
Do you believe Cooper lived or died. the option are below to cast a vote...

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4 (6.2%)
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2 (3.1%)
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14 (21.5%)
75% Cooper lived
14 (21.5%)
100 Cooper lived
25 (38.5%)

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Author Topic: Clues, Documents And Evidence About The Case  (Read 1868666 times)


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Re: Clues, Documents And Evidence About The Case
« Reply #2640 on: February 12, 2018, 10:46:59 PM »
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This is a thread that needs to be pulled...


HAHA, not the forum thread, the tie particle "thread".. a loose thread that needs to be unravelled to see where it goes

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Re: Clues, Documents And Evidence About The Case
« Reply #2641 on: February 12, 2018, 10:50:51 PM »
lol, ok....


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Re: Clues, Documents And Evidence About The Case
« Reply #2642 on: February 13, 2018, 12:22:54 AM »
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Website: Tom Kaye

The titanium and stainless particle is quite informative (Fig. 5). This particle requires several Fig. 5  Titanium piece with embedded stainless steel particle at top. The color coding is green for titanium and red for iron.  (Length = 0.43mm)factors be in place for its production. The first requirement is that there is pure titanium available. Second, a 400 series stainless steel has to be in intimate association with the titanium. Third, there has to be some type of device or machinery involved, capable of producing high-compressive forces that would abrade and smear the two metals together as shown. The fact the stainless particle was smeared into the titanium means its highly unlikely that it was from a hardened cutting tool, which would tend to fracture and not smear. The most likely place these factors would come together and produce this type of particle, would be in a fabrication facility using titanium.

Fact: All titanium used in aircraft is alloyed and the Cooper material was pure titanium.
Interpretation: Due to the lack of alloyed titanium, Cooper did not work in the aircraft industry.

YES, and what about all the other (almost 40) particles, CP Ti is only one..

The best match for all particles that I could find is a specific Dental Lab. NOT DENTAL OFFICE.

The tie was manufactured late 1965/early 1966 based on the two labels. I found a pilot/skydiver in that environment from 1966-1971.

Do any of these metallic particles show the Widmanstätten pattern indicative of meteoric origin?  That could link Cooper to the Astronaut core group ?

Mockery is not an actual argument.

If you can find a better particle environment match, do let us know..


Mockery? Hang up phone calls to my apt at Iowa City? WTF!  It may be YOU who is MOCKING US! iN FACT it is YOU who HAVE refused to let us into the resources you are using or your methods? We have been asking for months! You single hanedly come up with more astounding 'scientific breakthroughs' in the DB Cooper case than any other single known person ever in the history of the DB Cooper case. Except for Tom Kaye of course. So what are your methods and practices - just shear brilliance? You see and know things nobody knows - not even the FBI! So dear one - please stop making hangup calls to my apartment. Just share your methods for a change. Life will be a lot simpler that way -  :rofl:  Stop mocking us! And me.   :rofl:

So my question still stands: Do any of these metallic particles show the Widmanstätten pattern indicative of meteoric (high percentage nickle) origin/content?

You are a scientific tecky guy (apparently) - who does mass spectroscopy in his spare time? So you surely should know the answer to my question. The question actually matters! Duhhhhhh. The answer options are: Yes, No, I don't know!

I mean, Cooper is alleged by some to have very technical (top secret) skills-knowledge. How far does this go? Is there any actual evidence of it. Particles on the tie may indicate a very high skill set!? You say a dental office? Could it be the Space Program? Astronaut program and astronaut washout core? 

And you call this mockery?  :nono: Im just exploring the options just as you are. So ... give me a break Einstein!

HAHA, doubling down..  :bravo:

I found a match for the tie environment by doing my own research and YOU found NOTHING.

Again, IF you have a better tie environment match LET US KNOW.. there may be one but nobody has identified it yet.

I do think that it is more important to at least consider the Dental Lab environment than mock it from a position of ignorance.


I found a match for the tie environment by doing my own research and YOU found NOTHING.

What is this juvenile BS? I found nothing? I wasnt looking! Am I supposed to be looking? :rofl:  What is all of this juvenile personal stuff with you? Been a long hard day and you arent making it any easier, but of course you are smarter than everyone else!

I will tell you this, before you can claim identity with any of Tom's particles you must first show us your spectroscopy just to start. OK? Get to work ...  otherwise you can "claim" you have found Tom's particles at Fred's Bar in Slowbovia and they match Frankenstein's Lab. When are you going to get beyond putting up Billboards and present any proof - of anything? To date all you are is a poster in a Cooper forum.     

Now I need a break from Cooper Wackos.
« Last Edit: February 13, 2018, 12:33:12 AM by georger »

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Re: Clues, Documents And Evidence About The Case
« Reply #2643 on: February 13, 2018, 03:53:48 AM »
In the meantime, Fly, let's pull that thread.

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Re: Clues, Documents And Evidence About The Case
« Reply #2644 on: February 13, 2018, 08:26:04 AM »
I asked Tom Kaye about the theory..he said it was possible, but unlikely...he added that the elements were "spattered' on the tie. this sounds like something went wrong with what ever was being done causing the material to transfer to the tie..

why would root canal sealer be in a lab?

how controlled is a dental lab..I'm sure gloves and lab jackets are worn...


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Re: Clues, Documents And Evidence About The Case
« Reply #2645 on: February 13, 2018, 08:38:24 AM »
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I asked Tom Kaye about the theory..he said it was possible, but unlikely...he added that the elements were "spattered' on the tie. this sounds like something went wrong with what ever was being done causing the material to transfer to the tie..

why would root canal sealer be in a lab?

how controlled is a dental lab..I'm sure gloves and lab jackets are worn...

Good question, this wasn't just a common Dental lab, it was a specific environment which also included some actual dental work.

The particles could be spattered..

HINT: a Dental School
« Last Edit: February 13, 2018, 08:49:41 AM by FLYJACK »

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Re: Clues, Documents And Evidence About The Case
« Reply #2646 on: February 13, 2018, 03:19:41 PM »
I don't do hints....

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Re: Clues, Documents And Evidence About The Case
« Reply #2647 on: February 13, 2018, 04:34:56 PM »
Teases, hints, titrating information... meh. Jo does that, but not very skillfully.

Amazing how Duane always ends up being associated with the latest suspects. Duane hung out with Rackstraw according to Jo. That Duane sure got around. He was the fourth guy in the Rat Pack too I suppose. He had the pipes according to Jo.


« Last Edit: February 13, 2018, 04:35:19 PM by 377 »

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Re: Clues, Documents And Evidence About The Case
« Reply #2648 on: February 13, 2018, 07:25:22 PM »
I'm not going to argue with you about this....you assume too much for the simple fact of people not agreeing with your theories, yes, you have had many. nothing wrong with that at all...but..

You automatically think "we discussed the theory" I sent an email saying "what do you think about the dental field, or a dental lab" and he responded...we didn't casually dismiss anything together..he said "it's possible but unlikely" I mentioned previously it was worth looking into..

perhaps, you can email him and find out why he "casually dismissed it" if I "casually dismissed it" I wouldn't of bothered emailing him!

what I do see a lot of is people casually trying to fit things in order to make a suspect credible...that I see a lot...

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Re: Clues, Documents And Evidence About The Case
« Reply #2649 on: February 14, 2018, 12:39:36 AM »
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Teases, hints, titrating information... meh. Jo does that, but not very skillfully.

Amazing how Duane always ends up being associated with the latest suspects. Duane hung out with Rackstraw according to Jo. That Duane sure got around. He was the fourth guy in the Rat Pack too I suppose. He had the pipes according to Jo.


Jo says I got it wrong about Duane and Rackstraw.

“I NEVER SAID DUANE HUNG OUT WITH RACKSTRAW - HE WAS TOO YOUNG.  HE WAS THE SON OF A FRIEND OF DUANE'S & DUANE TOLD ME ABOUT THE SON - RACKSTRAW TAKING OFF INTO THE WOODS WHILE DUANE WAS VISITING WITH HIS FATHER. (this was told to me by Duane when we went to WA before the money was found a few months later & we where making a side trip to Tahoe by way of Oregon of course and supposedly that is were Rackstraws father live when Rackstraw took off into the woods).”



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Re: Clues, Documents And Evidence About The Case
« Reply #2650 on: February 14, 2018, 10:03:30 AM »
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I'm not going to argue with you about this....you assume too much for the simple fact of people not agreeing with your theories,

There is no argument and I am not assuming anything.. or expecting anyone to accept any theory. I haven't even expressed my current theory. I am still trying to sort this out.

Look at the facts, so far.. draw your own conclusion.

FACT, The Dental Lab (School) is a perfect match for the tie particle profile, the best known by far.

FACT, A perfect profile match is NOT PROOF, it is circumstantial. (Do I actually have to state the obvious)

FACT, Based on the two labels, the tie was manufactured 1965/66, not the 1-2 years old the FBI claimed from talking to a Penny's manager. (The labels were not analyzed)

FACT, Albert Weinberg, author of "Dan Cooper" comics was in Seattle and Florida researching prior to the hijacking.

FACT, Albert Weinberg routinely associates with ex military pilots and local aviation culture to research his comics.

FACT, Albert Weinberg drew his comics from his own photographs.

FACT, Weinberg first published the Seattle "Dan Cooper" comic in TINTIN in parts spread through 1970/71.

FACT, The Seattle "Dan Cooper" comic contains identification to a current (1971) and ex-military pilot (US and European service) with a European background but living in the US.

FACT, Kaye is the only one that I know that analyzed the Seattle "Dan Cooper" comic, but he missed a potential clue.

FACT, A Pilot and prolific skydiver attended a Dental Lab environment in the Midwest from 1966-1971. That perfectly matches the tie timeframe.

FACT, That person is associated to a house upstream of TBAR next to the river late 1970's.

FACT, That person associated with ex military pilots and is one associate away from the person identified in the Seattle "Dan Cooper" comic.

FACT, some of these guys are still alive.

FACT, None of these guys has ever been brought up in relation to the Cooper case. (ex Weinberg)

FACT, One was an aviation writer but has never mentioned the Cooper case.

FACT, One worked at McDonnell Douglas.

FACT, One created an American aviation comic. It failed.

FACT, I have many more FACTS...

Conclusions are speculative. Draw your own. It could be just an amazing coincidence.


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Re: Clues, Documents And Evidence About The Case
« Reply #2651 on: February 14, 2018, 11:54:30 AM »
Actually, it was Carol Abraczinskas on TK's Citizen Sleuths team who analyzed the Dan Cooper comics. She gave a first-rate presentation on the comics and DBC at the Portland Symposium years ago. It was almost like a  presentation of a scholarly paper. Everything was documented. It was a factual not a speculative presentation and she really did a great job.



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Re: Clues, Documents And Evidence About The Case
« Reply #2652 on: February 14, 2018, 02:04:06 PM »
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Actually, it was Carol Abraczinskas on TK's Citizen Sleuths team who analyzed the Dan Cooper comics. She gave a first-rate presentation on the comics and DBC at the Portland Symposium years ago. It was almost like a  presentation of a scholarly paper. Everything was documented. It was a factual not a speculative presentation and she really did a great job.


Kaye used the term WE so I assumed it was the TEAM..  people back at DZ only scratched the surface.

I don't know what the Kaye team found, those "Dan Cooper" comics were first published in TINTIN, spread out over many issues... They were republished later as stand alone comics or compilations. The common skydiving comic image that the FBI refer to is from the wrong one..

The Seattle "Dan Cooper" comic that identifies a real pilot and ex military person is "Objectif Jumbo" , Kaye has referenced images in that comic but nobody has picked up on the ID in it..

I assume that Weinberg knew the guy or had contact or took a photo that he later incorporated into the comic. He probably knew the guy from back in Europe.

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Re: Clues, Documents And Evidence About The Case
« Reply #2653 on: February 14, 2018, 05:37:33 PM »
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Teases, hints, titrating information... meh. Jo does that, but not very skillfully.

Amazing how Duane always ends up being associated with the latest suspects. Duane hung out with Rackstraw according to Jo. That Duane sure got around. He was the fourth guy in the Rat Pack too I suppose. He had the pipes according to Jo.


Jo says I got it wrong about Duane and Rackstraw.

“I NEVER SAID DUANE HUNG OUT WITH RACKSTRAW - HE WAS TOO YOUNG.  HE WAS THE SON OF A FRIEND OF DUANE'S & DUANE TOLD ME ABOUT THE SON - RACKSTRAW TAKING OFF INTO THE WOODS WHILE DUANE WAS VISITING WITH HIS FATHER. (this was told to me by Duane when we went to WA before the money was found a few months later & we where making a side trip to Tahoe by way of Oregon of course and supposedly that is were Rackstraws father live when Rackstraw took off into the woods).”


And Jo is likely wrong, because Rackstraw's family lived nowhere near Tahoe, IIRC. They hailed, at the time, from Santa Cruz.

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Re: Clues, Documents And Evidence About The Case
« Reply #2654 on: February 22, 2018, 07:21:22 PM »
Rather than rehash the events that caused the closing of this thread I have decided to remove the comments and open the thread back up...DO NOT diagnose someone's mental status on this forum...calling someone crazy, or nuts is one thing, but please refrain from direct mental terms unless you are qualified to do so...
