here it is...
Does this match Kaye's coordinates?
Here is Kaye's overlay chart from his original website. Shows todays road vs road in 1980.
Keep in mind that the map horizontal grid system changed in the early 1980s to WGS84 from the grid system that existed at the time of the money find in 1980. I believe that the largest change in an East-West direction at Tina Bar (and keeping in mind that the river runs from the South to the North there) is about 190 feet. And the largest change in a North-South direction is only about 10 feet (which would be parallel to the water flow at Tina Bar).
Information is online for making changes between the above grid systems.
The vertical datum was also changed in the 1980s and the correction for these changes are given in the USA COE water data for the Vancouver/Portland gage.
And it must be remembered that the GPS coordinates are in WGS84 as are current aeronautical charts.