with Carr identifying himself, and the book purchase was incognito? (how would Sheridan know that?)

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Once he moved to Windsor CA he was easy to locate.

As far as I know the last FBI contact with him was through SA MJF.

If he remained a person of interest, why no further contact?


Again, Sheridan said Carr spoke with him and ordered his book in 2009 in cognito.

Sheridan said he eventually found out. Not sure how.
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Re: Clues, Documents And Evidence About The Case
« Reply #3567 on: October 23, 2018, 06:45:19 PM »
It's too bad I didn't know about Sheridan's 2007 Smokejumper article in 2008.
All I had that made him blip up, was one sentence on a myspace page of his back then.

He wrote "The FBI thought I was DB Cooper"

I found that sentence and went from there. Never knew about the Smokejumper article till now.

Question I have is: Why publish that in 2007, if the FBI interview was way back in 2004.

Definitely no one was hassling him in 2006/2007, at least no one I know of.

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Re: Clues, Documents And Evidence About The Case
« Reply #3568 on: October 23, 2018, 06:46:32 PM »
Sheridan seemed to be lacking the normal fear response.

I jumped last Saturday with some new external radio gear payloads. I was sweating all the way up and down about possible tangles, instability etc.

Sheridan doesn't come across as macho or boastful, just fearless. I asked him about his VERY risky bat wing experiments. it was no big deal. He was curious and decided to build some "wings" and try it out.

Many were killed doing similar winged jumps. You are not allowed to view links. Register or Login

No wonder the USPA was freaked out. The last thing they needed was bad publicity about death in the sport.



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Re: Clues, Documents And Evidence About The Case
« Reply #3569 on: October 23, 2018, 06:48:20 PM »
I'm smiling to myself remembering 2008
Back then I bragged "I read the internet every night" to Bruce

Somehow I hit on that one sentence. Do people even remember myspace?  So funny he wrote "The FBI thought I was DB Cooper" on his page. I may have the exact words wrong, but sort of like that.
« Last Edit: October 23, 2018, 06:52:05 PM by snowmman »