Feds on the Beach
I gather that Robert 99 and Georger are launching a quest to identify all the FBI agents working the money recovery at T-Bar in February 1980. Here is my contribution:
1. Dorwin Schroeder, PIO
2. Ralph Himmelsbach, lead agent for the recovery
3. Mike McPheters, field agent
I have spoken to each agent on multiple occasions, and my reports on what they've told me are published in multiple places, such as this Forum, the DZ, my book, and the Mountain News-WA.
I'm sure there are more FBI agents to identify that worked the dig, but I don't know their names or identities. Nor would I know exactly how to determine them, other than to send Dorwin a screen shot and ask for his assistance. Since Georger has also stated that he has spoken with Dorwin at length on this subject, I'm not sure why he or R99 is asking me this - other than to challenge me for unknown reasons. Besides not knowing their agenda, I have also sought to understand the larger context of their questions. Nevertheless, I feel complete with the information that Dorwin has shared with me so far.
I suspect that this line of inquiry from R99 and Georger is just a game at this point to discredit me or convince the world that I'm a lazy, incompetent journalist, or a fraud.
What I can say is that I've interviewed the above three agents, plus Richard and Al Fazio, Brian Ingram and Citizen Sleuth team, including Tom Kaye, Abracadabra, Alan Stone, Jerry Thomas, Geoffrey Gray, and Larry Carr. In addition I have discussed the T-Bar find at length with Galen Cook, and I've also spoken, briefly, with Richard Tosaw shortly before his death in 2009. Further, I have spoken with numerous fishermen and boaters along the strand at T-Bar. As indicated above, I have spoken with the noted T-Bar expert, Robert99, for at least two minutes, and our conversation was held on the beach last August during the TC shoot, which I was able to appear in after walking eight miles along Lower River Road from downtown Vancouver after spending the night sleeping under a tree by Frenchman's Bar. So I don't feel I have been re-miss in any regard on this subject.
Have I missed anyone that can give me a keener perspective on the money find? If so, please let me know.