The bank claims they had $250,000 stored for something like this, correct?
They claim $230,000 of it was all in 20's in packets of $2,000, correct?
This was all done days, months or years before Cooper, correct?
How hard would it be to take 100 "packets" of $2,000 each and toss them in a bag whether it was paper bands, rubber bands, duct tape, paper clips, thread, or even tie clips

Is Tom Kaye also wrong when he found out the company they used for the rubber bands?
what I don't follow is the random amounts...this is where Flyjack could be right that they put rubber bands around several packets...the bank also could of used rubber bands to easily identify the mark currency in the vault?
you have 100 packets of 20's....they could of wrapped them in bundles of 3,5,7,4 when Cooper looked in the bag he see's different doesn't explain him taking a large amount out to give the stews though...