Looking at the Colbert site, they claim the "Dan Cooper" writing on the flight ticket "has similarities" "indicating written by the same person" as the writing on the Vancouver letter..
I thought the name on the ticket wasn't written by the hijacker, but by the ticket agent, anybody know?
If it wasn't, why would they make the claim, if it was I can compare to my suspect..
and if my suspect matches the ticket then the Vancouver letter is a match - according to their hand writing expert. How ironic.
I thought the name on the ticket wasn't written by the hijacker, but by the ticket agent, anybody know?
That's correct. Ticket agent filled out & wrote the name' not cooper.
That is what I thought,
I asked them for clarification, Colbert responded to his credit.
well of course! one church nullifies another church nullifies a third, then St Peter steps in to correct St Paul, then time passes, world goes to hell, and we all wind up living on Mars with a brand new church of the .... anointed.
it wont be long now - !
Cooper, Carr, and Colbert all long forgotten.
This case sucks..
The irony is I checked my suspect's hand "printing" and it is an near perfect match to the plane ticket, BUT I completely discounted it convinced that the ticket agent filled it out.
I still believe that on balance but several hand writing experts claimed the name on the ticket matches the Vancouver letter. My suspect would have gone to Vancouver BC after the hijacking,,
So, either the ticket agent is the hijacker or hand writing analysis is a load of hooey..
Evidence supports ticket agent but is there any PROOF.. of course not, there was no hijacking
There is absolutely no proof, or even a suggestion, that the NWA ticket agent was Cooper. After his shift ended, the ticket agent went shopping at a Portland mall and was in contact with the FBI later that evening. The ticket agent didn't know anything about the hijacking until he heard about it in the media or the FBI told him about it. And the ticket agent didn't board the airliner in the first place.
Also, in the 1970 time frame, the ticket agents routinely filled out the entire ticket. I spent quite a bit of time flying the airlines in that time frame and I NEVER filled out a ticket for myself or saw anyone else do that for themselves. The agents always completed the entire ticket.
I know the ticket agent wasn't the hijacker, I was using the logic to make a point.
The Colbert experts claim that the Vancouver letter matches the "Dan Cooper" written on the plane ticket, if it was in fact written by the ticket agent then the Vancouver letter was also.. huh, what
So, there are a few options.
The ticket agent filled out the entire ticket and wrote the Vancouver letter (hijacker). SILLY
The ticket agent filled out the entire ticket and field of hand writing analysis is hooey. MAYBE
The hijacker filled out his name on the ticket and wrote the Vancouver letter. SLIM CHANCE
The hijacker filled out his name on the ticket and didn't write the Vancouver letter and hand writing analysis is hooey. HMMMM
I do believe it is far far more likely that the ticket agent filled out the entire ticket, but there is still a small possibility that the hijacker wrote the name. Like almost everything in this case there is no PROOF... I haven't seen any proof, who wrote the name on the ticket.
That ticket is a contract is it not signed somewhere?? Colbert claimed it was signed by the hijacker, could that signature be elsewhere? not the printed name?