How about the Bismuth? Is that used in dentistry? I think the totality of the metal particles and the curled rotary cut forms observed on some, point more towards a machine shop than a dentist's office. Bismuth is used as a cutting lube for hardened metals.
I still wonder if the metals could have been on Norman's rigs which were stored in his machine shop. The tie might have picked them up when DBC examined the rigs on board. Wish Tom could test the museum rig and see if particles on it correlate with the tie particles.
When I think of those curled machine particles on the tie, I think of the lav sink each time. What are the odds they were picked up while he was in the lav? If we washed his hands and in rush quickly dried them on the tie, is that plausible? Just asking. One has to, when the lav was titanium. Were the lav component piping aluminum welded to the titanium sink?
yup, the 727 is another possible source for at least some of those particles, the 727 potable water tank under the floor near the lav/hijacker seat is CPTi as are some tubes/vents and there is SS.
The CPTi had a piece of SS mechanical mashed into it, that could be from a joint between CPTi part and SS.
The 727 would be a particle rich environment.
And in the rear of plane, didn't he likely come in contact with these machine spirals, maybe when trying to get stairs down and or pulling a lever etc. Maybe brushing against wall in area passengers don't go, etc. I guess the real question is, those spiral or mashed combined particles that Kaye speaks of...would those exact types present in the structural area of the plane...
I think Tom felt these particles come from an active particle rich environment vs a passive arbitrary contact environment. The difference matters. It's partly the particles themselves but its also the combination of the particles as a cluster. The idea is some environment produced that cluster in multiple exposures in the same place. That rules out the airplane and a single trip to the lavatory which was a regularly cleaned environment. The idea of those particles spread across the tie coming from the water in the lav is absurd! Wiped his hands on the tie? No urine or urinary products found! 
The tie was found near his seat, so he wasn't wearing it during his Airstairs exit.
Mostly false, I have had discussions with Tom, initially he thought the tie was only 1-2 years old at time of the hijacking, I gave him my info that puts it at 5-6 years old. You conflate things, some particles suggest the had tie long term exposures others not (CPTi). NOBODY suggests they came from the lav water, your strawman. SOME particles could have come from the plane. Maintenance activity would create a particle rich environment, the tie could have been placed down or even dropped on the floor near his seat or in the lav and picked up some particles, clearly not all the particles. The CPTi potable water tank had valves, sensors and SS tubing attached, any maintenance work could leave particles where the tie could come into contact.
Look buddy! I never said anything about particles coming from lav water - you did! Its your straw man not mine! You are the one bringing lab fixtures, lav repairs, and lav water into this. I only work here! So dont try your Blevins' shit with me!
In fact since you have talked to and now cite Kaye, why you take the role of Kaye's spoken here from this point on.

Of course you did, you wrote..
"The idea of those particles spread across the tie coming from the water in the lav is absurd!"
I never claimed it came from the water, that is nuts.. you seem to have a knack for misrepresenting others views then ridiculing it aka strawman..
If some of the particles came from the plane they would have come from construction or maintenance activity debris not through the water.
I did not bring up the lav except in response to you and others who have brought it up - period.
The lav was whose idea? Not mine.
The source for water from the faucet in the Law was (cymbals!) diclemeg May 05, 2017, 12:07:15 PM. who said: When I think of those curled machine particles on the tie, I think of the lav sink each time. What are the odds they were picked up while he was in the lav?
If he washed his hands and in rush quickly dried them on the tie, is that plausible? Just asking. One has to, when the lav was titanium. Were the lav component piping aluminum welded to the titanium sink? to which you replied immediately:
FLYJACK May 05, 2017, 03:32:03 PM » " yup, the 727 is another possible source for at least some of those particles, the 727 potable water tank under the floor near the lav/hijacker seat is CPTi as are some tubes/vents and there is SS. The CPTi had a piece of SS mechanical mashed into it, that could be from a joint between CPTi part and SS. The 727 would be a particle rich environment."
So technically you did not bring up water in the lav, the other guy did, you just seemed to agree with him by identifying the water tank and plumbing parts ... which of course are connected to the water thingie, where the other guy says Cooper washed his hands and dried his hands on his tie like any good Hillbilly would...
I have enjoyed this incredibly myopic piece of boilerplate! Thank you!