
Do you believe Cooper lived or died. the option are below to cast a vote...

0% Cooper lived
6 (9.2%)
25% Cooper lived
4 (6.2%)
35% Cooper lived.
2 (3.1%)
50% Cooper lived
14 (21.5%)
75% Cooper lived
14 (21.5%)
100 Cooper lived
25 (38.5%)

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Author Topic: Clues, Documents And Evidence About The Case  (Read 1868703 times)


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Re: Clues, Documents And Evidence About The Case
« Reply #3060 on: September 03, 2018, 12:29:16 AM »
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CONSOLAN. Not of much use to Cooper. I used CONSOLAN. It required a fairly sensitive receiver that could tune BELOW the AM broadcast band. Such radios in a portable format were rather uncommon in the US but did exist. Easy to use, but you needed a map to make sense of the info. By 71 CONSOLAN was very obsolete. There was only one West coast station which I seem to recall was located at Hamilton AFB in Marin County lesst than 20 miles from SF. We couldn’t reliably receive the only other US station which was located at Nantucket MA. So we never got “fixes” just a bearing on the SF Bay Area station. Without a cross bearing (normally impossible because you couldn’t hear a second station) you don’t know your position. I never heard any of the European stations. There were several in Norway.

OMEGA. Used this too. Big receivers. Not portable in 71. Needed OMEGA maps that showed “lanes”. Not practical for Cooper to have used for spotting a jump.

TRANSIT. A USN SATNAV system that preceded GPS. It used non geostationary sats that passed several times a day. The receivers were too big to carry by hand. You only got fixes every few hours when a sat passed within reception range. It never provided constant position info the way GPS does. Totally impracticalfor spotting a jump.


Well the rest of the story is FLYJACK/BULLJAX wont post the full document his snippet comes from! He says that's my responsibility! So we cant see the context in which this supposed FBI doc snippet comes from, etc. Evidently this is Shutter's NEW TRUMP rules for doing Cooper research. Just claim it and to hell with everything else!

It's strange that nobody ever found or posted this document mentioning a radio before if its real.


One hint BULLJAX gave was it was on Geoff Gray's website. The world must have missed it! ?  Who knows maybe its real maybe it isnt. Should anyone care? But FLYJACK/BULLJAX'S tactics are real enough! Wish Snowmman or Farflung were here to respond! 

Was the radio for Cooper or for the crew? FLYJACKS/BULLJAX wont say if he knows.

« Last Edit: September 03, 2018, 12:37:39 AM by georger »


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Re: Clues, Documents And Evidence About The Case
« Reply #3061 on: September 03, 2018, 12:51:38 AM »
Its just the beginning folks - hold on to your seats!

FLYJACKS/BULLJAX has already hinted he has evidence of a relationship between Tina and his suspect. That his suspect was a janitor in Tina's school? Something like that. Maybe 'right place and time and plane' will become 'right place and time and plane with my girlfriend Tina on it!', or something to that effect.

People screamed when FLYJACKS/BULLJAX posted that so he backed off, probably deferring it for a future time and place and forum.  The gamer has plans! You can be sure of that! The chaos has only started.
« Last Edit: September 03, 2018, 12:52:23 AM by georger »

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Re: Clues, Documents And Evidence About The Case
« Reply #3062 on: September 03, 2018, 12:55:34 AM »
It's strange that nobody ever found or posted this document mentioning a radio before if its real.


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Re: Clues, Documents And Evidence About The Case
« Reply #3063 on: September 03, 2018, 01:03:14 AM »
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Here is Larry's more detailed version:

"This is a big misunderstanding about the money, it all had to be
manually scanned. Tellers had a bill list of all 10,000 20's and if
someone came in with a boat load they would do a spot check
to see if any of the serials poped up." ... and ...

"The money was provided by Seafirst bank which is now Bank of
America. The money had been earmarked for situations such as
these and was always on hand. It had been photographed and
serial numbers recorded by their security so the FBI did none of

The money was then transported by SeaFirst bank security to a
Seattle police detective who then drove it to the airport and
handed it over to NWA. The money was bundled in various
counts so that no bundle was the same. Each bundle was
secured by rubber band and different counts so that it appeared
the money was hastily gathered." ... and

"I then went back and re-interviewed the bank security manager
and found out that he wasn't directly involved in packaging the
money, only carrying it to the airport. He was relaying what their
normal procedure was for processing and packaging money for
shipment. But the bank switched its procedure in this case.

The funds that were given to Cooper were not pulled from their
circulating cash but from a security fund that was prepackaged
for these types of incidents. This money was not strapped
because the bank did not want any subjects to know where it
came from so it was packaged with rubber bands
. " ... and

"Everything was scanned into a microfiche as they assembled
the bundles ..." .... and ...

"The money: The FBI does not provide funds for situations like
these. In this case SeaFirst Bank loaned the money to NWA, who
then repaid SeaFirst in the following days. NWA then submitted a
claim to their insurance company, who fought it, but ended up
paying the claim after a court battle. "

As I have explained elsewhere, Ckret eventually went beyond his interview with the bank security manager (mentioned above) and he found and interviewed the bank employee who did the final assembly of the bundles, wrapped with one or more rubber bands, and placed the the bank bag for delivery to Cooper. I can produce the name of that individual. I and several others were notified that Ckret was going to contact that individual and we waited for Ckret's report. Brian Ingram's mother was also contacted to get her (new) statement about bands vs paper straps. Why was all of this being revisited at all - because lab work and people at several universities were waiting for the results. The results from Ckret's conversation with Mrs Ingram came back first - answer: rubber bands. The Ingrams had not encountered anything like paper straps. Finally Ckret's re-interview of the bank employee came back - results: he had wrapped each "bundle" with one or more rubber bands, no paper straps involved.

With those results people were notified and lab work work was scheduled.

Note* the word "bundle" is used above. No mention of packets or packages or any other word but "bundle". The bank employee who assembled the money also used the word "bundles" or "each bundle".

What matters here is how the bank employee assembled the money into groups. You can call these groups bundles or packets or packages or whatever word you want to use. Each group was held together by one or more rubber bands, and no paper straps were involved - period.   

Nothing there is inconsistent with what I have been saying.

Money is paper banded in packets of 100 bills = $2000 (SeaFirst FBI doc)
Packets are rubber banded into bundles of 5 packets = $10,000 (standard practice)
Bank guy randomized and rebands the bundles (Bank employee statement)
Tina's statement "small packages with bank-type bands around each package"
One bundle of 3 packets lands on TBAR
The paper bands disintegrate quickly 2-4 months.
As the rubber bands break apart the 3 packets separate slightly

The Ingrams find rubber band fragments stuck to the money, crumble to touch. There is no evidence confirming location of those band fragments on the money. Many vague statements form Ingrams.

3 Packets are found as 100 bills = $2000..(exactly as they started) they were not randomized. If they were not randomized then it must have been the bundles that were randomized and rebanded.. exactly as the Bank employee stated.

If the 3 TBAR packets were part of ONE BUNDLE when they arrived at TBAR then that is a game changer.


Again you offer no proof for any of your points above. You even claim that "Packets are rubber banded into bundles of 5 packets = $10,000 (standard practice)" at all banks!

Play it again Sam.

You even claim to know more about what banks do than banks I spoke with know and do!

Ah well ... some people know it all. And claim everything.

The game changer is that Shutter allows this BS on his forum.  And the rest of us have to suck it up or leave.

I declare you and Shutter the winners. Congrats!  O0

yes, $10,000 is standard procedure when using $20's... 5 packets.



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Re: Clues, Documents And Evidence About The Case
« Reply #3064 on: September 03, 2018, 01:06:10 AM »
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CONSOLAN. Not of much use to Cooper. I used CONSOLAN. It required a fairly sensitive receiver that could tune BELOW the AM broadcast band. Such radios in a portable format were rather uncommon in the US but did exist. Easy to use, but you needed a map to make sense of the info. By 71 CONSOLAN was very obsolete. There was only one West coast station which I seem to recall was located at Hamilton AFB in Marin County lesst than 20 miles from SF. We couldn’t reliably receive the only other US station which was located at Nantucket MA. So we never got “fixes” just a bearing on the SF Bay Area station. Without a cross bearing (normally impossible because you couldn’t hear a second station) you don’t know your position. I never heard any of the European stations. There were several in Norway.

OMEGA. Used this too. Big receivers. Not portable in 71. Needed OMEGA maps that showed “lanes”. Not practical for Cooper to have used for spotting a jump.

TRANSIT. A USN SATNAV system that preceded GPS. It used non geostationary sats that passed several times a day. The receivers were too big to carry by hand. You only got fixes every few hours when a sat passed within reception range. It never provided constant position info the way GPS does. Totally impracticalfor spotting a jump.


Well the rest of the story is FLYJACK/BULLJAX wont post the full document his snippet comes from! He says that's my responsibility! So we cant see the context in which this supposed FBI doc snippet comes from, etc. Evidently this is Shutter's NEW TRUMP rules for doing Cooper research. Just claim it and to hell with everything else!

It's strange that nobody ever found or posted this document mentioning a radio before if its real.


One hint BULLJAX gave was it was on Geoff Gray's website. The world must have missed it! ?  Who knows maybe its real maybe it isnt. Should anyone care? But FLYJACK/BULLJAX'S tactics are real enough! Wish Snowmman or Farflung were here to respond! 

Was the radio for Cooper or for the crew? FLYJACKS/BULLJAX wont say if he knows.


yup, I have had full the doc for a while and has Gray's website printed on it.. I can't even remember where it came from, Gray had two docs there, but I can only see one right now..

So, maybe he posted it then removed it..  obviously others like Shutter have it.

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Re: Clues, Documents And Evidence About The Case
« Reply #3065 on: September 03, 2018, 01:06:27 AM »
Document #2


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Re: Clues, Documents And Evidence About The Case
« Reply #3066 on: September 03, 2018, 01:17:33 AM »
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Its just the beginning folks - hold on to your seats!

FLYJACKS/BULLJAX has already hinted he has evidence of a relationship between Tina and his suspect. That his suspect was a janitor in Tina's school? Something like that. Maybe 'right place and time and plane' will become 'right place and time and plane with my girlfriend Tina on it!', or something to that effect.

People screamed when FLYJACKS/BULLJAX posted that so he backed off, probably deferring it for a future time and place and forum.  The gamer has plans! You can be sure of that! The chaos has only started.

why do you need to repeatedly lie... I don't have any evidence of a relationship and never claimed I did.. I looked but found nothing.

Shutter, you need to do something about this shit, dude can't stop lying about me, almost every comment is a lie or personal attack, the only purpose is to discredit me and has ZERO do with the Cooper case.. creep is obsessed.
« Last Edit: September 03, 2018, 01:53:22 AM by FLYJACK »


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Re: Clues, Documents And Evidence About The Case
« Reply #3067 on: September 03, 2018, 01:20:56 AM »
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CONSOLAN. Not of much use to Cooper. I used CONSOLAN. It required a fairly sensitive receiver that could tune BELOW the AM broadcast band. Such radios in a portable format were rather uncommon in the US but did exist. Easy to use, but you needed a map to make sense of the info. By 71 CONSOLAN was very obsolete. There was only one West coast station which I seem to recall was located at Hamilton AFB in Marin County lesst than 20 miles from SF. We couldn’t reliably receive the only other US station which was located at Nantucket MA. So we never got “fixes” just a bearing on the SF Bay Area station. Without a cross bearing (normally impossible because you couldn’t hear a second station) you don’t know your position. I never heard any of the European stations. There were several in Norway.

OMEGA. Used this too. Big receivers. Not portable in 71. Needed OMEGA maps that showed “lanes”. Not practical for Cooper to have used for spotting a jump.

TRANSIT. A USN SATNAV system that preceded GPS. It used non geostationary sats that passed several times a day. The receivers were too big to carry by hand. You only got fixes every few hours when a sat passed within reception range. It never provided constant position info the way GPS does. Totally impracticalfor spotting a jump.


good info, I found most of that but am still looking to see if/how CONSOL was used south of the US border, outside the US.. or if there was another system..


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Re: Clues, Documents And Evidence About The Case
« Reply #3068 on: September 03, 2018, 02:52:31 AM »
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Its just the beginning folks - hold on to your seats!

FLYJACKS/BULLJAX has already hinted he has evidence of a relationship between Tina and his suspect. That his suspect was a janitor in Tina's school? Something like that. Maybe 'right place and time and plane' will become 'right place and time and plane with my girlfriend Tina on it!', or something to that effect.

People screamed when FLYJACKS/BULLJAX posted that so he backed off, probably deferring it for a future time and place and forum.  The gamer has plans! You can be sure of that! The chaos has only started.

why do you need to repeatedly lie... I don't have any evidence of a relationship and never claimed I did.. I looked but found nothing.

Shutter, you need to do something about this shit, dude can't stop lying about me, almost every comment is a lie or personal attack, the only purpose is to discredit me and has ZERO do with the Cooper case.. creep is obsessed.

I looked but found nothing.

Oh good! Thank God! Then shall we expect nothing further from you on that nonsense. You did have people going and pissed for a while. No apology was forthcoming from you.

Please drop all of your phony drama too!   :(
« Last Edit: September 03, 2018, 03:12:00 AM by georger »


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Re: Clues, Documents And Evidence About The Case
« Reply #3069 on: September 03, 2018, 09:59:29 AM »
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You are not allowed to view links. Register or Login
Its just the beginning folks - hold on to your seats!

FLYJACKS/BULLJAX has already hinted he has evidence of a relationship between Tina and his suspect. That his suspect was a janitor in Tina's school? Something like that. Maybe 'right place and time and plane' will become 'right place and time and plane with my girlfriend Tina on it!', or something to that effect.

People screamed when FLYJACKS/BULLJAX posted that so he backed off, probably deferring it for a future time and place and forum.  The gamer has plans! You can be sure of that! The chaos has only started.

why do you need to repeatedly lie... I don't have any evidence of a relationship and never claimed I did.. I looked but found nothing.

Shutter, you need to do something about this shit, dude can't stop lying about me, almost every comment is a lie or personal attack, the only purpose is to discredit me and has ZERO do with the Cooper case.. creep is obsessed.

I looked but found nothing.

Oh good! Thank God! Then shall we expect nothing further from you on that nonsense. You did have people going and pissed for a while. No apology was forthcoming from you.

Please drop all of your phony drama too!   :(

MEH, troll.



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Re: Clues, Documents And Evidence About The Case
« Reply #3070 on: September 03, 2018, 10:52:30 AM »
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It's strange that nobody ever found or posted this document mentioning a radio before if its real.

What type of radio would be needed just to listen to cockpit communications?

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Re: Clues, Documents And Evidence About The Case
« Reply #3071 on: September 03, 2018, 11:03:27 AM »
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It's strange that nobody ever found or posted this document mentioning a radio before if its real.

What type of radio would be needed just to listen to cockpit communications?

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The radio in your link would not be able to receive cockpit radio communications.  It does not have the right frequency band.


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Re: Clues, Documents And Evidence About The Case
« Reply #3072 on: September 03, 2018, 11:06:24 AM »
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It's strange that nobody ever found or posted this document mentioning a radio before if its real.

What type of radio would be needed just to listen to cockpit communications?

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The radio in your link would not be able to receive cockpit radio communications.  It does not have the right frequency band.

What frequency is it missing or needed? Are there similar portable radios with the right frequency?


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Re: Clues, Documents And Evidence About The Case
« Reply #3073 on: September 03, 2018, 11:12:16 AM »
Radio Shack sold the ideal Cooper receiver for $29. I owned one in 1969. It was a small pocket sized transistor radio that could tune the entire VHF AM Aircraft Band, roughly 118-136 MHz. Used a common 9 volt batt. Had a speaker and headphone jack. He could have heard everything. Tower, plane even could tune in VORs and listen to their ID but wouldn’t get radial info. Using a technique called body shielding he might have been able to get a rough bearing on a VOR. The technique is explained here: You are not allowed to view links. Register or Login

« Last Edit: September 03, 2018, 11:13:16 AM by 377 »


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Re: Clues, Documents And Evidence About The Case
« Reply #3074 on: September 03, 2018, 11:18:54 AM »
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Radio Shack sold the ideal Cooper receiver for $29. I owned one in 1969. It was a small pocket sized transistor radio that could tune the entire VHF AM Aircraft Band, roughly 118-136 MHz. Used a common 9 volt batt. Had a speaker and headphone jack. He could have heard everything. Tower, plane even could tune in VORs and listen to their ID but wouldn’t get radial info. Using a technique called body shielding he might have been able to get a rough bearing on a VOR. The technique is explained here: You are not allowed to view links. Register or Login


While there were some slight differences in 1971 between the United States and other countries in VHF aeronautical radio frequency bands, VORs could not be received in the USA on the band you list.