Cooper Behavioral:
Dec 5, 2007, 3:25 PM
Post #678 of 1694 (1696 views)
Registered: Sep 7, 2007
When Tina brought the money to Cooper, Cooper started talking excitedly about it (Flo's assessment about him being child like). He talked about how heavy it was and had Flo hold the bag so she could feel the weight. Tina then joked with Cooper about it being a lot of money and could she have some. Cooper reached into the bag and gave her a bundle of money. Tina then said to him she was just joking and that she could not accept gratuities and handed the bundle back to Cooper.
Childlike? Detached? Breaking up the tension of the moment? Solves technical problems. Selects people and avoids potential problems based on their personality types and their usefulness to his overall goals. Starts with a timeline and instructions. Controls people with threat of a bomb, sets the stage for his personal control, then gives up direct physical control by disappearing into the lavatory, but issues instructions through the lav door! Keeps control by keeping the youngest stew very close to him personally, insisting she sit with him and his bomb and being his voice of communication. He rejects the older stews very quickly and gets them off the plane at the first real opportunity. Controls the passengers through ambivalence and feigned ignorance. Ignores Mitchel's overt curiosity. Demonstrates lose control of people coming on and off the plane! Patiently waits out the fueling fiasco then finally raises hell about it. ("Get the show on the road!") .................
Never said: negotiable American currency. Didn't even specify denominations of money to manage the weight and load to parachute with. Knew he was going to leave before Portland. Said they were not going to go to Cuba. "We are going to a place you would like" [may mean: I am going to leave the plane asap and give you back your lives and futures as soon as I can? Just cooperate and this will be over as soon as I can manage it.]