Total Members Voted: 60
Rather than rehash the events that caused the closing of this thread I have decided to remove the comments and open the thread back up...DO NOT diagnose someone's mental status on this forum...calling someone crazy, or nuts is one thing, but please refrain from direct mental terms unless you are qualified to do so...Shutter
I remember when he was on websleuths, i wasn't pay much attention to what he was saying to even notice the backwards name. I recall farflung saying all the things in the letter were already public knowledge. as for Curtis being behind it, I doubt it. are we to believe Cooper has been watching all of this unfold on the internet for decades? would Cooper even care if he was still alive what was going on?
I had a long conversation with Tom Colbert a week or so back..he claims to now be able to fill in a lot of gaps. he has had discussions with lots of people surrounding Rackstraw. I'm still not convinced but am willing to see the conclusion of this.Tom has been in Hollywood for some time now and claims all the buzz surrounds Rackstraw when it comes to interest in the Cooper case. some of the things he told me are very interesting since they involve things, or people after the Cooper hijacking. he doesn't want this to be public knowledge just yet. if it's true it will open the case further putting other things into question. I forgot to ask him about the money theory and why Cooper would the write a letter doing the opposite. perhaps I'll email him or he will read this and contact is odd he would try and fake his death and turn a round and give them a puzzle..I told him he was wasting his time since the FBI believes Kenny Christiansen was DB Cooper
How is it that the FBI didn't even look at the tie through an optical microscope? The aluminum shavings/turnings should have been easily seen thus calling for a deeper look with SEM, spectroscopic analysis etc. Seems like basic investigative protocols were ignored. Am I missing something?377
R99 can you explain a bit more? How would they have ID'd Cooper by the end of 72 without a body?377
OK, why weren't tests of the tie ordered? Sure this was pre DNA forensics, but pollen, fibers and other telling particles might have been found. I'm baffled why they just tagged and bagged it.