I'm not going to argue with you about this....you assume too much for the simple fact of people not agreeing with your theories,
There is no argument and I am not assuming anything.. or expecting anyone to accept any theory. I haven't even expressed my current theory. I am still trying to sort this out.
Look at the facts, so far.. draw your own conclusion.
FACT, The Dental Lab (School) is a perfect match for the tie particle profile, the best known by far.
FACT, A perfect profile match is
NOT PROOF, it is circumstantial. (Do I actually have to state the obvious)
FACT, Based on the two labels, the tie was manufactured 1965/66, not the 1-2 years old the FBI claimed from talking to a Penny's manager. (The labels were not analyzed)
FACT, Albert Weinberg, author of "Dan Cooper" comics was in Seattle and Florida researching prior to the hijacking.
FACT, Albert Weinberg routinely associates with ex military pilots and local aviation culture to research his comics.
FACT, Albert Weinberg drew his comics from his own photographs.
FACT, Weinberg first published the Seattle "Dan Cooper" comic in TINTIN in parts spread through 1970/71.
FACT, The Seattle "Dan Cooper" comic contains identification to a current (1971) and ex-military pilot (US and European service) with a European background but living in the US.
FACT, Kaye is the only one that I know that analyzed the Seattle "Dan Cooper" comic, but he missed a potential clue.
FACT, A Pilot and prolific skydiver attended a Dental Lab environment in the Midwest from 1966-1971. That perfectly matches the tie timeframe.
FACT, That person is associated to a house upstream of TBAR next to the river late 1970's.
FACT, That person associated with ex military pilots and is one associate away from the person identified in the Seattle "Dan Cooper" comic.
FACT, some of these guys are still alive.
FACT, None of these guys has ever been brought up in relation to the Cooper case. (ex Weinberg)
FACT, One was an aviation writer but has never mentioned the Cooper case.
FACT, One worked at McDonnell Douglas.
FACT, One created an American aviation comic. It failed.
FACT, I have many more FACTS...
Conclusions are speculative. Draw your own. It could be just an amazing coincidence.