
Do you believe Cooper lived or died. the option are below to cast a vote...

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14 (21.5%)
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100 Cooper lived
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Author Topic: Clues, Documents And Evidence About The Case  (Read 1867318 times)


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Re: Clues, Documents And Evidence About The Case
« Reply #2850 on: July 20, 2018, 04:01:31 PM »
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Research shows that in dry sand heavy objects float or stay on top while lighter ones sink..

conversely, in water saturated sand lighter objects/mass float while heavy objects/mass sink..

The issue is density. Liquefied sand is denser than water and the human body is less dense than quicksand, which means you can actually float more easily in quicksand than a swimming pool. Dry money is less dense than newly applied dredging sand, but wet money turns out to be closer to the density of newly applied dredging sand.
Here are the stats.

Density per equivalent volume … is the issue.

Quicksand …  (2 g/cm³) --

Paper money … 1.20 g/cm3    Wet money est:  (1.93 g/cm³)

Water … (0.99823 g/cm³) or 1 gram/cm3

But, the issue here is bottom sediments, which are probably more dense than standard beach sand.

ps: (I am now back and see this did post. I have edited it to the form above.  The issue is Density per equivalent volume … whether something floats or is in suspension or sinks in liquefied sand, ie dredge spoil fresh applied. The Faxios had to wait a number of days in September before things had consolidated enough to take the weight of a tractor. But there was no high water during or after the dredging operation - see below
« Last Edit: July 20, 2018, 05:55:16 PM by georger »


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Re: Clues, Documents And Evidence About The Case
« Reply #2851 on: July 20, 2018, 04:11:56 PM »
Have internet problem in Iowa and here..

We were hit by 35 tornadoes yesterday. Will get back when I can.

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Re: Clues, Documents And Evidence About The Case
« Reply #2852 on: July 20, 2018, 05:17:10 PM »
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The three bundles found at Tina Bar were probably deposited there several months or years after the hijacking and were probably in the same bag that was given to Cooper when they arrived at Tina Bar.

I do not see anything odd about how the bills went from the "special fund" in the bank's vault to how they were bundled when given to Cooper.

I think that I was a little unclear in what I said.  I think that one of the very plausible ways that the three packets could have ended up together at T-Bar is that they were brought there by a person.  In my mind, that could include someone showing up at T-Bar well after the fact and planting them, or Cooper dropping them on the beach as he tried to hide evidence, or any number of ways that a person could cause money to end up on a beach.  What I found odd was the idea that the packets of money got to T-Bar without human intervention, but somehow ended up together like they were found (as would have been necessary with an explanation like the Washougal washdown theory, or the bag coming open during Cooper's jump).  In my mind, three separate packages of cash floating through a river, or falling through the air, aren't going to end up all together in their final resting place.  If they were three packets of cash that were held together by a rubber band / bank strap which later deteriorated though, then it makes more sense how they could have ended up at T-Bar without being deliberately put there by a person.

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Re: Clues, Documents And Evidence About The Case
« Reply #2853 on: July 20, 2018, 05:23:58 PM »
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Dredging spoils are in a state of liquefaction for some time. They flow... see south "slump" pile. 

Image has been colorised to better show slumping effect present at @ of the liquefied dredge slump piles - 

Red dot shows money find location north of north slump pile.

The money find location, based on the GPS coordinates from Tom Kaye, is about 150 to 200 feet south (to the right in the photo) of the red dot.  Remember that the long building running north and south on the Fazio property is about 200 or 210 feet long.

The TK coordinates put the red dot well inside the pencil circles and at the edge, or maybe slightly into, the slump pile.  So if the money was at Tina Bar prior to 1974, Shutter could be right.

Either you or Tom are screwed up. My red doit is very close to Tom's yellow pin in his chart on his website. Now, if Tom's corrds are wrong or his pin is wrong ..... I dont know which. Take it up with Tom. Let us know by the year 5000!  Im going fishing.

I have examined the photographic evidence and GPS info that Tom Kaye has on his site and I have found it to be completely consistent.

That is to say, the yellow pins displayed on both pictures Tom posted under the "Tena Bar" sub-heading (Figure 1 and Figure 3) are spot on for the GPS coordinates that he provided. They are also consistent with the pictures that Georger posted above and with the red dot that he placed on the photo.

Moreover, commonsense dictates that the manual moving, via backhoe or bulldozer, of the dredge spoils from further upstream would not have pushed them into the tree area where the money was found.
Some men see things as they are, and ask why? I dream of things that never were, and ask why not?


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Re: Clues, Documents And Evidence About The Case
« Reply #2854 on: July 20, 2018, 05:24:10 PM »
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Have internet problem in Iowa and here..

We were hit by 35 tornadoes yesterday. Will get back when I can.

I hope you made out OK. 

I'm in Cedar Rapids.  So, it has been in the news a lot over here.


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Re: Clues, Documents And Evidence About The Case
« Reply #2855 on: July 20, 2018, 05:37:21 PM »
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Have internet problem in Iowa and here..

We were hit by 35 tornadoes yesterday. Will get back when I can.

I hope you made out OK. 

I'm in Cedar Rapids.  So, it has been in the news a lot over here.

The issue is Marshaltown ... lots of fibre lines go through there, its intermittent ... Mediacom has been having issues. We are ok because we go through Southslope and have our own pipe ... by my apt at ICity is Mediacom. I noticed mail was screwed up today because it routes through Cedar Rapids. Never heard of so many tornadoes during a 1 day period in this State! UI and Pal Dows near Mt Vernon are ok.   
« Last Edit: July 20, 2018, 05:38:11 PM by georger »


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Re: Clues, Documents And Evidence About The Case
« Reply #2856 on: July 20, 2018, 05:46:26 PM »
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Dredging spoils are in a state of liquefaction for some time. They flow... see south "slump" pile. 

Image has been colorised to better show slumping effect present at @ of the liquefied dredge slump piles - 

Red dot shows money find location north of north slump pile.

The money find location, based on the GPS coordinates from Tom Kaye, is about 150 to 200 feet south (to the right in the photo) of the red dot.  Remember that the long building running north and south on the Fazio property is about 200 or 210 feet long.

The TK coordinates put the red dot well inside the pencil circles and at the edge, or maybe slightly into, the slump pile.  So if the money was at Tina Bar prior to 1974, Shutter could be right.

Either you or Tom are screwed up. My red doit is very close to Tom's yellow pin in his chart on his website. Now, if Tom's corrds are wrong or his pin is wrong ..... I dont know which. Take it up with Tom. Let us know by the year 5000!  Im going fishing.

I have examined the photographic evidence and GPS info that Tom Kaye has on his site and I have found it to be completely consistent.

That is to say, the yellow pins displayed on both pictures Tom posted under the "Tena Bar" sub-heading (Figure 1 and Figure 3) are spot on for the GPS coordinates that he provided. They are also consistent with the pictures that Georger posted above and with the red dot that he placed on the photo.

Moreover, commonsense dictates that the manual moving, via backhoe or bulldozer, of the dredge spoils from further upstream would not have pushed them into the tree area where the money was found.

Yes the issue is the distance. However subsequent flooding might have moved things in the direction of the current - north. USGS sediment analysis seems to indicate contamination between the north-most spoil; pile and area north which would include the money site, plus Tom's spectro bill analysis seems to show a profile like that shown for the dredging material (collected in a known location the USGS sampled years ago). Things tend to travel with current in a newly unconsolidated liquefied state. Tom's separation between the two sites is only 100 yards. The trees and bushes at the Ingram site would have provided a convenient catch point. I think its a valid issue. ?   

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Re: Clues, Documents And Evidence About The Case
« Reply #2857 on: July 20, 2018, 05:53:55 PM »
I disagree with the location...even Palmer points out the exact location I have suspected for some time now..


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Re: Clues, Documents And Evidence About The Case
« Reply #2858 on: July 20, 2018, 05:56:29 PM »
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I disagree with the location...even Palmer points out the exact location I have suspected for some time now..

Can you put that on a map or photo? 
« Last Edit: July 20, 2018, 05:58:05 PM by georger »

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Re: Clues, Documents And Evidence About The Case
« Reply #2859 on: July 20, 2018, 06:16:38 PM »
phone calls came in...yes, I can place the mark on the map you provided...


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Re: Clues, Documents And Evidence About The Case
« Reply #2860 on: July 20, 2018, 06:19:46 PM »
I worked with a sediment chemist at USGS on this problem. I think we can prove (based on an elemental survey) that the area of the Ingram find was contaminated by dredging spoils dumped south of the Ingram site, at the north-most slump site. It turns out that the bottom sediments collected and dumped on Tina Bar carried a rather special elemental signature known in only three areas on the Columbia (from the area in and around Vancouver-Portland). Tom Kaye's elemental survey of the bills he was sent turned up parts of that same unique elemental signature. The USGS chemist noted the similarity very quickly!

If the money was contaminated by dredging spoils, the logical period that could happen would be in 1974, which requires that the money was already in place in 1974 at the latest, or it came to that location along with the spoils being applied. By 1980 all surface dredging materials would have been buried or washed away, leaving little chance of surface contamination of newly arrived money near the surface.


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Re: Clues, Documents And Evidence About The Case
« Reply #2861 on: July 20, 2018, 06:25:09 PM »
here it is...

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Re: Clues, Documents And Evidence About The Case
« Reply #2862 on: July 20, 2018, 06:29:47 PM »
the photo taken from the helicopter puts a lot of this into perspective along with trees I can identify and the angled road running in the background..one still shows (I believe) the retension pond in the background..
« Last Edit: July 20, 2018, 06:34:52 PM by Shutter »

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Re: Clues, Documents And Evidence About The Case
« Reply #2863 on: July 20, 2018, 06:41:41 PM »
Operation T-Bar never got off the ground...I was hit with  Hurricane, friend dying in the hospital and an extremely heavy workload that one member didn't agree with and caused the end of a relationship..that's the bottom line to what happened..


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Re: Clues, Documents And Evidence About The Case
« Reply #2864 on: July 20, 2018, 06:57:59 PM »
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Dredging spoils are in a state of liquefaction for some time. They flow... see south "slump" pile. 

Image has been colorised to better show slumping effect present at @ of the liquefied dredge slump piles - 

Red dot shows money find location north of north slump pile.

The money find location, based on the GPS coordinates from Tom Kaye, is about 150 to 200 feet south (to the right in the photo) of the red dot.  Remember that the long building running north and south on the Fazio property is about 200 or 210 feet long.

The TK coordinates put the red dot well inside the pencil circles and at the edge, or maybe slightly into, the slump pile.  So if the money was at Tina Bar prior to 1974, Shutter could be right.

Either you or Tom are screwed up. My red doit is very close to Tom's yellow pin in his chart on his website. Now, if Tom's corrds are wrong or his pin is wrong ..... I dont know which. Take it up with Tom. Let us know by the year 5000!  Im going fishing.

You should get that "red doit" checked by a Doctor..  might be Cancerous

So, let me get the context,,, 

The exact location of the missing rubber bands on the TBar money is settled but the location of the money find isn't..

Absolutely unbelievable..

Relative to your questions about the rubber bands, are you thinking that the money made its way to T-Bar in the form of three strapped packets, held together as one bundle by two rubber bands?

Anything is possible, but based on the (FBI) evidence and logic it is more likely that the money arrived on TBAR as one rubber banded bundle of packages.. not 3 separate individual packages.

Bank confirmed that the bundles were randomized, not the packages..  So, bundles may have contained 3, 4, 5 or 6 packages (x100 bills)..

I haven't found any evidence that supports the "settled conclusion" that each individual package was encircled by an "intact" (Kaye) rubber band arriving on TBAR separately but together..

Ingrams statements are vague and FBI interpretations unclear.

additional Media reports,,

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“the stacks of $20 bills were bound by decomposing rubber bandsâ€

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"was bound in packets with crumbling rubber bandsâ€

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"The money, bound by rubber bands,â€

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"HE SAID wads of the money, bound by rubber bands, were found"

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"The first bills, bound together by crumbling rubber bands,"

I have never bought the idea that the three separate packets could have traveled together to T-Bar, without either being purposely planted there, or without them having been rubber banded to each other in one bundle.  The part that seems off to me though is that it seems like there should have been either the remnants of paper straps, or of rubber bands, in-between certain bills.  In other words, if the top packet had 101 bills in it, and the middle packet had 98 bills in it, and the bottom packet had 99 bills in it, separating the bills should have revealed some sort of remnants of a decomposed strap / rubber band underneath bill #101 and on top of bill #102, as well as similar remnants underneath bill #199 and on top of bill #200.  I suppose that, if it had been paper straps, they would have decomposed faster than the bills; but would that really erase all trace of them?

Let's consider a hypothetical situation.  When the bank created that "special fund" at the request of the FBI, specific things were done to simplify identifying the money bills and to give the impression that the bills were not "marked".  The bills selected for that fund had all been in circulation and covered only three years.  The bills were not in sequential order and were probably microfilmed at that time.  Then the bills were put in equal bundles and secured by the bank's normal paper tape.  Thus the bank could easily keep track of the "special fund" during inventories.

The hijacking took place very near 3:00PM PST and the Seattle detective delivered the money to the NWA facility at SEATAC shortly after 5:00PM PST.  If NWA management at SEATAC immediately notified the FBI and the FBI then notified the bank with the special fund, then the bank would have less than two full hours to get the bills to the Seattle detective.  The FBI/bank took the bills out of the paper tape, put them in different size bundles, and secured the new bundles with rubber bands.  They may have also microfilmed the bills in the Cooper ransom again.

The three bundles found at Tina Bar were probably deposited there several months or years after the hijacking and were probably in the same bag that was given to Cooper when they arrived at Tina Bar.

I do not see anything odd about how the bills went from the "special fund" in the bank's vault to how they were bundled when given to Cooper.


Banks normally currency strap packets/packages in 100's then bundle packages.

The bank claimed they randomized and rubber banded the bundles.. not the packages. Ckret conflated the terms and assumed they randomized and rubber banded the packages. The TBAR packages were not randomized.

There is no evidence that they re-Micro'd the bills right before delivery to Cooper. Clearly, to do that you would have to unstrap and reband. The process which the FBI used to curate the bill list contradicts the idea that they Micro'd the Cooper ransom. The entire emergency fund of $250k was micro'd much earlier and I have read that the bank stash remaining $20 bills were micro'd afterwards because the FBI was having trouble curating the bill list from the original Micro..

and Tina's statement was packages with bank-type bands.

IMO, most likely the 3 packets/packages landed on TBAR as one rubber banded bundle.

« Last Edit: July 20, 2018, 07:07:37 PM by FLYJACK »