I always thought that Cooper asked for the rear Airstairs down on takeoff..
Where is that actually shown?
The pilot transcripts contradict that..
Cooper asked for Tina to remain on the plane and lower the airstairs after takeoff, but the pilots wanted her off the plane and THEY later suggested that the plane takeoff with the rear airstairs open. TO GET ALL STEWS OFF THE PLANE. So, according to the transcript Cooper initially asked for Tina to lower the airstairs after takeoff then the pilots suggested to take off with airstairs down.
This would mean Cooper didn't request the airtairs down on take off.
--- transcript attached----
305 - wants to go to Mexico city
2 fly with gear down and flaps 15 degrees after underway all lights o be turned out
cannot land in US for fuel or other reason no crew member is to go aft of first class curtain
305 - Aft passenger loading door will be open and will remain open in that position and aft stairs to be lowered after takeoff
MSP FLIGHT OPS - The drag will be such that U cannot make Mexican border even with stairs up
305 will have to negotiate with him and will have to stop for fuel girls not off yet......
MSP FLIGHT OPS - The plane is operable with the aft stairs extended
MSP FLIGHT OPS - Just cannot make it with the flaps down guess can go only two to 2 and half hours...
305 Will talk to him again
305 Have negotiated release of 2 girls leaving any moment 3rd girl to stay with aircraft wants her to manipulate stairs for him after plane airborne Have tried to tell him .. operate stairs to lowered after takeoff trying to get him to let us lower stairs partially for takeoff
MSP FLIGHT OPS - Don't know of anyway to lock stairs in intermediate position
305 will talk to him again
follow up..
Looking more into this, I found that Snowmman found the same conflict back on DZ.. Ckret replied but the issue was dropped.
Jun 20, 2008, 10:32 AM
Post #2868 of 58140 (64405 views)
snowmman - When I first read the transcripts, I thought it was very clear that Cooper didn't ask for the stairs down on takeoff, and that Flt Ops/crew got into the discussion because they didn't believe in deployment in the air.
I always thought that Cooper asked for the aft door open and stairs deployed in flight.
I went along with Ckret's insistence that Cooper asked for stairs deployed on takeoff, assuming there must be some other interviews that haven't been released.
Then I thought "What if people misremembered on their interviews...what if the transcripts (real time) are actually the best source of data for what Cooper actually asked for"
Ckret: can you reference the passage in the transcripts that tells you Cooper asked for stairs deployed on takeoff?
My thinking is based on page 11 of the transcripts
Ckret - It's not insisting, its me telling you what the crew said,
I have no idea if they are right or worng, I can only tell you what they said and nothing in the investigation points to them lying about Cooper wanting the airstairs down for takeoff. They were all interviewed the night they got off the plane so I highly doubt their memory would have lapsed on such an issue
If you read the Crew interview "summaries" it does suggest that Cooper asked for rear airstairs down,, however, the transcripts are real time and more reliable than the FBI summaries..
Apparently the crew was together during the interviews, they should have been kept apart.. so they couldn't have influenced each other.
I believe, per real time transcripts that the crew initiated the take off with Airstairs down idea to get Tina off the plane with the other stews and there was some confusion by the FBI agents in interpreting the crew interview... perhaps Cooper's demand of "rear door open" was misunderstood by interviewer.