It sounds like we all need to work together and start our own database of evidence. what I mean is starting from the minute the plane took off. what was said, who said it etc. and put it into a locked thread..... A mythbuster thread....
These are Cooper’s exact words as spoken to Schaffner:
Cooper said to Schaffner; "Take this down. I want $200,000 by 5:00 PM in cash. Put it in a knapsack. I want two back parachutes and two front parachutes. When we land, I want a fuel truck ready to refuel. No funny stuff, or I'll do the job."
What happen to " negotiable American currency" ?
There have also been miscellaneous claims DBC specified he wanted $20 bills, and on the balance of information, I very much doubt he did.
I think your suggestion of starting our own database is the way to go. Go back to the beginning using first principals and lay it down as it really happened, or at least as it can be best verified. I'd suggest a new thread for the exercise to keep it lean and clean.
I forget things about the case all the time, and have to go searching for the answers. I'm trying to set everything up here so it can be a "one stop shop" for Cooper. making everything easily accessible to all. The DZ has a lot of good stuff on it, but it's hard to file through all of the crap. I'm an old school type of guy, but not with this forum. we have a lot better technology to use here. I'm trying to take advantage of everything. sometimes I screw the forum up (not knowing what i'm doing) and the forum goes down
but, I get right back on the horse and keep trotting.
I'm all ears on how to go about doing this. I just thought of it, so it's not something I had planned. let's see what others have to say, and go from that point.