And.. my DZ area is actually only about 10 miles N of the original jump zone, but I said go south from there and probability diminishes. So, you'd run into the original drop zone.
I seem to recall you originally had a time of 20:08 and 15 miles north of the original jump location?
we have a 15 mile gap, or 5 minutes between the last transmission and the report of the oscillation. if you calculate 3 miles per minute, what's that tell you? the only way to change these times vs distance is speed.
How do you arrive at 10 minutes?
Those timestamps via transmissions do not express those actual event times or plane location. They represent the end of the transmission. Everyone overstates the meaning of the timestamp. It doesn't represent event time, it represents end of transmission.
I originally said 20:06/07 only to reference the point on the "assumed" map, I see that was confusing because I never used time and doesn't represent actual time but just ta point on the map. I was only trying to indicate a geographical map reference not a time reference. So ignore the time and look at the geographical point it represents on the map...
So, accounting for drift, timestamp process/communication error to actual start of oscillations, I asked where COULD the plane be at 20:08 leaving Seattle to determine if my analysis fits within
your time analysis. It looks real close... but I don't know.. Definitely N of Merwin.
I pointed to a zone about 15 miles N of Merwin and said WORK SOUTH, everyone seems to forget that..
The original map went N of Merwin approx 10 miles from my target LZ but I said work south form there so you run into the most northern end of original LZ.
Essentially, all I said was start about 10 miles N the
original LZ and work South, the further South the lower the probability as that means more time passed as DBC waited to leave the opened Airstairs.