I have been looking at ties and clips from the mid sixties and noticed that the Cooper tie clip is unusually high on the tie. All images of clips that I found were worn about one third up from bottom, Cooper's tie clip is closer to one third from the top.
So, maybe there was an occupational reason? or personal preference but it is unique to use the clip that high....
Any ideas, I haven't worn ties for while but never put a clip that high.. people today wear them higher but not common in 1960's
The tie clip is probably in the wrong place. That picture is from the History Channel special, so some lackey probably placed the clip wherever he thought it should go for the cameras. Tom Kaye would know for sure, since he talks about how there are imprints from the gator clasp. Pictures of it on his website show the clip lower than the picture you're referencing. You are not allowed to view links.
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They are the same location, the angle of the tie makes it look a little different, History Channel never touched the tie, FBI did. The vid shows the back of tie as well and confirms the "high" location. It is definitely above the half way mark.
The tie Clip is still very high, it left an impression in the tie as it was left clipped on. That is the correct location, I have examined many pics. The apparent visual difference is the changes in the angle of the tie in the photograph.
The clip position may be nothing but personal preference. Is it based on something? People working around machinery generally used to tuck their ties inside their shorts? And some military dress codes require that.
True, it may be personal preference, occupational or even a regional norm.. after checking hundreds of images of ties and tie clips in the mid/late sixties, everyone wore the clip much lower.. A high tie clip in the sixties is unique.
If it is personal preference then they would likely always wear the clip high.. Ex.. I have a POI in a much later pic wearing a high clip.
If it is occupational, are there any occupations that may require a high clip. Bus driver, gas jockey, security guard, Boeing worker etc..
Maybe it is a regional or class thing?
It may mean nothing, but it might click with somebody..