I don't see Colbert as a charlatan Bruce... It's far more likely that Rackstraw is DBC than it is for a person to levitate or reincarnate...Colbert has done a lot of real research. Finding Rackstraw, who we all missed, counts for something.
TC is a lot quicker than I would be to jump to conclusions, but that doesn't detract from facts he has uncovered through his own work and FOIA requests and lawsuits...
Is Tom Colbert a charlatan? I say yes for representing himself as a true-blue DB Cooper researcher. He is not. He is more of an executive producer who gets other people to do the heavy lifting. That said, I do acknowledge that the Executive Prodcuer gets the first line in the Credit Scroll, so his contributions are not insignificant. I do not consider what I am saying as "name-calling." Rather, it is putting a spotlight on a leading figure in the DB Cooper investigation who is making headlines, again. What I am doing is more like telling the world that the emperor is not wearing any clothes.
Here is why I say Tom Colbert is a charlatan:
1. The Rackstraw information came to him from freelancers, videographers and such in Las Vegas and elsewhere, who got the ball rolling. Yes, TC was the administrative magnet that accepted the information and formed a response. I do give him credit for that.
2. Jim Forbes did most of the field work. When we saw TC in the HC docu he was ALWASY sitting at a desk. That is his bailiwick. Forbes was the grunt guy in the trenches, meeting with Airborne Bob, leading the film crews, and strategizing best how to proceed and determine if AB was DB. Remember, Forbes was the guy who went to Rackstraw's family, especially his sister, and conducted the interviews.
3. TC has twisted everything that Bill Mitchell said, and now positions BM as saying Rackstraw is Cooper. That is shameful.
4. TC grilled me for an hour over Tina and her memory, before the HC docu came out. I considered his tone to be beyond aggressive. It was vicious. He wanted to know every exact detail about what Calame told me about Tina's cognitive deficits, and what Calame wrote in his book. He also wanted details about Tosaw and what Richard told Rataczak concerning Tina's memory being wiped clean like a white board. He was really arming-up to get ready to throw her under the bus in case she didn't select AB as DB, but he didn't get the chance on camera, apparently, and she also seemed to have turned down all of his interview requests.
5. Tom has not read my book. Beyond being a personal affront, it is stupid for a legitimate Cooper researcher not to read the only case study of Norjak, even if one disagrees with half of it. To not read it is purposeful ignorance, and when one does that and still cast themselves as a bona fide researcher, I call that proof of charlatanism.
6. TC has mis-represented the FBI and their release of the docs. The "I Knew" letter was known about years ago, and discussed in several forums. What really happened is that TC finally read the letter! TC ignores all of that. In fact, I don't believe TC knows any of the letter's prior history. He strikes me as being very poorly informed.
6. Tom mis-uses his CCT. He has 40 former FBI agents and LE? Well, why doesn't he put them to work doing purposeful investigations? Like starting with the identity of Al Di. After all, one of the CCT is a former assistant director of the FBI. To not fully mobilize his crew is further proof, in my view, of his warped stature in the DBC firmament.