Just watched an interesting demonstration about witness identification, conducted on a morning show by a former Secret Service agent. They staged an altercation with actors and then polled the audience a few minutes later on what the perpetrator looked like. They gave them three questions, multiple choice.
Hair color:
A) Dark Brown
B) Light Brown
C) Black
D) Dirty Blonde
Less than half got the right answer, which was Dark Brown.
A) 29
B) 36
C) 42
D) 51
Only 4% got the right answer (42), with close to half guessing 29, a difference of over a decade, though obviously these are leading questions.
When asked if the perpetrator was wearing glasses, 91% answered correctly that he was not. However, the victim was wearing glasses, which led the SS agent to explain something called "transposing," where a witness takes a characteristic of one person and falsely attributes it to another. If 8% of witnesses said he was wearing glasses, (one in 12ish), then it's not uncommon. (What color were the Stew's uniforms on flight 305? Maroon? Dark red? Is that close to "russet" color? Just a thought.)
Happy Friday.